Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 644 will meet again, I promise!

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Ye Chen's angered, the anger of the white crane fairy is also the scenery.

"The Marshal God has this statement, and the little fairy just came out from the Yaochi Palace, and he was aware of you.

Yuan Shuai is really good, since it is so compromising, the Baihe Xiaoxian will ask the Marshal God to stay, I will return to Yaochi Palace, in front of the Marshal Marshal in front of the mother.

How do you say, you can't waste your marshal, you are not. "

Faced with the gap between the different characters, the rationality of the White Crane Fairy is also an instant to return to the original state.

It is easy to talk to the rhythm of the rhythm of the words, but can not hurt the opponent's face.

So calm, it is only instantly, Ye Chen understood that this little fairy used to suffer a lot of malignant incidents, and they were seriously wronged, and they practiced this unique skills.

Looking at the white crane fairy, Ye Chen felt that if the other party didn't touch him, maybe it will be good in this field.

Nowadays, now, the most unable to provoke the mother of the mother, and do not know the future, this beautiful white crane fairy will follow him, what kind of appearance is suffered.

Suddenly, Ye Chen remembered the sign-in goddess mission released by the system. At this moment, he wanted to give up.

In this world, I haven't had a powerful world, Ye Chen's heart is very unbearable, after all, myself, it is a weak amazing.

"Oh, white crane fairy, you said, is this master of the kind of people? Going to Wang mother, it is still, but fairy, there is a saying, I don't know if it is still unspeakable."

"If there is anything, it is That is, it is really boring. "

"You ... Hey, you are a white crane fairy, it is really ate gunpowder, this Marshal does not say a head office, you love it, but if you really violate a certain day, then please don't regret it. I didn't let the Ben Shuai finished today. "

There was a breath of angry, followed by a smashing, and immediately became quiet.

There is no long before the Tiantian underground, and there is a waste of walking house.

Ye Chen is always bright, and the figure has returned to the original laugh, from the sleepers of the white crane fairy.

Just stood, waved the sleeves, and the ear was coming. "You, nothing."

Listening to this words, Ye Chen's face habitually exposed smile, then shake his head.

"What is the problem I can, I'm fairy you, it seems to be tired by Ye.

But fortunately, now we will finally have a Yaochi Palace. Today, this, I hope, the white crane fairy can go to the Universiade, don't touch Ye. "

If Ye Chen turned and wanted to go to the garden gate of the messy fragrant grass, and the heart was ready. After the strength has enough capital, he will finally come back to meet with the white crane.

Now, don't implicate the other party.

A Wang mother mother has already made it troublesome, but if his Ye Chen is unrelated, the fairy is also dangerous, don't worry.

"and many more!"

Ye Chen has not taken two steps, and there is a slightly angry voice.

Then, the figure of the white crane fairy, the fierce blocked the Ye Chen, and the eyes of the eyes were looked at him, whispered.

"You, is it that I am just a fairy, just a fairy god can't afford it? The size is low, can't match you.

You, is it to feel the beauty of the Mother's mother, just lose interest in this fairy, but also praise the beauty to the city, which is a victory of Wanxian, can you just get out now, you have to leave this fairy?

You, before, all the words I said, is it, lie to me? Is it for yourself? "

White Crane Fairy orally, the bead, facing Ye Chen is a touch of the pen, the grievances of the midst of the beautiful, can't help but feel bad.

However, Ye Chen has not come yet, and there is no chance to express.

White Crane fairy turned and turned, and with the slight shaking silence against Ye Chen, the body slightly slightly slightly said.

"You let's go, go back to your lower world, just when we have never met.

What is a dance in the peach banquet, what I want to stay with this fairy, so don't say anyone in the future, ok? Just do it, this fairy is the last transaction between you.

I will go, you, be a kind person. "

A sound, a word, let Ye Chen listened, and the heart is very not a taste.

Go, he must go, but if he is so unhappy, he is impossible to say it.

Looking at the fierce, the weak and thin, Ye Chen is very unbearable, then leave each other, after all, the fire in the heart of the fairy is ignited, so simple, it is really resistant, this is not what he wants.

Ye Chen frowned, and the heart continued to think about euphemism, so he did not let the white crane fairy were sad.

After all, between the two is not this, it is not coming from this time.

Separate only temporary, this, Ye Chen is very determined.

This is true, I want to say that those who are warming, let the two sides are so good, and Ye Chen is still notified.

After all, this bud, it is still very fragile, and you want to guard the birth of birth, it is very very careful.

Ye Chen's heart is confirmed, but standing on the white crane fairy opposite him, but suddenly slamming his head, his eyes glared at Ye Chenjiao.

"It's still unhappy, you still think, let this fairy give you a good fit?"

The voice just fell, the beautiful body of the white crane fairy was like a draft star, instantly hit the huge power impact before the Ye Chen, but also a sudden sound of Ye Chen chest.

It is followed by the smell of shares, but it is constantly entering the Ye Chennuts, so that it will hug the little fairy in front of him, and love it.

However, Ye Chen's hand has not been mentioned, and the sound of fairy is rang.

"You are really bad guys, don't you say that you want to go? But why now, it is still holding this fairy.

Don't think that I don't know, your guy has already sneached to the land of the land, I have already had the ability to break free of the fairy, right. "

At this time, the white crane fairy hugged Ye Chen is getting tight and tight, the knife in the mouth is not fake, but it is still in the heart of the virgin.

Ye Chen, at this moment, it is also touched by the emotion of Baihe Fairy, so that the micro-cold words before the mouth are, but they can't say it again.

I have to muttered a sentence: "I will meet again, I promise!"

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