Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 620 Sun Wukong: You are my friends

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When the mouth is speech, Sun Wukong's flight speed has not fallen, and it has been coming to Ye Chen.

But after it didn't fly, I just had a full face, and I was slightly proud of Sun Wukong, but the smile on my face was abrupt.

Then, the side of the head is also constantly moving, and the eyes are slight, and I can't wait to see the mountains next to the ground.

"Well, we are going to the place!"

Just as Sun Wukong smashed the surrounded scenery, the Ye Chen stunned suddenly stopped on a towering hill, no longer travel.

The Sun Wukong, which is also stocked, is also a slight shaking, full of the beautiful landscape reflection.

"Here, is it Huacheng Mountain? old grandson, come back!"

Sun Wukong's voice is slightly excited, but it has a little vicissitudes.

I don't know how many years, I will embark on the flower mountains, the land of the hometown, who is inevitably, and it is inevitable to touch the scene.

Even if it is in the next day, Sun Wukong, now returns to Huacheng Mountain, and I can't help but have a bit shining.

He is really really, I haven't gone home for a long time.

After finding that the floor of the foot is the foundation of Huacheng, the sun, Sun Wukong, and a little forgotten by the big brother.

If the virtual body is in the floating space, I want to fly towards his housewater curtain. Go and see how many years respectively, I miss the monkey monkey and grandchildren.

Although, it is likely that your monkey monkey and grandchild have not met him, but in any case, Sun Wukong wants to go home to see.

Just, when it is about to fly out of the hill, a big hand suddenly slammed him, and then Ye Chen's voice was also coming.

"Sun Dasheng, no need to go back, our worship is not completed."

I heard the words, Sun Wuki suddenly told her inner could not calm mood, looking back, looking at Ye Chen smiled.

"Yeah, I've been back, some of the time is, we are still worship, and the old grandchildren, you are a younger brother."

At this time, Ye Chen is laughing at the head, and then laughs.

"The younger brother didn't have the younger brother, Dacheng, you and see the stone behind me, I believe that you will understand after you have seen it, who is big brother!"

"Ah? Ye brother, you don't have a joke with the old grandson, our age gap is here, what is it? Isn't it a stone? What is good?"

Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, and immediately walked over Ye Chen and saw the stone in his mouth.

Just this, Sun Wuki is stunned when it is stiff, and immediately, the illusory soul body, a big heartbeat, suddenly sounded.

Subsequently, Sun Kui returned to God, but also continually wiped his eyes, to prevent anything wrong, and stared at the stone behind Ye Chen.

In this way, after a few minutes, Sun Wukong was flying back, and it was incredible to watch Ye Chen said.

"This ... is this? Why, will it be here?"

Wen said, Ye Chen is also a happy laughter.

"When I did this, I also had some uncertain believe, we actually returned to all the time of origin. But now I have witnessed it, I think, maybe, all of this is destined, brothers you can Revitalize. "

"But this, how is it possible? The old grandson is here, who will be in this stone, who?"

Sun Wukong also said that he did not dare to confidence, and he said, it also tried.

However, from the Ye Chen in the 21st Century, Ye Chen, why can he have two Sun Wukong, he can also explain.

After all, in the era of the world, this kind of world-separated world due to time point, and there is a world of different time points, it can be understood.

"You are Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong, can you still? Can not be lost, hurry in the rebirth."

Ye Chen referred to the stone, did not explain too much, after all, the world's theory, some explanation is unclear in a short time, Sun Wukong also understands.

However, in the face of Ye Chen, Sun Wukong also slowly went to the next day, and then the soul body of the impeusive, wanted to fusion toward the inside of the stone.

This is a new reincarnation opportunity, not only a new flesh, representing a new beginning.

As long as the fusion is born, it will come to the world. For this world, Sun Wukong is still the monkey that is all planned to plan to western countdown.

But for the new Sun Wukong, he has experienced all kinds of Qi Tian Dasheng, which has been mature, and it is completely in the same day!

Just in Ye Chen's eyes, Sun Wukong, which is about to be completely integrated into the , has suddenly produced a separation, and then the next second, only the Sun Wukong, who is left, will return to the stone.

See this scene, Ye Chen can't help and ask: "What's wrong with the big holy? You shouldn't be, don't want to recognize this big brother, and give up this chance to live again."

Ye Chen said that Sun Wukong is also a smile, and then I only see it toward Ye Chen is an architecture: "Big Brother, from now on, the old grandson is your younger brother. , You are my brother! "

Said, Sun Wukong's tone is another change, look back deeply looks at the .

"But this time, the old grandson think, still count."

I heard this words, Ye Chen suddenly frowned, very unsubstably.

And Sun Wukong also said his own explanation.

"Although, as long as I blend into the Tianshi, I can rebirth, but I do it, the other is not born, I am not born, I am giving out the old grandson, I will give it the way, let me with those despicable gods What is different? "

"But even if you don't do this, this is not born in the gods, it will be step by step, and it is killed by those Buddha bodhisattva."

Ye Chen reminded, although he also felt that another one of his own life was somewhat improper, but there was no way to face the crisis that he had to face later.

After all, there is no pity, the hypocrisy, the Buddha, can not give another feelings for another Sun Wukong, after all, will not be a chess piece of Xi Xi conspiracy, and sacrifice?

And according to this time, Sun Wukong, as a residual soul, wants to restore the full revolution and is very difficult, I don't know how to spend more.

and. Even if the strength recovers, what is it, but it is not bad.

If you think of these Ye Chen, it will inevitably take a long time with Sun Wukong, but it seems that it has already decided, it is refused to fusion.

See this stalemate, some unhaneous Ye Chen, the mind suddenly appeared in a wonderful idea.

Then, I immediately took Sun Wukong, I walked to the Tiantian Stone and laughed: "Sun's brother, and listen to me!"

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