Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 21 Sign in Bibi Dong

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Soto City, on the battlefield.

Flender dragged his exhausted body and mobilized his soul power to attack his opponent with difficulty.

In the last duel, he was relieved. He owed Ye Chen 70,000 gold soul coins for several months, but fortunately, he was finally about to pay off his debts.


With full force of the seventh spirit ability, the opponent on the stage couldn't hold on to fainting to the ground.

After the referee announced that Flanders had won, he also lay on the ground with relief and smiled helplessly. These days he was too tired to pay off his debts. Now he just wants to go home and have a good night's sleep.

Stretching his body, Flender took the bonus and walked towards Shrek Academy. Along the way, he met people who would never meet in ordinary days. They were all in the same direction as Flender, they were all heading towards Shrek. The path of the college is much more lively than before.

"Wait, aren't these people from the surrounding villages? It seems that their way home is not this way."

Seeing more and more people around him, a hint of ominous omen suddenly appeared in Flender's heart. He didn't care about being tired at the moment, spreading his spirit wings and flew towards Shrek quickly.

Not yet approaching, I saw a whole thick smoke floating above the college, as if it was on fire.

"Isn't something really going on?"

Flander speeded up, and finally reached the sky above the college a few minutes later.

But soon, his face became more and more ugly, and the buildings in Shrek were destroyed and burned everywhere. It seemed that he had experienced a great battle.

On the grass square, three men in Wuhun Temple robes surrounded everyone in the academy, while Zao Wou-ki, Li Yusong and other teachers would block in front of the students and stand against them.

Flander fell beside Zao Wou-ki, with a sullen expression: "Everyone in the Spirit Hall, why did you trespass into my Shrek Academy for no reason? If you don't give a reasonable answer today, I will report it tomorrow. The Star Dou Empire comes to preside over justice."

"Dean, this group of people are not good at coming. They wanted to kidnap Ye Chen after they entered the male dormitory of the college. If Dai Mubai hadn't found it early, I'm afraid Ye Chen would have been hurt!"

Zao Wou-ki whispered in his voice, and he put out his guesses one by one.

At this moment, after the bald man headed by Wuhun Hall took off his wide hat, he pointed to Ye Chen and said: "We only need him, and you can escape this person by surrendering this person. Otherwise, Shrek Academy will not Re-exist."

With that, the bald man's spirit power surged out from his body, and his majestic spirit power made people recognize that this was a level 80 or above Contra, and the spirit power of the two behind him was also very strange. Only strong, not weak.

Seeing this scene, Flender screamed in surprise, "Three Contras, how could they find this kid?"

Looking back at Ye Chen, who was looking plain, many questions arose in Flender's heart. Then, he tentatively replied: "You know that this kid's master is the senior of the Ning family who uses the sword, even if it is your martial artist If the Soul Palace wants to be messy, you have to weigh it."

Upon hearing this, the bald-headed man took out a delicate token and said coldly: "His Majesty the Pope has ordered, regardless of his background, this son has to come with us today."


There was a trace of prudence on Flender's face. The order of the Pope of the Spirit Hall was not something he could stop the soul sage. In front of the three Spirit Douluos, even if he fought his life, it was useless.

"The dean, don't bother, just let me go with them."

Ye Chen broke away from Zao Wou-ki's big hand and walked out, facing the spirit hall 3 people: "Let's go."

The Su Yuntao incident finally fermented. Ye Chen knew that he couldn't hide it today. After hiding for so many years, his Fallen Angel Martial Spirit could not escape the pursuit of Martial Spirit Palace after all.520 novel

"Brother Ye Chen!" "Ye Chen!"

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing wanted to run over to protect Ye Chen, but they were firmly grasped by Flanders and the others. Everyone knew that the impulse at this time was meaningless, and the real action was just to die.

"Don't worry about Rongrong and Zhuqing. The pope just invited me to have tea. We will meet again soon."

With a wave of his hand, Ye Chen's voice was heard before the person was picked up by the three Contras and disappeared in Shrek Academy.

"Brother Ye Chen..." "Ye Chen!"

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were full of tears. They hated that they were not strong enough to protect their sweetheart. If time could be turned back, they vowed to use all the available time to cultivate and make themselves strong enough.

Even if they knew that even so, they couldn't stop today's scene, but Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing still thought this way in their hearts.

"Don't be depressed. Ye Chen can't be saved with our strength right now. As long as you work harder to cultivate, it is possible to shake the big tree of Spirit Hall."

Tang San is very sensible, he is very aware of the power of the Spirit Hall, and at the same time knows that depression and decadence are useless.

I have to say that his words made Shrek and the others clear most of them, and they practiced hard, just to rescue Ye Chen in the future or... to avenge him.


Wuhun Hall headquarters, inside the Pope Hall!

In the empty and splendid lobby, Ye Chengu was standing in the center with three Soul Douluos, his whole body was tied up with special iron chains, and there was no soul power left in his body.

In front of Ye Chen, there was an unusually tall and magnificent throne. The whole body was made of gold and crystals of various colors. The overall feeling was very western.

On the throne stood a woman, not tall, in a luxurious black robe with gold patterns, wearing a nine-curved purple gold crown, and holding a scepter about two meters long with countless precious stones.

The fair skin and the almost perfect face make her look so different.

Especially the kind of invisible nobleness and sacredness that reveals on the body, it is even more tempting to worship.

When Ye Chen really saw the woman in front of her, she realized that the woman in front of her was so stunningly beautiful, noble, elegant, and tranquil. It seemed that all kinds of beautiful words could be used on this woman.

Although she is no longer young, the traces of the years do not seem to leave a trace on her body.

Just as Ye Chen guessed that the other party had caught him and didn't kill the target immediately, the voice of the system suddenly echoed in his mind.

[Sign in the goddess task released, target: Bibi Dong, task content: pat the target's buttocks or touch the head to kill the task is completed.

"Damn, don't you know the tiger's ass can't be touched by the system? You are asking me to die."

As for touching the head?I'm afraid that I will be beaten to dust by the scepter in the woman's hand before my hand is stretched out.

He swallowed nervously. Although he knew that the mission was too risky, Ye Chen felt that it was better than the fate of others.

What if he completes the sign-in task?Even if the woman in front of her was cruel, she wouldn't hurt him, and she would even obey herself.

As soon as he thought that this incomparably perfect woman would fall in love with herself, Ye Chen's heart beats quickly involuntarily, and a kind of excitement and complicated emotions spontaneously emerged in her heart.

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