Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 617 617 Leaves, arriving in the Westward Journey

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"Walk, now?"

Ye Chen had a little hesitated Sun Wukong, and then shouted again and looked at the world of ferry.

Originally, he wanted to rescue Sun Wukong, and then get along with his wife for a while, at least, you have to solve the reddish thing in the mountains, and then leave the next world.

And it has been here, and Ye Chen only hits the ancient moona. Other tourists in the fox world, the ancient laxes and the rattan, and they have come to say hello to them.

So, it seems that it is only true that Sun Wukong will shuttle, in order to stop the world's ablation.

Otherwise, the whole world will be unable to destroy because of his peace of life because of his peace of mind.

It's too much to think too much. Ye Chen took a deep point, and I will revenue the system space again.

Then, he raised his hand to play a cluster as a bright day burning, the words he didn't say to Quita, ancient laxer and Ya Ya and other women, stayed inside.

Immediately, Ye Chen was in someone to look at the world of Eye, and looked at the Landscape of Tab.

"System, travel time and space, we went to the West"! "

[, Automatic practice system shuttle "If the host must designate the world, you need a lot of energy damage, and everything is exhausted, you need the host yourself!

[System reminder: Do you have a designated world shuttle?

"Start, it is not the energy, this emperor is much. Moreover, I went to the Westward World in the gods. I have been repaired in the end of this, I am afraid that it is not big."

[, The host designates the world to determine, destination: Journey to the West!

The system does not include any emotional ice sounds in Ye Chen's brain, a bright enough to fall into a blind-white light column in a short time, and suddenly endless high-altitude cage.

In the next second, the body of Ye Chen's entire person disappeared in the sky.

After the Ye Chen left Sun Wukong, the huge golden group that was unlocked by the world's ablation, and suddenly had a loud noise.

Then, between the heavens and the earth of the Fox demon world, a naked eye-catching Tiandao Hub, it turned out, quickly trampling the golden energy of those four-discharged, returned to the position that was originally belonging to them.

Obviously, the Fox demon world has already formed his own rules, as long as the source of the world's source of origin, there is no longer appearing here.

Then the vast world of fox demon, the world, will also be used as an independent space world and continue to develop themselves.

It is just that such a mighty world collapsed, and there is anything of the fox demon world, all from the shocked panic, slowly recovering quiet normal state.

But the world is the restoration of the class, but tens of thousands of meters above the sky, a cluster is enough to cause all the soul of the entire fox world, but it is like another sun, and the awkward hanging is high Above.

So strange Mingmine's scene, once a time, it also caused countless people, demon spokes, and even, the large-scale entanglement went to explore.

In the world, the four of the four demon countries and the country of the people, they also sent a lot of power, rushed to the direction of Tangshan.

And the ancient and ancient lacuna and other women who are playing in all corners of the world, even the Shuxue Yang, the Siqi, the snake, the snake, etc., is also looking like the beautiful flame of the day, deeply feeling that I suddenly suddenly violent It is also very likely to be related to his own man.

At the moment, above the world's land, a breathless Qian Ying shadow, suddenly made a galloped stream, and rushed to the same destination.

Even, the Shanshan, which is sleeping, is also pre-homed, and the closing beauty suddenly opened, and immediately, it is also a fear of the fear of the shares.

Immediately, Ya Ya was also rapidly flew from his own boudoir window, greeted, soon to find the mystery of the big demon countries, as well as Ye Chen ....

................................................ ..............................

Journey to the world!

A white light column is now in a green onion, and then the next second, Ye Chen's figure is also in an instant to be in the forest flower.

Just falling, Ye Chennous has smells the sweetness of the shares, and it is already soaked in the flying ocean, and the whole body can't help it.

The automatic cultivation system is quickly running quickly, and the shares are strong to pure pound, which is not exhausted. The speed rush into Ye Chen's body, with the singular biography, the five dirty, crazy swimming Transform.

Such amazing aura, Huo Ye can't help but just go to a new world, and then take a slowly absorbing it slowly.

This kind of pound aura, once absorbed, and then let Ye Chen have a kind vesicle self-contained, suddenly open and comfortable, the burning makes people call it very, I don't want to stop.

I don't know how long the past, Ye Chen is still practicing, and there is a large number of energy extracted by the system in the body, which is also completely compensated back in such a short time.

Even, the emperor in the body, there is still a feeling of filling, even between Ye Chen, is also a realm of going to the Demon, and there is loose.

After you feel this, Ye Chen was very uncomfortable to open his eyes and stretched away from the grass.

"It's amazing, just in this unsurprising, the degree of filling is so horrified. If this person is living here, it is very difficult to repair it."

Ye Chen sisted a little smile, and then laughed: "This is the world of the Westward Journey, it is a god Buddha demon all over the world, the mortal farewell is not as brutal world!"

After lamenting, Ye Chen also thought that although it was easy to practice in the Westward Tourism, the strong enemy that was about to achieve is also enough to reach his extent, everything needs to be cautious.

I touched the Pakistan, Ye Chen waved, and the soul of Sun Wukong hidden in the system space was also revealed.

But very fast, I have just appeared in Sun Wukong, I haven't had time to watch the three boundaries of his familiar, just take the horses and shouted the Ye Chen's sleeves.

"Fast, let me go back. If you can't hide, you will go, otherwise you will die."

Looking at the nervous Sun Wukong, Ye Chen knows that the other party is not afraid of being discovered, but cares about his life and death.

However, how can I do not prepare for Ye Chen, who is going to come to the Westward World.

At the moment, the Ye Chen's hand will play a colorful light group, playing in Sun Wukong, completely covering him, next second is like invisible disappearance.

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