Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 623 Plan to start, big king

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Sun Wukong angered the emotions, it was gentle, and then he also looked at Ye Chen, and asked.

"The brother next, what should I do? Although the old grandson has been born, he listens to the big brother, the whole Western taking passers is a complete conspiracy, as a 'chess, how is we?"

Sun Wukong said, the eyes are also gradually revealing the look of dignified, and the brief edition "Journey to the West" is gripped by him.

The pair of chess pieces can be said to be very pleasing. Whether it is Sun Wukong or Tang San Tibet pig eight rings and others, it is a tool for Shenfo two disputes.

The road to Xiking is not a non-Sun Wukong, but everything has to be made by the head, so the character is just a violent, and there is no one, and there is no one, it will become the best candidate of the people of the West.

Ye Chen thought here, can not help but stunned, his mouth hooked: "We are not the best time to resist, so the road to Xi Xi is fearing that it is necessary to go. After all, whether God is a Buddha, I hope that this Xiking will go smoothly. So, why don't our brothers come to me? Go to Westerly to him! "

Listening to this words, Sun Wuki is a little indiscriminated, and the face is also said to show the resistant look.

"Xi Xi takes the scripture, the big brother, you are not wrong, you don't want to keep the stinky and still that Luo, all the way to the ghosts, let the Buddha succeeded, see the jokes of the big saint. If you still think, It is not a rear of the past, what is the difference. "

Sun Wukong's refused words, the eyes were full, and it was very opposed.

However, his opposition, but he saw that Ye Chen was launched, and then he immediately explained, why should we wear a reason to take the scrubber.

After Sun Wuki listened to Ye Chen's explanation, his face was also revealing the look of the understanding, and he muttered: "It turns out!"

I heard the words, Ye Chen didn't help but laughed: "It is this, brothers, you don't want to think, those who have blocked your road in Xiking Road, is it a backbone we need? Is it a monsters? They would rather be suppressed by the heavens and the Buddhies in the heavens and the Buddhies in the world. "

"This is, but those demon kings on the Xiking Road, it is not enough to look at the Buddhas, it is not enough to look at it. The role is really minimal, it is better than the old grandson's boutique hair, and the avatar Thousands of enemies. "

Although Sun Wukong understood Ye Chen's intention, it could be, but it was still a little light on those demon kings.

After all, he is going to face, but the strongest force of the whole three worlds is, it is not easy to deal with the demon king of three schools.

"I know your concerns, but do things are people not?"

Ye Chen is still confident, it seems that there is no hard strength gap at all.

It is also the words of Ye Chen, but Sun Wukong has heard some clouds in the clouds. After all, things are a ghost.

Because it can practice the level of demon king, for normal monsters, it is very difficult, it is impossible to make a lot of power again in a short time, and it is not used.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong also swayed his head for a while. He couldn't think of it.

Just he didn't expect that Ye Chen, but he was suddenly to his ear, and said a few words.

I heard the Sun Wukong, the confused eyes, suddenly broke out an amazing ray, and the angle of the mouth was also a long-lost smile.

"Hahaha, Ye Chen, this law is very wonderful, you are really my big brother."

After a while, Sun Wukong took out the dense grass under the mountain, and immediately jumped, and it was also in the scenery of the beautiful scenery, Wanshuo, and continued to shuttle.

Ye Chen saw this, but also laughed, but did not catch up, but she was once in the trees of the trees in the flowers of Sun Wukong, jumping toward the flower mountain monkey group.

"The first step in subverting the Buddha program,"

Looking at the departure, Ye Chen jumped into a word, then sat quietly, and consolidated the repair of just recovered.

Have to say, the whole of the Westward Journey, the degree of aura is really exaggerated, even if it is the flowers of the people, the degree of aura is so prosperous.

If it is in the fairy world, I don't know how powerful aura, arching myself.

The time of cultivation is always forgetting time and space. Ye Chen doesn't know how long it takes to sit on the ground, just feel that the realm after the Emperor, only one step away, a familiar atmosphere, has fallen in his Next to it.

"Big brother, the king of the monkey, the old grandson has been on the class, next, should continue to plan it next step. Waiting for the next step, our brothers, I don't know when to get together again."

Sun Wukong's voice sounded, Ye Chen listened, and slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

"Reassured, as long as the brothers act in accordance with the plan, how long, we will not be able to gather again, to the time ......."

Thinking of the next step in the future, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly came out of a movie.

Sun Wukong stood aside, heard here, it is also a point, and then look forward to look forward to the look, a few want to get out of his eyes.

He has been a little can't wait, but it is necessary to go to the future, but it also knows that it is planned to be implemented in one step to achieve the final purpose.

Ye Chen was lazy to stretch, and then took out a set of human robe clothes from the quite to Sun Wukong, and visited the distant smile: "We will start."

When I heard this, Sun Wukong did not hesitate. After the clothes were immediately taken, he took the lead in the long high grass.

Ye Chen did not slowly flying, did not succumb to me, after a first pass, after passing through the cliff flow curtain, enter the cave, water curtain hole of Sun Wukong.

When the two have just come in, there are many ordinary monkeys who are joyful, and they are also a fresh fruit, and the food is biting.

The natural resources of the entire flower mountains, which can be enriched, even if the monkey group is full of monkeys, but also feels no waste.

"The king, the king, you are back."

"The king, be careful, how many individuals have yours."

In the huge water curtain cave, a group of monkeys saw Sun Wukong, and suddenly smiled around, just after seeing Ye Chen, the minced monkeys raised all kinds of fruit in their hands, and I wanted to throw it.

"Stop, this person is my brother, from now on, everyone is going to be a person. Also, this king is not letting you exercise? What, even the grandson, you don't listen ? "

Sun Wukong blocked in time, but when Sun Wuki said that Ye Chen was a big brother, all monkeys, they also screamed, and they looked very unfull.

But very fast, not only who, hiding in the monkey group, suddenly called a road: "The big brother of the king is not a big king!"

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