Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 658 Take medicine, punishment?

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'Bang! '

A huge huge closed door sound, and the Ye Chen, who was thrown out of the sea, and his mouth moved from time to time.

In this way, he has already endured him, and he suddenly lifted a broken smile.

"I am TM, why no longer endure, why do you have to laugh?

Get Giri, or that smile, at this moment, the sky is deep, I am outside the palace that is seepage in this cold?

The first beauty of the third world is not fragrant? "

I have some speechless Ye Chen, I really want to hit my mouth, secretly laughing a bed.

Looking at the cold and clear and clear and cold, cold huge palace, Ye Chen's rabbit, can't help but kneel in front of the door, the eyes of the stars look at the sky of the stars, muttering.

" , this sleep, can only come again, hehe!"

After sighed, Ye Chen turned into the past.

This is not intended to be a bisp, but it is a non-ferrousy tree on the west side of the wide winter.

For the Journey to the West Moon Palace, the martial arts that was persisted on the jade tree that never cut, Ye Chen felt that there is a strange guy, why should I put all my mind, put it on a cut? The continuous jade tree.

This is really speechless.

If you have this perseverance, you will not be a thing of the water to the line. If you make persistent efforts, your achievements are like a great god of Heaven, but also expectations.

As for a lifetime of a lifetime, it is really too boring.

Ye Chen running speed, even if it is chemical into a jade rabbit, it is also a way to fly out of the phantom, and go out to the Yushu Forest on the west side of the Guanghan Palace.

After a while, the big crystal clear, like a huge crystal wood, soon it appeared in the eye.

Ye Chen did not hesitate, immediately accelerate the speed run, I want to enter the jade forest, find the figure of the idiots, talk to it.

"Little jade rabbit, what do you run so so? Come, today is a spiritual roots of Wang Mother's mother today, you haven't finished it.

Floating, like what is like, don't know how to fairy, you will pick it.

It's really unfair! "

Just when I was running in Ye Chen, a ribbon roses, full of hard thorns, suddenly passed from a pool outside the high wall of the sea.

I heard the mouth, like a hatred with the jade rabbit, and it is also familiar.

Ye Chen, who didn't want to expose the identity, was also the pace of the rushing attack, and turned back to the source.

Just don't take it right, see it, Ye Chen can't help but stand in the original rabbit head, full of doubts.

At this moment, in front of it, a large group of haired rabbits, a large group of haired rabbits, suddenly people, standing towards the rabbit legs on the legs.

And when I saw it didn't respond, there were two black-haired rabbits that were running toward Ye Chen.

In the eyes of the eyes, it seems to be against Ye Chen, oh, it is a great hatred for the jade rabbit.

"Hey, don't let you go back to the medicine? What is your stupid?

Don't forget your own identity, you think that when you love the fairy, can she cover you?

Don't think about it, hurry back to the medicine, otherwise the Tianbing Tian, ​​who is outside the palace will be summoned by us, and the jade rabbit can't eat it. "

The black hair is full of fierce atmosphere.

And after the speech, the hand was also taken out with a short whip contaminated with silk, there was a model, and there was a few times before Ye Chen, the call was not only.

The red rabbit on the side is also eye-catching, and there is a smile in the mouth, and the eyes are full of play.

The love pet of the fairy, the second owner of the Guanghan Palace, at this moment, actually threatened by two rabbits.

So a scene, Ye Chen, who is not affected, does not pass, what is the crime of jade rabbit, or who is guilty, will be treated in such a waste rabbit in these individual fairy bones.

Also, if the situation of the jade rabbit is so tough, then don't you know?

Everything seems to have revealed the strange situation. For a time, Ye Chen is still unclear.

At the moment, he did not resist this, killing this group of rabbits in the fairyland, step down, and walked over the tall pavilion under the high palace wall.

And when it just arrived, a group of more than 30 rabbits, as well as to watch their own play, and surround the Ye Chen group.

Subsequently, a pair of huge rinccular mills, suddenly be taken as the black fur rabbit headed, and smashed in front of Ye Chen.

Then, the black fur rabbit, but also the angle of the air, the nostrils were looking at him.

"Go to work, if you don't smash today, do you know what the consequences will be."

Said, the black hair rabbit waved his hands in his hand, and it was very angry with the Ye Chen.

This time, the other party seems to encourage the spiritual power, and the bloody whip that he waved by him is also an instant to take a small piece of golden light, send out the tag of dragons in a burst.

Although the sound is small, he is not aware of Ye Chen.

Moreover, after the dragon rose, an invisible powerful oppression, and suddenly fairy fairy in the body, there is a sign of the Dantian's house, suppressed.

As if the bloody whip, the born has a role of restraining fairy, so that Ye Chen can't help it.

These magic weapons, he can conclude, no such thing, the rabbit of the bottom, because they don't match.

However, such a magic weapon is in the hands of this bunny.

Is it a .......

"No, it should not be right."

If you really want to teach the jade rabbit, punish her, you will do it.

After all, the cultivation of the fairy is far more than the jade rabbit, and it is not allowed to wind like a large circle.

However, in the border of the Guangyan Palace, it is a bunny and jade rabbit almost look at the body. Ye Chen is really not thinking, who will be in this for the jade rabbit, let it work.

As for the king mother of the black fur rabbit, Ye Chen did not have doubt.

Because he knows, if the person who is jade rabbit is a Wang mother, in accordance with the sex of the prince of the mother of the mother, is she still inkin?

Don't open a joke, if it is a mother, even if you sacrifice yourself for the jade rabbit, there will never have any jade rabbit in this tiara.

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