Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 612 Qi Tian Dasheng?

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After asked, Ye Chen's entire human body, instantly emerged, and the gorgeous flames of the sea were all over the circumstances of the week.

At the same time, the skin is within the skin, it is more flowing out of a new moment of silver, and the whole body is in an instant, and the crazy skyrockets has been strong enough to prepare for the preparation.

At this moment, he is like a rural ancient beast of the body. The golden light is overflowing between the circumstances, full of empty dark space, and then igniting the sky and beautiful fireworks.

And the reason why Ye Chen is so cautious, it is the sudden sound, let him feel the threat of threats, just like it, if he does not prepare for the war, it is very inadvertent, it is very likely to be The master is defeated.

This is an experience that Ye Chen has never had experienced, but also not to release his strength, and the whole god is obsessed with all parties.

"Who are I? Hahaha, your kid broke into my territory, and who I also asked Ben Dasheng? Laugh, really funny."

That slightly vicissitudes, but the shocking voice came again, Ye Chen heard, the eyebrows of the crumpled, a pair of vigilant eyes were especially cautious.

I don't see someone, even if I look at the source of the sound, Ye Chen is also unable to capture the owner of the sound.

Without choice, Ye Chen immediately collected the power of the threat, and immediately gave his hand to the sources of sound.

"My surname Ye Chen Chen, I misunderstood it wrong, I also hope that my predecessors don't want to see it. If you bother, I am leaving."

Said, Ye Chen turned and wanted to take the love of this space and left the bitter tree.

But he has not been able to act, very fast, the voice will pass again. "Hahahaha, I want to go, I will go, do you do this? Give me!"

In the first moment, Ye Chen's whole person is in the name of the speech, and it is not possible to move, and the feelings of the shares are infinite, but it is even more uncomfortable.

"Well? Not bad, your boy's flesh is to practice, it will be strong than the ordinary Tianbing Tian, ​​you have to be strong. Say, you are in the world, or say, you are Tiantian or dog Buddhist? "

What Tianbing will, heaven, Buddhism, what is this?

I heard the sound of the voice, and I was controlled in the Ye Chen's mind, and I suddenly became chaotic.

But soon, he looked again to a word: this big holy.

Therefore, after connecting all the information from the sound, Ye Chen is also an amazing answer.

Thinking of these,

"Big St., is it a senior, Qi Tian Dasheng in the Westward Journey?"

After the mouth said this, Ye Chen's heart refuted himself in his heart.

At this moment, he is in the middle of the bitter trees, the world of the fox demon, which is reasonable, even if it is this bitter tree, it is impossible to let him go directly to the world directly.

However, the gods, heavens, Buddhism, the mouth, the mouth, the mouth, the meaning of the mouth, and I have to let him want to enter.

Just when Ye Chen is like a numb, the darkness of the endless horizon, a head of the purple wings, the shadow of the shammat, the foot, the faint, the foot, the faint body shadow, full of yellow hair, Suddenly appearing in front of it.

I only saw the other party's footsteps, and the whole person has come to the outside of Ye Chen.

"Oh? Do you know the old grandchild?"

At this time, this person is uniform, and Ye Chen suddenly shocked, but more, it is very curious.

"You, is it really Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong?"

I couldn't help but once again asked, but the opponent's ambition is also a rare to show a smile, and I am highly stunned. It is full of hair.

"All don't know how many years ago, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

Although the mouth is not worth mentioning, Ye Chen is sharp found that Sun Wukong took a slightly vicissitudes of vicissitudes, but it was full of memories, and then as if I thought of it, I turned on a small broken step. I don't stop watching Ye Chen.

"Human kid, I ask you, what year in Datang? The god of the Buddha is still in charge of the three borders? Oh, many years have passed, there is a lacked big demon in the world But it is really unexpected, the endless years have passed, the name of this Dasheng, but some people can remember, hahaha. "

Sun Wukong mouth constantly, like inquiries, as if it is emotion.

The Ye Chen in the channel, but a confused look at Sun Wukong, whispering.

"Big St., how can you ask me? According to the reason, after you get off from the five-way mountains, don't follow the Tang San Tibet all the way to the truth, the achievements fight the Buddha? Even if the endless years have passed, Sheng's repair, not still bombing a wave, three people are all sentient, there is an incident you don't know? Big holy ........ "

Ye Chen said, I suddenly found a sense of grievance, suddenly rushing from Sun Wukong's eyes.

I only smell its eyebrows, I am dead, and I am dead and staring at Ye Chen Han.

"What dog is going to Xi, Cheng Buddha, what is your boy talking? What is it? The old grandson is thinking to go to the martial arts, with this to eliminate the tightening spell, but the dog Buddha is black, set off On the Lingshan Temple, set the many Buddhas, the Three Bodhisattva and the 18th Ran, Qi Li will hit the old world outside the three years, and will not be super life forever! "

"The old grandson is cultivated, and it has nothing to say, but if you go to the dog, I'm going to win the Buddha, it is really ignorant."

Sun Wuhan suddenly violently violent, and immediately showed a vitious shadow of the two-headed golden hoist. When I was instant, I pointed to the Ye Chen.

In an instant, a huge wind, accompanied by the golden hoop suddenly dancing, and Hua Ye, all have been blowing long and hang, and the footsteps will have a few steps.

"Say, which the god Buddha is sent to the dog, deliberately, if you can't say something, you will always leave the old grandson."

Sun Wukong was flying, and the breath is also a bloody violent violent, and it is very horrified.

But let's think about it, this Sun Wukong said, let Ye Chen understand everything, he is very likely to be in the west, two monkeys distinguish Sun Wukong.

And so that it seems to be dead on the Hall of the Hall of the Hall, it is not a six-ear macahy.

Also, why is Sun Wukong, will appear in the world of the Lemon, a small red woman?

However, in detail, the whole fox demon world, proud three, and the various spells of the people in the intersections, it seems to have a world with the Westward Journey, and there are many contacts that cannot be found out .......

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