Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 188 Meeting Old Acquaintances Again

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"I'll go too, Ye Chen will take me."

The Dugu Goose got out of the quilt and immediately hugged Ye Chen's arm and tongued out and smiled: "I ran back secretly. Xuedi and Sister Erlong are all cultivating in the forest. We have to go back quickly, hoping for sister We must never encounter that Slaughter Douluo."

After speaking, Dugu Goose quickly put on his clothes, and after saying goodbye to Shui Bing'er with Ye Chen, he quickly left Tiandou City.

Before leaving, Ye Chen went to the imperial courtyard, gave the sleeping Bai Xiuxiu to Shui Bing'er to take care of her, and casually taught her some human world rules and habits.

After that, Ye Chen and the two quickly flew to the Star Dou Forest, and the Dugu Goose kept pointing the direction in his arms to determine the position of Xue Di and other women.

Their speed is so fast that within an hour, they have already arrived at the center of the Star Dou Great Forest, but they have not yet stepped into the most central area, and they exploded from the dense forest in the distance. It came from time to time, and there was a trace of familiar spirit power in it.

Without thinking about it, Ye Chen directly turned around and quickly flew towards the direction from the aftermath.

The towering dense forest is full of fallen trees everywhere, so that a rare large area of ​​stump grassland is formed in the forest.

On the grass, a line of six martial souls holding hammers stood in line, facing a talented silver-haired girl.

Only at this moment, the six figures were a little embarrassed, and their bodies were covered with scars from the horror drawn by the spears, and the blood was flowing, and the bones appeared.

At this time, one of Six Douluo said: "Di Tian, ​​the strongest soul beast in this forest, was injured by us? This girl, where is the strong, is she also a soul beast?"

The man standing next to him answered, "Of course it is the soul beast, otherwise, how could she attack us? Do you think she will be a strong man in the Heaven Dou Empire? If it is true, then we can't take it. Multiple cities."

"Well don't say it, no matter who this silver-haired girl is, she is not an object we can fight for." The blue-clothed teenager headed by looked at the girl who had met several times, frowned, and then whispered softly: "I always It feels like the other party is like a master, giving me an illusion of divine slander. Combining its combat power, even if it is not, it is almost the same.

Hearing that, the five great Douluo behind it suddenly looked vigilant, and the gods were so powerful. They had all felt it from that law enforcer. Now there is another person who has similar combat power to the gods. , I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with.

Thinking of this, one of the thin old men sneaked out a piece of precious jade, and then crushed it to pieces.

"Are you all right, Naer."

Ye Chen didn't hide. After seeing this scene, he flew to the silver-haired girl with a lone geese, and immediately cared.

"I'm fine, but if your brother doesn't leave, I will let him die."

Gu Yuena held Ye Chen's big hand, and her beautiful eyes stared coldly at the six big Douluo in front of her. These days, the outer circle of the Star Dou Great Forest was frequently harassed, and now she wanted to invade the core area, which was simply unforgivable.

Di Tian is no longer there, and other hundreds of thousands of year-old soul beasts also have difficulty in blocking the intrusion of humans. Without absolute strength, these bad humans will not be afraid, so today she decided to take action by herself.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Squeezing Gu Yuena's weak and boneless hand, Ye Chen turned his eyes to look at the person headed by Liu Douluo, and said in surprise: "It really is you, Xiao San, long time no see!"

"Long time no see, I didn't expect to meet you here too."

Lan Yi Tang San looked at Ye Chen with a complicated expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It's normal to meet me in Star Dou, because this is my wife's home, and the soul beasts are all my friends, so please leave and never disturb the peace here. The Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire It doesn't need to be affected by this."

Ye Chen said patiently, he didn't know how Tang San recovered his cultivation base, and he grew up to Title Douluo in only three years.

The progress was so fast, Ye Chen could guess only one reason, and that was the Asura God who had long heard of it and came from the lower realm.

I'm afraid that only the gods can have this ability, and Tang San's title is Slaughter Douluo, in this way, he must have received the inheritance of the god of Shura, so he can.

"Ye Chen, do you think we want to do this? But the spirit beast in the Star Dou Great Forest treats all the strong people of Tian Dou too well, and the 100,000-year-old spirit beast spirit ring that is hard to see is even more frequent. How can I not deal with the strong men who have appeared on the mainstay of Heaven Dou."

Tang San’s head was the Dao, but Ye Chen couldn’t help but sneered when he heard it, “The soul beast has a good relationship with the human beings of the Heaven Dou Empire, what to do with you? You shouldn't be here."


Tang San wanted to say something, but Ye Chen raised his hand and interrupted: "Nothing but, I don't care if you restore your cultivation level, but here my wife has the final say, she doesn't welcome you, then go away. Otherwise, I dare not make sure that she will do anything." Lazy Listening to Books

"Huh, Ye Chen's children are crazy, you are in collusion with the soul beast, are you trying to subvert our human status? This is a big taboo, not a big deal, you..."

