Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 636 is quite long.

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White Crane fairy did not dare to move, it is delayed.

Ye Chen also felt helpless, after all, in this situation, who did not have any bile biliary to Yaochi when he faced the king mother of the Tianstro.

What's more, this person is still a man, making himself self-contained.

At this moment, if the non-imperialism has the help of the system space, you can completely conceal your body's breath, I am afraid that he will be smashed by Wang Mother's mother.

"Well? Is it still coming?"

Time has passed a small party, and I have been waiting in the Yaochi Holy Water, she can't help but have once again speaking, urging the white crane fairy to serve her.

And this is the same, I haven't dare to rely on the front step for a long time, it is also scared, and I'm going to be uncontrolled, and I will go forward.

Dare to reverse the mother, saying that it is a dead word, and a man is in the sky, it is also a dead.

So since it is a sin, Baihe Fairy is in the heart of the heart, and it is also in the Queen Mother's mother, I want to understand.

It is dead, why can't she fight, in case ... If the mother can't find Ye Chen, it is not a worry.

When I touched the fine sweat on the gylum, when I fairy stepped forward, I was constantly adjusting my mentality in my heart, convince myself: Nothing, there will be fine, Wang Mother can't all know, must Will not find Ye Chen in his sleeves.

Soon, adjust his psychological white crane fairy, then come to Yaochi Tangyu, and immediately raised his hand, and fiercely took up the big sleeves.

In the moment of his sleeve, through the hot laminated Ye Chen, just saw a shameless and slender, the light, the eyes, the eyes, the eyes, I suddenly dared.

Immediately, the beautiful people's bath soup is also another fate, and it is a pity that can describe it.

Some depressed Ye Chen, lying hundreds of non-bored lying within the dark sleeves of the white crane fairy, the ear is constantly listening to the outside world, the silent water fluctuations, and the delicate and smooth sound of the jade skin.

It seems to be torture, it is quite fascinating, it is very difficult.

Although it is facing the Tianstrian Master's mother mother, it is a peer-to-peer that is still a peerless style of the sleeve, so it is not to enter Yaochi.

It's a pity that the white crane fairy seems to have the meaning of Ye Chen at all, even if it is still in service of the mother, she is still busy, holding a sleeve, not letting a shiny light into it, it is very helpless.

Ye Chen is also lying in his sleeves, with his hands, can't help but sigh: "Hey, why should he prevent so strict, even if you don't want to see it, you will not have less meat, then say, he Is the morning? Is there a good greed? His heart, just have a good thing to enjoy a good thing, so too! "

"Well ~!"

I think about it, a slight discomfort sound, suddenly sounded.

"Xiaobai crane, do you want to see this seat? That kind of power, you are doing back to me, or a pick-up. What happened to you today, why is you a heart, there is no one. "

In the Yaochu Holy Well, the white mist, the Wang Mother's mother is lying in Tangchi, looking at the white crane fairy that has been serving his own years, looking at her eyes with obvious dodge, slightly frowned.

"Sorry, I am sorry, it is the fault of Xiaoxian, and the white crane is for you to find a fairy, please ask Wang Mother for guilty!"

Baihe Fairy heard the reprimand of Wangmu, he hurried halfway, and his head apologized.

At the same time, she also wants to take this opportunity to leave the Yaochi Palace, to prevent the Ye Chen hidden in her sleeves, was found by Wang Mu.

Although she knows that this time will be in the case of this time, I have lost the position of the Wang Mother's mother, but it is more important than this, not let the men in the sleeves are discovered.

Just, let Baihe Fairy I didn't expect that serious, majestic, majestic princes in the next day, it was raised and randomly put the way after seeing her poor look.

"Forget it, you will be a little bit, and I have been serving me for so many years. This is also used to it."

Said, Wang Mother's mother will go back, and the white light is in the Yaochi, close to the eyes and wait for the continuation of the white crane fairy.

Just, in the face of the forgiveness of the Mother, the white crane fairy on the Yaochi is more and more inconsistent.

At this moment, she really doesn't need to forgive, just want to leave Yaochi as soon as possible.

However, how the white crane fairy thinks, is not important, Wang Mu let him continue, the white crane fairy can only continue.

However, at this moment, the mood has already been chaotic in a hemp fairy, and continued to pick up the white larso of the prince of the prince, the force under the hand, but it becomes more and more.

Even if the Baihe fairy knows that he can't make a mistake, it is too big or too light, but it is still unable to control two little hands that have begun to gradually tremble.

I haven't pressed the small meeting yet. Bai Crane fairy will leave Wang La's shoulders, and then close the palm to pull up the Yaochi soup, slowly dropped on the Mother.

Subsequently, I held it again, the white crane fairy has been chaotic, and they actually poured the water, as if I forgot, I was in the case.

Even, the cuffs that are tightly covering are unintentional, she didn't pay attention to it, just in the mechanical repeating watering throttle action.

And watered a long time, the soft Willou couldn't help but wrinkled again, and immediately fell. He wanted to return to the White Crane and let him leave.

A pair of palms, it is time to come to the smooth shoulders, in a moment, the shares are unpleasant, and suddenly the warm air of the heart is, it is blown to the king. In the mother's heart, it makes it fresh and comfortable.

It is also the same change, just want to make a prostitute mother, at this moment, it is also covered with a crisp, re-lying into the Yaochi soup, closed the beautiful enjoyment.

And at the same time, Wang Mother still didn't forget the slight smile: "This is why, Xiaoman crane, your technique is still quite growing ......."

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