Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 190 What About God

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!But even so, Ye Chen still has nine spirit abilities, and when assigned, there can be as many as two for one clone.

At the moment, Ye Chen's main body only leaves behind the illusory fox pupil and Ditian’s sacrifice of the soul abilities of the "Dragon" and the soul abilities of the "Armorization" obtained by the sacrifice of the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea. The poisonous fog, space jump, etc., are all distributed to other clones.

But although the skills are limited, Ye Chen's dual martial arts spirit power is not hindered, and under both blessings, even the clone can display a powerful force that surpasses ordinary gods.

Soon, the five of the two sides fought from low altitude in the forest to high above the clouds, and the four Ye Chen swung the Demon Abyss sword together. The exquisite sword demon god sword technique directly flew the long sword in the hands of God Shura, and even the four swords were tricky. After the angle was pierced, God Asura was also forced to dodge regardless of other embarrassment.

However, when it comes to swordsmanship, Ye Chen has reached the level of slander, and every sword he slashed out of the ancient sword demon is inevitable.

God Shura also learned the truth while trying to dodge, but soon he came up with a solution.

I saw that between the shocks of his body's divine power, the Asura domain suddenly appeared high in the sky, and at the same time, the majestic desire to kill suddenly caused the four Ye Chen's hands to twist the Demon Abyss, and it was immediately pierced into the air.

After that, the Shura God Realm was fully open, and he wanted to use the Absolute Realm to completely suppress Ye Chen.

However, in the face of that monstrous killing and suppression, there were countless Shura divine powers that could make people mad, but Ye Chen didn't seem to panic at all.

I saw the sword domain of the gods burst out of his body instantly, and he immediately resisted the suppression of the god of Shura. Then, the domain of fallen angels and the domain of demons appeared in abundance. The superposition of the three powerful domains also countered the god of Shura. .

In a short moment, the rough face of God Shura began to age rapidly, from a young man to a middle-aged uncle, and his divine power aura also dropped drastically by at least 30%. The flaws that can be repaired made the fallen angel realm. The power of resistance is not so exaggerated, but even so, the god of Shura at this moment is also suppressed by Ye Chen.

No matter in terms of swordsmanship or domain, the god of Shura did not take advantage. At the moment, after he could not help but recall the divine sword, he said angrily: "Mortal, you angered me. Today, this seat will show you what Is the true god."

As he said, under the skin of his body, streams of light continued to circulate, crazily condensing the divine power, and the Shura divine sword in his hand also exudes the divine light of Shura that is difficult for ordinary people to directly look at.

The clouds on the horizon were blood red, and the forests on the soles of the feet trembled and cracked crazily at the same moment. Immediately behind the god of Shura, a huge red figure suddenly appeared, as large as hundreds of meters, floating in the air like the sky.

After the giant red shadow appeared, the aura of God Shura also changed rapidly at this moment, and the surrounding sky was distorted and collapsed to an extent, and blood-colored lightning appeared all around him without warning, with great momentum.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the god of Shura holding up his sword and shouting: "Magic skill: Shura is towering!"

As soon as the sound came out, the giant shadow behind it was also making a sound of rolling thunder, and immediately saw the giant red shadow suddenly raise his hand and quickly pointed towards Ye Chen.

While the giant shadow moved sideways, in the bloody sky clouds, a huge finger like Optimus Prime broke through the clouds and landed quickly towards Ye Chen, as if to crush it.

The huge giant finger rubbed against the air, immediately ignited countless flames, and pierced the sky directly above the sky, forming a huge transparent fold and concave wave marks like a giant net, which was extremely terrifying.

Before it came, Ye Chen felt a breath of energy that locked him firmly, and just as he flew over, his body in the domain felt a raw tearing pain.

"Is this the magical skill of the god king level, it is really strong. But unfortunately, I also have the magical skill."

After that, Ye Chen stared directly at the towering giant finger, and when he stepped on his feet, the air was stepped on to appear transparent folds and waves.Soaring Chinese

Then I saw the other three copies of Ye Chen merge into the body, and the Seven-Star Demon Abyss sword in his hand also burst out with deep black light in the sky. Soon after the sword body, the Seven Stars rapidly rotated in the groove, the majestic power could not help but be on the tip of the sword. Instantly condensed black and red light clusters.

Although it was only the size of a basketball, the mighty breath it carried, but when it just emerged, the towering giant finger that galloped into the sky was constantly shaking and twisting, and it was obviously suppressed by some powerful force.

"Desperate God!"

Ye Chen yelled, and the two-color light group on the tip of the sword suddenly merged and burst open, carrying a cobweb-like crack, and slammed into the towering giant finger.

As soon as the two magical skills came into contact, there was a sudden tremor above the sky, and the space of the blossoming white clouds was more like the tide of the sea, constantly distorting extremely huge transparent ripples.

Immediately after hearing a loud bang, the towering giant finger that stood high in the sky exploded in an instant, and the black and red light group suddenly exploded into the air with a huge sword mark with a diameter of more than three hundred meters.

Instead, he rushed directly into the giant finger, just like a ruin, and in a short time, he chopped that Shura's towering finger into a sky full of red light, and scattered red light, making the twisted and shaking sky like a rain of blood.

"You are very strong. In the lower realm, maybe five people can defeat it, but unfortunately, what you met today is a god!"

As he said, the red shadow behind the god Shura raised his hand again, and immediately saw him say in a loud voice: "Divine skill, Shura Xumi's palm!"

After saying that, within the sky clouds, a huge bloody palm violently descended, and immediately saw the red shadow behind the god Shura moving, and above the sky, there were second, third, fourth, and fourth. The Five and Sixth Dao and many other giant palms fell above the sky, and the sky was so dense that the vast forest and sky were all over it, which was extremely amazing.

"Is this the power of God?"

Looking at the countless bloody giant palms that quickly crashed into the sky, Tang San couldn't help but marvel in his heart. At the same time, he worried about Ye Chen: "Can he still hold it?"

As he said, the elders beside him were even more horrified.

The powerful energy carried by each giant palm could not be resisted by their ordinary Title Douluo, even their first Ultimate Douluo Sect Master Tang Chen could not resist it.

The battle above the sky has completely surpassed the scope of mortals, and one move is enough to destroy the strong existence of the mainland.

"Haha, gods? Mortals? Old thief Shura, don't you think too much of yourself, too much of your so-called god."

Facing such an offensive, instead of being afraid, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing, and immediately saw two groups of black and red light clusters on the tip of his sword. They merged instantly, truly extremely powerful. The breath of horror is constantly emerging from within.

"You can't understand if you don't become a god, believe me, mortals can't compare with gods."

God Shura spoke with disdain, but as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the tip of the Seven-Star Demon Abyss sword held high in Ye Chen's hand. In the cluster of red and black light that merged together, it spewed out with a diameter of more than three hundred meters. Of giant sword marks.

In response, God Shura couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "That's it? How to block my Shura beard fills the sky, mortals are..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard that Ye Chen shouted out loudly: "God of Desperate Slash!" After that, the terrifying light group above the tip of the Demon Abyss sword in his hand suddenly burst out countless divine lights, and immediately one after another. The twisted sword shadow frantically jittered...

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