A thin old man spoke insultingly, but before he finished speaking, a huge applause resounded in the forest.

Immediately, a clear and cold voice uttered from Gu Yuena's mouth: "You are only allowed to leave Star Dou for one minute, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy." After saying this, a strong breath burst from her body, almost instantly The Six Great Douluo not far away shivered, even Tang San gritted his teeth, his face pale.

However, at this moment, a pressure that did not belong to Gu Yuena's aura came from high above, and after confronting it, two silver-red aura barriers were formed in the air to confront each other.

Immediately, a plain-looking man in white slowly descended in front of Tang San, and immediately stared at Gu Yuena with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Master, who is that girl?"

After the pressure on his body disappeared, Tang San asked about the man with a thick murderous aura all over his body. Although the opponent was a normal person, he was his master and heir to the gods, the law enforcement god Shura from the God Realm!

"Girl? That girl is not easy, she is famous in the gods..."

When God Shura was about to tell Gu Yuena's true identity, his gaze suddenly turned to Ye Chen next to Gu Yuena, and the figure floating in the air swayed slightly, and then he slowly moved back at a speed visible to the naked eye. Flew away slowly.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Tang San, who found something wrong, asked, but God Shura didn't answer him.

In an instant, there was a phantom like a sea of ​​blood on the plain-looking man's body, and immediately after his breath surged, his figure returned to its original position.

However, at this moment, Ye Chen and Gu Yuena looked at each other and smiled, two strong auras pressed into the air to form a black and silver dragon visible to the naked eye, and roared fiercely towards the embarrassing God of Shura.

Suddenly, many trees tens of meters away from each other moved wildly without wind, and while the black silver dragon swiftly swept, it also rushed to suppress the breath of the god Shura, and swallowed it in one mouthful.


When the breath was broken, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of the god Shura's mouth. At this moment, he saw the black silver dragon swallowing, and he raised his hand and lifted the god of Shura to suppress it.

But at this time, between Ye Chen and Gu Yuena's palms, the three divine powers of Dragon God, Sword God, and Fallen Angel God rushed out of their bodies, and burst into the body of the black silver dragon. Out of the power of shaking the world.

Gu Yuena exploded with the full strength of the first-level pinnacle god, and then merged Ye Chen's two peerless divine powers that are not like Title Douluo, and then the black silver dragon directly bit the arm of the god Shura, and immediately took a bite. The raised right arm was bitten off.


For a moment, God Shura screamed in pain, and immediately the blood shed blood from his broken arm, but even though he was injured, the aura on the surface of God Shura was indeed getting stronger and stronger. The overflowing divine power contacted the air, causing the surrounding space to continue to shatter and collapse, and the broken arm re-grown in a few minutes, it was terrifying.

Tang San and the thin elders of Haotianzong saw this scene and quickly flashed aside. They had never seen this scene, but they all knew that God Shura was going to get angry.

"Hmph, you are not my opponent yet."

Gu Yuena snorted coldly. After she was wounded, she had recovered to her pinnacle level of slander strength. Even if she faced the law enforcement god Shura, she was not afraid.

However, at this moment, a big hand pressed her shoulder, and immediately I saw Ye Chen's mouth chuckle and said: "Naer, rest, I will be able to slander this god." After that, the Twelve Black Wings suddenly spread out. , The Seven-Star Demon Abyss Sword appeared in its body, slowly flying.

After the companion twin spirits erupted, Ye Chen's breath actually surpassed the level of Limit Douluo in an instant. Soon after the seven black stars of the Demon Abyss Sword shone, it also exudes the strong aura of God Shura with straight eyebrows.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s body is no longer soul power, but the sword power and the fallen angel’s power. The two ancient powers flow harmoniously, and Ye Chen’s body exudes a divine light that is no less powerful than the Shura God. .

"How is this possible, you are only a 93rd-level Title Douluo, why did you explode with such supernatural power."

God Shura had recognized that the boy in front of him was the Ye Chen he was looking for, because those two legendary martial arts represented everything.

However, the strength displayed by the other party seemed a little beyond expectation. Facing this mortal, he dignifiedly asurad the first-level god, and actually felt threatening and oppressive.

Could it be that this is the monster that must not appear in the legend of the gods?Moreover, there are still two taboo martial arts in one. If he is to cultivate into a god, the gods will probably encounter another catastrophe.

Moreover, the other party is also having an affair with the Dragon God clone, and his behavior is intimate. If the two people are allowed to fly to the upper realm and unite together, who can be the enemy in the god realm?Even if he cooperated with the other four gods again, I was afraid that they would hang up again.

Thinking of this, God Shura's eyes suddenly flashed a little inaudible killing intent. He had decided to get rid of Ye Chen, even if he violated Tang San's agreement not to kill Ye Chen, he would not hesitate to do so. Are you still waiting for the opponent to ascend and dominate the gods?

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