Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 63 The Bet of'Do Anything'

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On the first night when he came to the Northwest Intermediate Court, Ye Chen slept fairly well in the middle of the night, but the night was not clear, and the sound of a knock on the door suddenly awakened him from his dream.

Putting on the mask and robe, Ye Chen opened the door, and saw that the 7-member team of the second team was surrounded by his door, looking at him timidly.

"Tell me the reason for waking me up, otherwise you can keep your other leg well."

A trace of anger flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, and he didn't like being disturbed while sleeping.

"Team... Captain I'm sorry, we didn't mean to wake you up." Zhang Ming showed embarrassment, dragged his injured leg to Ye Chen and continued, "I'm afraid we can't stay in the middle courtyard anymore."


As soon as Ye Chen said it, an arrogant shout suddenly came from outside the middle courtyard: "Have you cleaned up? It's a long time, can you move faster?"

Hearing this, Zhang Ming's face suddenly became hard to look, and then turned around and returned: "Wait, it's all right, our captain is already awake."

"What shit captain? You dare to delay everyone's time. You have been expelled from school. Get out."

After the words fell, a group of men in white clothes with gold came in. The head of the man was the first genius of the Tiandou Royal Academy: Yu Tianheng.

Seeing a group of people breaking into the middle courtyard, Zhang Ming suddenly smiled bitterly.During the day they were still besieging Ye Chen for the dean, but they didn't expect to be swept out the next day. It was ironic.

"Expulsion from school?"

Ye Chen frowned, and then quickly realized that the eight of them were no longer the Royal Second Team, but the Qianxue Team, which belonged only to Qian Renxue's private property, and did not associate with the Royal Academy at all, but he did not expect Xue Xing. The prince moved so fast that he came to chase people before it was light.

The reason why Ye Chen asked the team to belong only to Qian Renxue was also for her good. Once Qianxue fought to win the championship, or was just better than Tiandou's home team, then this honor would be turned into prestige and piled on Qian Renxue. Let the people of the empire respect her more and capture the hearts of the people.

"Hurry up, hurry up, and dare to betray the Royal Academy. When you get lucky to enter the finals, I must beat you back to your original form. But because of the trash that you can't even make the home team, I'm afraid it is what the finals are. I don't know."

A thin man walked out behind Yu Tianheng, urging Zhang Ming and others to leave.

His remarks made Zhang Ming's seven people extremely angry. If it weren't for the injuries, they would have been tempted to start.

At this moment, a red glow suddenly flickered, and a blood-colored dagger leaped in the air and headed straight towards the man.

"Ah! Captain save me."

Seeing that the dagger was as fast as lightning, it stabbed straight into the chest. When the thin man found that he was unable to resist, he was so frightened that he sat on the ground and urinated his pants. He quickly called his captain, his crotch was stained, and he didn't know if he pulled it. .

At the same time, Yu Tianheng's eyes condensed suddenly, and he shouted: "Long Hua" said that now and then quickly, he quickly turned into a thick dragon claw when his left hand protruded, directly blocking the bloody handle. In front of the dagger, a burst of red blood fell and flew horizontally, the dagger finally stopped the impact, and then Yukong disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the seven Zhang Ming couldn't help but look at Ye Chen together, and said in their hearts: The captain is too strong, and this battle strength is also top-notch in the academy across the continent. Following him, he might really be able to compete in the competition. Defeating the Royal Team, bloodbath today's shame.

"Let's go, people are not welcome, and it's boring to stay."

With a hello, Ye Chen took the lead to walk out of the Northwest Intermediate Court, and Zhang Ming and the seven people also held their heads up when they followed, watching the humiliation in Yu Tianheng and others' eyes have long disappeared, and replaced by a wave of self-rising proud.

"Captain, just forget it?"

The thin man who got up looked angry, but Yu Tianheng ignored him. He just looked at the blood leaking from Long Hua's palm and said, "The new captain of Team Qianxue, it's not easy..."

After coming out of the Royal Academy, the sky was already bright, and Zhang Ming followed Ye Chen with large bags and small bags on their backs, their faces full of excitement.

They have never raised their heads in front of the home team. Normally, training is just a "punch bag" for others to beat and bully, but now it is different. They have a powerful new captain, and this is what can change their destiny. people.

"Captain, shall we defect to the Prince Qinghe?"

Seeing Ye Chen stopped urging to stay on the spot, Zhang Ming couldn't help asking.

"You go first, I have to do something."

Ye Chen stared in front of him, and then swiftly swept towards somewhere alone.

Not long after, Ye Chen came to the iron gate of an academy. Above the gate was a two-winged flying dragon logo with a diamond-shaped blue mark, which was very special.

"Are you here to apply for admission to the hospital?"

"No, I came to your dean."

"Look for our dean? Then wait."

The college guard looked at Ye Chen friendly, and then ran towards the courtyard. Not long after, a beautiful shadow came quickly.

The visitor has long hair and shawls, dressed in tight black clothes, and his tall figure is tightly wrapped and outlined very hot. The shoulders and chest are all inlaid with silver white armor. The exposing large white flowers are magnificent and very sexy.

