Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 647 Tianbun Yuan Shuai Pig Eight Rings

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The wrapped Tiangong courtyard, all are the scenes of the wreath, weeds, but they are very spring.

One grass, the growing is very strong, and the branches are on the branches, and it is more embarrassing, and there is a beautiful sense of hazy.

Even if it is a lotus mountain, the scenery of the mountains, the scenery is also hidden.

The Tiangong is defeated, still so beautiful, the aura is very good.

It is conceivable that why every fairy guy wants to stay in the heavens.

Because Tianding Tiande is in the nine days, it is the third world, the aura is the most ambiguous place, and it is also a centralized camp.

Whether it is cultivation, you still want to control the people, you can meet your requirements.

Such a fairyland, it is better than the emperor, and it is better to know how many times.

Looking at the Baihe Fairy Shadow of the Garden, I gradually felt that the clouds disappeared. Ye Chen stood in the same place, and he was seriously observed.

That layer of floating cloud shield, a total of nine layers to take the entire heaven, and each floating cloud shield is divided into four upper and lower steps, that is, four small days.

Nine of the four, so Tianstring is also divided into 36. Every day, every heavy Tianyun, Looking through the island, it is dazzling.

The more you go, the more brilliant, one layer, which also represents the class of heaven.

Looking at the top, the glory of the glory is like the Ling Xiao Bao Temple, which towering the peak of the 36th, the peak, and the Ye Chen, the eyes also rose the stockroom to want to climb Impulse, control the entire heaven.

But after a small party, Ye Chen was always smiled and shook his head. He said in his words: "Don't come here, you don't fight. But you will get a tiager, or you have to do something well, otherwise Sun Wukong Heaven, he is a big brother, it is good to support it. "

Thinking of this, Ye Chen did not take a foottet, and he would fly away from this waste garden that belongs to the second heavy day.

The overall Tiangong is very large, the more down, the aura is more and more thin, but it is better than the lower bound.

However, in the air under the four floors, there is only a place to belong to the place.

The four layers are the real fairy family, and there is a huge change in the degree of aura and quality.

It is already completely unique to summarize, but it is not a real fairy gas.

However, it is possible to turn into fairy-absorbent use without refining the condense, and can be converted to fairy absorption.

It is also no wonder that this is the two heavens, it has already been disadvantaged, and Ye Chen will wait until this is so long, and even a patrolled Tianbinger has not seen it.

I want to come, but in the middle of the Tiantian, as the power structure of all the dust, my heart has always thought about it, I climbed, the higher the better.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen did not expect the Lingxiao Temple on the 36th day, and smiled indifferent.

It is also at this time, a very strange but let Ye Chen feel familiar with the ear, suddenly he is back from him.

"Who are you, what will be in the two heavens? He is not so good, not speeding with this Marshal.

No, you are dressed in dress, the body is thin, the body is thin, and the book is in the lower bound.

No, your kid is a mortal identity, actually dare to hook your mother's mother's personal fairy? I am going, what is the situation, this is a masterpiece. "

Behind the words of the words are constantly, and every sentence is the review analysis of Ye Chen, whether it is the relationship between the identity or the white crane fairy, as if they are guessed by this person. Seven or eight88.

Also or said, the previous white crane fairy met with him, the back of the people, I have been following them.

Ye Chen's look is looking forward, I saw a head of the top to red, dressed in the top of the coat of the gold armor, is interested in touching the chin, keeping his weight.

And after watching Qing Yushen model, it is also a sound in his mouth, and the heart is dark.

"I have a fairy like a small white face, and the appearance is pretty, but unfortunately, this is the end of this, but only the primary fairy realm is not allowed.

And above this tianship, but the leader in the Tianbing, there is a fairy, and the strength is

But the blame is blamed here, the white crane fairy is not a general fairy, what will it look like a small white face?

I have to say this, with my palm of about 36,000 days, the famous river, the name of the Marshal Marshal, with the fairy, isn't it more than enough? "

Thinking about thinking, the horns of the hierarchy mouth will reveal a brain tonic, secretly thinking about it and a fairy, nor is it impossible.

Just as its fantasy, the Ye Chen, who was gradually wretched, but couldn't help but say.

"I have a thing between the white crane fairy, I hope that this brother is not more idle. After all, you are not irrepering, and it is not necessary to win this unnecessary Liang Zi."

"Oh? Listen to you, I have to pass this matter, your kid can not don't have this Marshal? Haha, more and more interesting."

Being Marshal by Ye Chen, I can't help but have a provocative saying, in my eyes, I can only have a fairy, even a fairy, I'm not allowed to have his mental eye.

Just, I know that the future of the mysterie in front of him, but it is not angry, but it is looking at the future of the pig's eight rings before the eyes, and the idea of ​​the idea has flowed out some mercy.

After all, a Tang Zang Marshal, all called the ancestors, the nine-day Father, Fang Fangfang, the whole management of the north, will be all the big yuan handsome Tianmun Zhenjun, the palm of hundreds of thousands of rivers, the status is high, and the wind is strong.

But let's take a big master of the big masters, but I'm going to go wrong, so that I have become a pig, oh, it is the pig's personal.

Hey, this is the future, what is it to be .

Also, when I went to the West, I was rewarded when I was rewarded, and I didn't mix the two Buddhas.

It's just a humble puertrane, and even the isna is not in the temple. I can only rely on the leftovers of the Buddha Buddha Bodhisattva?

This kind of ending, with the sky, the scenery of the Marshal, can't summarize.

Instead, it is miserable.

Ye Chen thought of the future of the pig's eightfront, the smell of the vision, it became more and more rich.

And look at the temper of the opponent's eyes, and it is also very wonderful in this heart.

But soon, in his heart, he couldn't help but remember the reason for the expression of Ye Chen. Then: "This kid, what is the relatives of the big gods, otherwise it will suffer from this big master. What is the anti-pity, I am coming? "

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