Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 668 Fairy Sister, how do you compensate me?

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Although the perfectness of the breath, the more it is, the pace of Ye Chen's feet is more and more cautious when it is close to the Tao Garden.

After all, it is necessary to sneak into the place, but the treasure of the Lord of the Tiandi, once, once, because of the words of not reversible ban, it is really that it is true to flee from any place in the triple, and you can't hide the pursuit of Wang Mother.

A little bit, Ye Chen is alert and step by step, and the micro-ending spirit of the short-term spirit is only a smeared, and carefully investigate all the banned neops that may appear in front of it.

However, after a good distance, when I came to the Taoyuan Garden, Ye Chen felt that she had some of the topics.

On this small road, it is nothing, but the whole, Taoyuanmen, is also open, as if it is always waiting for Ye Chen's entry.

If the gardens come back and forth, the Tianbi who came back and forth continuously, Ye Chen even felt that the peach garden in front of him was like a circle, step by step, waiting for him to spend the network.

It can be finally, I want to get the Ye Chen in the peach, and a feet stepped into the garden of the Taoyuan, and then as long as one step, I can see the garden in front of you, it is as if it is already told him. Let him tannam.

In the case of such temptation, Ye Chen did not worry, and it was still careless.

He is anxious to understand the truth of hot tofu, and carefully drive the famous sayings of Wan Years, which is also the truth that Ye Chen needs to keep in mind.

Anyway, this is a poor. After waiting, it will enter the Po Tuanyuan. There will be only a land of land in the garden. It should hinder his peach food.

Soon, the other foot of Ye Chen also stepped into the Taoyuan, and in the moment of its entry, countless fresh fruity flavors, and the fog visible to the stock of the fog, also There is no preserved appearance in front of him.

Just entering Taoyuan, Ye Chen can feel the degree of richness of the fairy, and it is more than doubled than the Yaochi Palace on the thirty-six heavens.

The kind of fairy that is amazing to the naked eye is simply decentralized to the rain, and they are poured directly into the Ye Chen body.

That kind of unmodeful satisfaction, let Ye Chen have to forget to come to the goal, want to sit down and let go of the heart of the heart.

The immortality is too strong, too rich, afraid that it can resist this in this Tao Garden a day, and the next heaven is a year.

As for the lower bounds, I have to have a hundred years, I can't imagine.

This is still a comparative comparison of Ye Chen, and it is necessary to have a true gap, and only the body experience can have a specific answer.

And I feel the environment of this ultimate fairyland, Ye Chen is also instantly understanding, no wonder the Yunduant Universities, will be used to plant peaches, this is the richness of immortality, it can be used to use it.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chenno, where are you?"

Just as Ye Chen feels the magic of the langer, a familiar call, and suddenly passed into his ear.

Listening to this words, Ye Chen is also a somewhat strange emotional reforment: "White crane fairy, is you too early? What happened, Wang mother is looking for you?"

After the words, the burst of the emergency shouted, and it continued.

"No, Wang Mother's mother did not find me trouble, but Ye Chen, I think we will have trouble soon.

Wang Mu, Wang Mother, she, and ... I also called me to serve.

What should I do now, where are you? Can you hurry over.

If you don't want, then you will be able to go to my grave next time.

Oh is wrong, maybe, no one will set the grave for me. "

The sound of the white crane fairy is, the smaller, the last, but it has been fascinated, and he heard that Ye Chen's heart rose.

Under the long-term power of the Lord Mother of the World, the character of Baihe fairy will be like this, and Ye Chen can also understand.

But let's let him go, this ... this ... this ...

The peach is in front of him, he has dive it, how can he be willing to be willing?

Looking at the garden, a big peach forest, the onion is unparalleled, and the layer is like a dusty fumet. It is even a large piece of large film covered in the top of 12,000 peach trees, making Ye Chen. Each of the seen is quite good, and the fat and big peach is condensed, and the natural fairy water beads are condensed.

Such a scene, but the white peaches in the white looks, it is very delicious, and people can't hate it. It is a mess.

If you don't eat a belly, then I will let go.

However, Ye Chen stood in the place where he was hesitant, the depressed sound of the white crane fairy, but again.

"Ye Chen master, if you don't want to come, I hope that next life, we can understand it earlier.

Not in this rule of heaven, but free from all walks of life, I am willing to share ordinary life in my next life, and enjoy the world.

Even if we are in the end of life, we have to die, but think about it, it seems that there is nothing bad, as long as you have Ye Chen in me, it is good! "

It seems to say goodbye, and like a deep confession, the reminders of the Ye Chen's ear, which makes him just want to come to the Ye Chen, who tasted the fresh, tasteful, and suddenly smashed the sleeve.

In accordance with the original road of the time, it turned into a breeze that was inconvenient to attract interesting breeze.

Because of its own, it is still to bear itself.

Ye Chen quickly threw the things of the Taoyuan in the brain, and then changed wholeheartedly. Thinking about the Wang Mother's mother, what is the shame of the White Crane fairy?

It is clear from Ye Chen to the other than a few hours, but it is hungry?

"Ye Chen master, is it you?"

On the occasion of my heart, when the voice of Baihe fairy was introduced into his ear, then he did not hide the Ye Chen in her hidden body. It also looked at the eyelids, the beautiful body, and the Chu Chu's Mouding Baihe fairy nodded.

Then, when I could go to her, Ye Chen hidged into her sleeves, and immediately picked up a white feathers under her white and ear.

"Fairy sister, you can know that I gave you a big benefit?

Tell, this time, how do you compensate for Ye? "

"I ... you ...."

"Wait, Xiaoyu Xiaohui, I don't care if Ye Chen."

When I heard this sentence, I have some white crane fairy that I don't know what measures, and suddenly fall into the confused state.

Her only treasure has long gave Ye Chen, now, what else can repay their rescue gain.

When I thought about it, the pretty face of Baihe fairy suddenly dyed a slightly smashed red cloud, and the rotation of the Ye Chen's red fruit is watching. The face is getting rushing to sweat.

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