Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 640 Self-complement is white crane

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Baihe fairy gradually shrewd, Ye Chen is also from the clothes cumshot, caught in the chest.

He knows that this moment is not the best time to win the defense of the opponent's heart.

Feelings this kind of thing, there is a relaxation, talking about such a vendor and the Ye Chen, who has so many old women, is also known to the truth.

A couple stayed together for a long time, the freshness of each other will decline, resulting in the feeling of feelings, want to leave each other's thoughts.

Only by appropriate private sects of the two sides, keep some unfamiliar and both freedom. In this way, fresh feelings will be placed in the refrigerator as they were plugged into the refrigerator.

When it is greasy again, this long-awaited new marriage and freshness will make people get a pleasant and love to each other.

But this temporary private sector and strange, not orally, the relaxation is not fake, but this degree is also a time period that is most eye-catching.

Short, no feeling.

It's growing, it is possible to cause discomfort between both sides, so it is cool.

So this relaxation is very important.

The knowledge points of these theories can also be used with the same manner, chasing the girl and the opposite of the opposite, the truth is basically the same.

But this to attack the line of defense, but it is more careful.

The attack is too much, it looks too strong, giving a girl, a feeling of breathing.

It can be too weak, will make the girl think you don't pay attention to her, don't cherish her, not so like her.

This contradictory emotion is that all the inner contradictions of all girls are like this world, the ultimate cat in this world. It is not careful, it will refresh her, causing a difficult situation.

Ye Chen looked at the white crane fairy in the spring. He also knows that the timing that he has mastered is OK, it is time to withdraw the information.

Relaxation is the most effective emotional expert.

Soon, Ye Chen's eyes returned to the color of the Qingming, and the spin was evacuated to the white crane fairy.

"Let me go out soon, Wang La's mother is still waiting for me to pinch the shoulder, squat."

At this sound, the brain is a white crane fairy in Ye Chen's extremely invaded eyeliner, and it has reacted it.

Then I saw her gently raised her little face, and immediately walked back to the Yaochi holy water, and his face was unsatisfactory.

"I have been thinking about. The guy has just seen a face with me. Is it really so easy to like him?"

"Although I am the beauty of the fairy, even in the many fairy people, it is also the color of the upper, but I will see it, even if it is in the lower bound, I have not been too fantastic."

"Also, even, even if it is possible that Ye Chen really likes me, but the sky regulations are, how can I have any entanglement with it."

"If we are in the future, we are really together, marrying for children, his Junyi is handsome, this fairy is also a beautiful skin, then our children will have a long look, perhaps it may become the first three Handsome guy, or the first beauty is said ... "

"Ah, how do I still think about these son, can't happen,"

"Sky ordered, any fairy god is not allowed to marry and be married and entangled in a lifetime. That is a big sin of the kill, but the seven fairy and Dong Yong, can they meet one day?"

"Yeah, although I can wait for a year, it is possible to wait a year, but this fairy is in territory, it should also be with seven fairy, you can see Ye Chen every day ... .. "

"No, can't, this is too cruel to Ye Chen."

"But seems to be the same, after all, Ye Chen is also a cultivator, and repaired the same year. The time of the same year, it may be too long to Dong Yonglai, can be paid to Ye Chen, it is also blinking, no big deal "

I have a thin fairy who gradually be gradually active, and the beauty looked quietly in the busy Ye Chen who was helping her to serve Wang Mother. On the side of the mind, I didn't think so, fantasy is not so practical, but it is likely two people. .

Just thinking about a long time, Baihe fairy suddenly found that he missed the most serious problem, and the most important thing, her is crucial with the future of Ye Chen.

That is, she is white crane fairy, but it is a fairy in the fairy.

Even if it is in the Yaochi Palace, people who serve themselves are the princes of the Jade Emperor.

But the mother is a maiden, she is her, she is still the fairy who has no reliable, it is impossible to get the gracefulness of the seven fairy.

Ye Chen, more is only a dust repair, even if he is promoted into the fairy nation, but you want to see the heavy duty in heaven, it is also a chance.

Thinking of these, Baihe fairy could not help but Yugui, secret: "What can we have two can be together?"

Gradually, thoroughly want to clearly know the changing white crane fairy, the whole person caught a deep desperation, an unfortunate feeling, which is also unable to get it.

Since the smashing in the lower boundary, Baihe Fairy has been in the heart, eager to become a fairy.

She did this, has been very hard, even if it is a heaven, she has never dropped it, I want to climb all the time.

The first dance on the peach feast, if she jumped, maybe it can be rewarded to a peach, and she helped her from the fairy position, and got a god.

This is also very eager, driving the first dance in the peach feast.

But now, in front of Ye Chen, Baihe Fairy has first tried to cultivate immortals, and the growth is a problem.

One, so distorted, what is it?

After thousands of years, she has been desperately cultivated, what is it?

Instead, in order to fly rose into immortals, Baihe fairy will give up the love, and everything else any interference, and the immortal is not other.

After even the Tiantian, I didn't have one effort in the heart before I didn't encounter Ye Chen, and I have only one effort to climb the beginning of the fairy peak.

It can be done so much for this, it seems that it will give up even the most basic feelings.

But the consequences of doing this, what is it used in the end? Also or said, how far is it, how far is it?

Instead, it has been cultivated, but it is a ruthless coldness, not only does not honor their parents to give him a parent next to himself, but help the teacher's father.

Even the group of fairy that I know in the sky, I have a close relationship with myself, she is only when they are friends, without departure.

Everything, let Bai Crane fairy feel at this moment, it seems to become a unhealthy practitioner, no existence.

This is alive, even if you make a big god fairy, what is the meaning!

Looking at Ye Chen, who is trying to work hard, the corner of the mouth of the white crane fairy, the end of the smile, from the heart .......

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