In front of the academy, the two looked at each other. After Liu Erlong found that Ye Chen's black robe was covering his face, he couldn't help but said: "The qualifications are good, do you want to join the Blue Bull Academy? I can accept you exceptionally and exempt from the admission exam. ."

Hearing that, Ye Chen nodded, but shook his head again and said: "Yes, but not necessary."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong suddenly showed curious eyes. He just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Chen: "Let’s make a bet. Just bet that none of the students in the Lanba Academy are. My opponent."

"Interesting, what do you want to bet on?"


"Huh?" TXT Bookstore

Hearing this, Liu Erlong was stunned, and Ye Chen explained: "You win, and everything in this ring belongs to you. If I win, you must promise me one thing."

After receiving the ring that Ye Chen had thrown away, Liu Erlong urged his mental strength to check it out, and suddenly showed shocked eyes.

There are so many rare and precious treasures in it, even all the assets of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family she knows are not enough to see in front of this ring. If you can control the huge wealth inside, then the Blue Tyrant Academy is in the Tiandou Empire Its status will directly surpass Tiandou Royal Academy and become the first academy in the Empire.

With such a big temptation, Liu Erlong's mouth was immediately dry, and then she smiled and said, "Well, as long as you can beat everyone in the Blue Bull Academy, you can do anything you want me to do."

Liu Erlong slightly stretched out his hand to ask, Ye Chen followed her to the inner college square, and then a voice rang from the entire Lanba academy: "All senior colleges are coming to Yanwu square, there is a kid who doesn't know what to do. I want to challenge you."

As soon as the voice fell, several men ran over nearby. After Liu Erlong pointed to Ye Chen, they immediately understood that Ye Chen was the one who wanted to challenge them.

"My name is Chen Liang, please advise."

Soon, a tall and strong man with a level 30 spirit power came out and said with a smile.

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn't even think about it. He summoned the disguised Demon Abyss and waved it out. The blood appeared in the air. The brawny man was hit by Demon Abyss dagger dozens of meters away without even summoning his spirit. Spit blood at the mouth.


After defeating one person, Ye Chen stood calmly in the center of the square, with blood-colored daggers flying slowly around him.

At such a scene, Liu Erlong suddenly laughed softly: "Good guy, there are two brushes, but..." As she said, she couldn't help laughing secretly, and the towering peaks and mountains were also uncertain.

"My Chief Yang is here to challenge."

Another person jumped out from the side, holding the spirit of the iron silver spear, and quickly rushed towards Ye Chen.

The speed was good, but Ye Chen was faster than him. He saw the scarlet dagger emit a faint sword sound, and then violently swept across the sky, and instantly pierced the challenger's shoulders, blood staining the boulder square.


Ye Chen's voice was not loud, but he had great oppression. Seeing another defeated, one of the dozens of senior students gathered around him stood up.

"Under Li Bi, challenge..."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Chen said, "Next!" As he said, a blood glow flashed sharply, and Li Bi was immediately pointed at his throat by the Demon Abyss dagger, and he didn't dare to move.

"I challenge..."


"My Hushang challenge..."


"My Tyrone..."




"Next" "Next" "Next"...

A series of dozens of people were defeated by Ye Chen just after they reported their name, and then the Blue Tyrant student who continued to want to challenge was hit by the Scarlet Dagger and fell to the ground without even saying his name.

At such a scene, the other students who were onlookers were stunned.

"Dust, Tyrone, they are all geniuses of our Blue Tyrant Academy, how could this be so."

"It's hard to imagine that the seniors were killed by one person. Is that man a human? Is it a devil?"

"This son is strong and terrifying."

After a few minutes passed, the huge college square was full of screaming college disciples. It wasn't until the last senior college appeared and knocked down that the Demon Abyss Dagger slowly flew back to Ye Chen.

"you lose!"

Looking at Liu Erlong who was watching the battle, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile. The disciples of the Blue Tyrant Academy were really average, and he just finished warming up like this, it's really unhappy.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of signing in to the goddess, reward Liu Erlong with 300% favorability, and choose a 100,000-year spirit ring.

The system's voice sounded at the same time, and Liu Erlong's voice came from not far away: "No, you haven't won, because you haven't beat me yet." With that, Liu Erlong summoned a huge mutation. Wu Hun: Fire Dragon, then looked straight at Ye Chen.

"Are you shameless?"

Ye Chen was a little speechless, but Liu Erlong smiled charmingly at him: "As the head of a college, how can you be fooled? Think about it carefully. Did I say that as long as you can beat everyone in the Blue Tyrant Academy, I will do anything for you."

Hearing this, Ye Chen suddenly woke up, the secret path was played with a word game.

"You..." was so angry that he couldn't speak, but Ye Chen suddenly turned angrily into a smile: "Okay, isn't it just another fight, but if I still win, I will ask the dean Take a good feel of my'firepower output', after all, you will agree to whatever I ask for."

"Boy, what are you talking about."

Seeing Ye Chen looking aggressively at her licking her lips, Liu Erlong seemed to think of something and instantly blushed. She hadn't experienced those things after she was alive, and felt a little at a loss for a while. Up.

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