Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 633 of the unfair

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Take the sky, that is not a trouble, it will make a lot of angry, and then it is the never-ending heavenly punishment, the Lei Gong's pursuit.

Of course, all of this serious consequences, most of them are most of them.

For example, Dong Yong and weaver, it is because of the big strips, so that it can be seen once a year.

But knowing that the time flow rate of Tiangong is completely different from the lower boundary. It is the so-called Tianjie to last year. Dong Yong will take a year of time to see the upper people, but the baby daughter weaner, but it is cool every day. .

But this is only limited to the daughter of Yu Emperor, like his sister three, the Virgin, has been found to be with the lower border, but it is a living in Huashan in Huashan, until the Erlang Shenxiao is formed, one ax is clever Huashan, this mother and child reunited.

Other fairy gods that do not have the relationship between the Emperor, taking the end offending, and it is even more miserable and unable to see.

Just like Sha Wujian, it was originally the roller blind of the Yu Emperor's bed. You can't break a glass of glazes. He was taken down in the junior, and it was suffering from the river every day. I can't escape, I can't walk off, and I am suffering at night.

Even after the Westerday took the scripture, just mixed an extremely ordinary gold , worse than it can't be miserable.

So, it's not every person who violates the sky, you can be so cool, bitter, and it is just the bottom person.

Like a white crane girl and this Tianjie Fairy, if it is found to violate the sky, in their identity, it is afraid of being punished, it will not be a simple order.

The heart thinks that there are many painful cases, Ye Chen can't help but call again: "You have a fairy sister sister, don't be confused, Ye really can't go to the heaven, if you really think about me, you can again It is also not too late. Even if you can't get out, take the leaves to cultivate the fairy, we can meet again. "

For the fairy in front of the fairy, Ye Chen is in the moment, there is some turning candied fruit before, I know that I know, I will act directly, and I will be so troublesome, and it will be so troublesome. Unpredictable consequences.


When I heard Ye Chen, many fairy suddenly looked back at the morning morning, and it was stunned to look at the look, muttered.

The headed white crane girl, but also shook his head, immediately flew, and he looked at Ye Chen very seriously.

"Deceptor, you can know that day on the day of the day, and our sisters have such a child's time to be idle, wait until next time, I can stole all the world, and I don't know how many years will Month. The mortal is almost 100 years old, even if you are cultivating people, before you can't become a fairy, there is only a few tartles, what opportunities can I get together again? "

Said, the white crane girl turned back and looked at the clouds of the clouds, and the Nanyou Gate appeared in the clouds and continued.

"You said that you want to cultivate into a fairy, but you can know, not every realm of the immortal fairy, you can enter the door. Tiangong Bai is averaged, even the Tianbing Tian will, After a special selection, it will never be light to see it is Er. So I want to enter the sky, some land fairy, even the poor life is not available at all. "

The white crane girl said, and the speed suddenly accelerated, and Ye Chen also felt that more than ten fairy wrapped him, turning its body shape and changing it.

In the end, Ye Chen was immersed in the size of the fairy, and he lost his eyes in front of his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Chen also did not resist. On the one hand, he did not want to harm the fairy. The fairy exposed privately to bring himself on the day. On the other hand, he did need such an opportunity to complete the sign-in goddess.

Originally, Ye Chen also planned to rely on her cultivation, Cheng Xian Shang Tian, ​​after all, his cultivation was only one step away from the land fairy.

But if you are as good as white crane girl, on the sky, in all people, only a very few people can be selected to get into the Tiangong, then Ye Chen can not guarantee that he is the very few luck.

He also didn't expect that the whole heaven has been so decadent, but it is not a strength, but the choice, anyone who is only kid?

In this situation, Ye Chen fell and thought of the eight fairy gods in the middle of the sky, and the large part of them did not be selected. Directly locked into the fairy?

Oh, what is fair, let you practice again, but it is still a duckweed that is unable to stand.

It is also no wonder that under the rule of heaven, there will be a lot of hairdresses that have a few half of the fairy.

They are not good, and they have always existed among the world.

Perhaps, in the middle of the fairy, some are like a happy life. I don't want to go to the sky. I can cultivate the way, the immortal is also a lifelong goal.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but shake the head, and the dark did not say anything, no matter where it is the same reason.

"Hey, white crane fairy, how can you come back soon, come back, it's hard to have a vacation time, why not do it, 'That' Tour, the opportunity is rare."

In the heart, the mind is active, and suddenly heard a man's speech. Then, the white crane girl crisped and listened to the sound, which was also rang.

"A thousand miles, get your Nan Tianmen, our sisters are in this way, be careful, I will tell the mother, let her cure you of my duty."

"Don't make a white crane fairy, our brothers know the wrong, you are all Wang La's mother, the identity is very distinguished, we dare to think, please come."

"Is this going in? You don't touch the mirror. It is very eye-catching."

"Ah? White crane fairy, you don't have it to be a brother, this is the mirace, you can't move, this is a rule, we can't ......."

It seems that the requirements of the white crane girl have made a few have some accepted, and that is a difficult voice heard that Ye Chen is crying.

But he knows that the mirror is in the monster, but it is only possible to prevent the monster, but also detect the trace of people, so the white crane girl will ask her to ask such a non-rule.

Just as Ye Chen wants to do things in a thousand miles, a strange male voice has never been far away.

"Hey, old brother, you can see it, it seems to be a bit dirty, or you can fly to wipe it, so you can protect this Nan Tianmen ........."

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