Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 649 Central people?

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"Is it, this kid really has a big can cover, is it just like this?"

After analyzing Ye Chen's heavy-emphasized expression, and the sense of superflihood, there is no matter what the trip, there is no matter in the triple, which can cause the other party to be very eye-catching.

The temperament of the ultra-unfair, it is like the birth, and it seems that it will be in a high year all year round, and naturally, it will come out, and it is not like fake.

Think of yourself in the tiants, you will also count the people of the character, it is self-temperament, directly with the kid, this kid can not match it, can be said to be a cloud mud.

Such a huge difference, it is really not allowed in the heart of Pon.

Then I wanted to hold Ye Chen's back neck, it was also the past, but the offensive was collected, but it was still not in the mouth of the mouth.

"Ye Chen is, very good, it can actually don't move in the offense of this class, this heart is very rare.

Oh, yes, what did you say, have serious consequences with you? Kid, you are not mortal, do you have to rely on the mountain? "

There is something in the sponsor, but it is also clever, you can't do it at this moment, and hide it.

But though, he still waves the nine-tootores in his hand, in an instant, the roots, it is also a burst of shining Xiaguang, and the eye is eye-catching.

Take this opportunity, Tianpun is also the mouthful of his mouth and start talking.

"I have no big deal, and the old monarch will take it for forging, the power is still not strong enough. Otherwise, any mortal met my baby, I can't look at the upper part."

Said, Tianpang is also a side of Ye Chen, which is not moving, and then earnestly feels that this is not simple in the pool.

After all, there is no bones of the gods. Even if I have achieved it to reach the land of the fairy, I can't wait until his nail is so innocent.

Looking at Ye Chen's performance, Pab is also guessing, and the heart is constantly arranging the identity of this temperament in this temperament.

Just thinking about it for a long time, Tiapun also can't get something.

When the other party observed himself, Ye Chen was also looking at Zhenpang, and the spin was seeing his face, and he kept the results for a long time.

"Tianbun Marshal doesn't have to guess, Ye is just a down-circulation, and there is no reliance on the mountain.

However, what I said, this, Marshal may really take care of it.

Because your future, Ye is in the mastery. "

If you say, the smile of Ye Chen's mouth is getting more and more mysterious.

For the Tianbun Yuan Shuai Pig Eight Rings, when it has not been derecianted, Ye Chen is not necessary to keep up with you.

After all, the other party is high. If you know the truth during this period, take him to invite the effort to avoid the west rush, the Ye Chen is not a stone to lick your own feet?

So now, still taking flicker, half a holiday semi-emblem.

"Well? What is your meaning?

The future of this chieraoke, the future, can you be aware of you?

Don't say that you are just a mortal of a fairyland, and it is still known for this mysterious scene.

Even later, you have the opportunity to promote into Daxie, so on the future of the future, your kid is also impossible, understand?

So, don't tell the future, because of this speech, it is simply a vulnerability, it is unbearable. "

Pan is very ignorant of Ye Chen.

Because of the improvement of the realm, let him know the truth of this world.

But the more you know, the future, but it is getting worse, so that Pab is always the biggest awe.

However, in Peny, Ye Chen is just to open itself, when it is said.

Ye Chen is Shi Siki said a word, and suddenly heard his buddhism.

"You, want to bubble fairy, incorporated it into the court of the backyard, right?"

It's so, I'm going out, and there is a little panic on the spot on the spot.

"Hu said eight, the is everyone, which is the fairy God admire her beauty?

Ben Shuai likes to appreciate, this is not very thick, after all, everyone has a good thing.

But it is only just ambiguity, but there is no such back-hospital court.

Your child, looks older, how to talk about this, but it is not red.

Lying and talking, is it your expertise? "

It seems that because of the heart of the heart of Ye Chen, it is not too much to explain the discourse, not too much.

The more explanation, it is unclear, and its in mind, Ye Chen does not look at his facial expressions, you know the true idea of ​​his heart.

So, Ye Chen self-guided her head and immediately shook his head.

"Yes, Ye Mo is still not as good as thirty, but it is necessary to discuss this postoperative surgery.

It also created a few more than a dozen beautiful little sister little sister, and there is no big deal.

Originally, Ye Mou said that Marshal You seem to like this, but I still feel that I can share experiences with you.

But now, oh, still count.

After all, we are not in the same way! "

Ye Chen fluttered and said that he was taught, and then he turned and wanted to fly away from the diverse two heavens.

However, his body just spoke, a huge roaring voice, but slammed up, toward Ye Chen shocked.

The volume of the volume is a breakthrough in Ye Chen, which is shocked, and is shocked.

"Ye Chen, wait, there is still something to say!"

After the sound of the sound, Ye Chen said after a while, suddenly encouraged the new students to steadily stabilize the body.

Then the next second, the big figure, it will block his face.

Just, the original pride, majesty scout, completely disappeared, no trace, at this moment, there is a smile in Ye Chen, smile, smiling, take his shoulders, haha ​​laughing.

"Brothers are so shy, what else, even if you say it, you will not be difficult for you.

Oh, right, who said that we are not in the same way? "

It is said that the corner of the right mouth is even more than a man who has a man who has a good time, and it is constantly indicating that he is talking about him.

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