Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 606 Life Winner is Ye Chen

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"Big Brother, don't!"

"Big brother, don't, you will die in the mantasy world!"

I watched the king's imperial industries, I was unable to enter the legendary world of hell, and I still hesitated Tian Run and others, and they all shouted.

They all know the horror of illusion, and they will always sink it, they will never stay in that illusion, until the end of life.

The benefits of the huge hell level illusion trial, I don't want to think, there will be many risks, in order to cultivate the speed of thousands of miles, becomes strong, really worth it?

"Ye Chen predecessors, please rescue the old boss, he is just a time, if you don't have you, he will die, he is your big uncle, the predecessor must never be a blind!"

Unsettled knives quickly flew to Ye Chen, arched, and even did not hesitate to be on the ground, just want to ask Ye Chen to let Wang Quan hegemony, don't die in white because of impulse.

But unfortunately, in the face of his request, Ye Chen did not have a half-way movement, just put a hand.

"That is the choice of Hegemony, we shouldn't be because of his own self-private emotions, and you can try his life. People have lives, whether it is my big nephew, or everyone or one of you, once made any option, You must bear everything yourself! "

"Seniors, the boss is just a paste .........."

Tian Runxing also ran over and wanted to go to Ye Chen's big gift. Ye Mor did heaven his hand: "Don't have to say, I still have to deal with it, Ye Mou is not always for everyone to protect God. Choose yourself. "

Said, Ye Chen's figure disappeared over the top of Beishan, followed by the wonderful fairy accommodation of his spiritual strength, moved.

Just one of him, Tian Run and unsettled monarchs, etc., they have seen the mantramid world of hell and worry.

Footsteps is light, it seems to look for their boss, but the bottom of the heart, but let them not dare to go.

At this time, the body has been a lot of strong stone width, and she flew to a few people from the Jumite Square, and immediately referred to that the world of prison.

"You are the pride of the Daolong people. Wang Pigle is even more than my strong, why do you show this sad expression. I believe that he can do it."

Shi Kuan, it seems to be comforted, but Tian Run and others have heard it, but the consciousness is busy.

"No, Ye Chen's predecessors tried to trial, there is no simple thinking at all, and I have a sinking, and I have tried it. And the highest realm of the refining is far more than far. These, which are complex, only after you have passed, will be memorable. "

Tian Run and others said, and they also swallowed the swallowing water, and the rotation, and they walked to the simplest illusion world, and they accepted the trial of the heart.

And they are so confident, but also to see the demon monster, can't help but laugh.

"What is the Tianjiao, it turns out that a group of buffer eggs, one is bold and hit."

Many monsters are laughing, very indulging.

Although the two families have experienced the joint operation of Black Fox, there is already a gentle place of peace, but since the ancient opposition situation, it is not in this time, it can be completely forgotten, or some demon habitual sarcasm .

And the people of the Daolong is also an angry, but they have to admit that the masters such as Tianxitar are all in the nation's Tianjiao, but also in a short cultivation time. And the talents are stronger.

But why did they choose the easiest illusion trial, and they still go in.

At this time, there are people in the Dao Union, I don't know how to refute the demon of the demon, and they don't dare to make other choices. After all, the consequences of not entering, Tianxing and others have already said that it is obvious.

"All the mouth, give this king honest."

Suddenly, the stone wide stood in the high altitude shouted, and all the monsters above Beishan Square were quiet.

After all, at this moment, it is the fastest progress of the former Red League, the fastest progress, the most powerful, and the most optimistic stone width king.

After the scene of the town, Shi Guan also bowed to the Dao Union, and the princess can teach him. In the future, it is necessary to be expensive, and the red owner is also more mention.

After the demon person is quiet, Shi Kuan is also deeply glanced at the three round mirrors, and the rotation of the foot will be lifted, and it is in the middle of the difficulties, and goes in.

"Oh, the demon king is mighty!"

In the eyes of the boldness of the stone, the monsters are somewhat uncomfortable, and each excited is the stone wide and shout.

Just their cheers, let the intensive Taoists, can't help but say.

"Isn't it a difficult illusion trial? There is a big deal, we have entered the hell level, and these illusion is also created by the king of our people, hey."

At this point, the monster of the monster shouted his voice, and suddenly stopped.

But soon, there is a demon look. "What is the king of the people, Ye Chen, the fiance of our two Alliance, is a demon, you don't have a thick face."

"And, if Ye Chen is the fiance of our unshand sister? So, is he the people of our Daily?"

Daomonious two-yield personnel, both parties to hold the words, the argument, and the situation that is uncomfortable.

However, in the crowd of people, when they were more close, when they were more close to the morning, they were not suitable, and they were concerned about the singular voice, suddenly clear and bright.

"So the problem old, Ye Chen people, there are several unmarried bodies? I heard that the girls of the moon and the Shuiling family, and the gods of the Ye Chen, even the Lord of the Lord of Shenhuo Two young ladies are all ......... "

At this time, I just had a noisy square, and I suddenly stopped, and I immediately showed a deep thought.

As if it is thinking, with Ye Chen's girls with Guayu, it is a demon demon family, or the Daolong family is more.

However, after thinking, all the faces of all people have a little unnatural, because they recall what the legend of Ye Chen's hearing is suddenly found, and women who want to wait around Ye Chen seem to have a lot. Even, each is like a goddess of a flower like a fairy.

After thinking of this, the vast majority of the monks of the demon, also realized the focus, the wife and wife became group, and enjoyed the fun of Tianxian.

But they have lived idiots, but they are all thinking. I can't try hard to cultivate and become stronger, and I will learn from Ye Chen.

When you think of this, you are not laughing, the face is unnatural, and you will also flush towards the mantasy world.

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