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The Night King Flower spit out hundreds of silver light streams, whizzing towards Lin Xiaozhu.

Lin Xiaozhu did not hesitate, and continued to use the magical body technique, and quickly drifted away from the place, far away.

The afterimages left behind were instantly pierced by countless flower blades, and the long stream of light drew a long arc and flew to the ground, making a cracking sound. The stone slab on the ground was hit and riddled with holes. There was a "chichi" sound, and it was scorched after a while.

This stamen not only has an attacking effect, but also contains an unimaginable highly corrosive liquid.

Lin Xiaozhu, who turned his head and shuddered when he saw it, thought that if he was hit by this attack, even if he could be defensive after being ironized, his body would be seriously damaged after the defensive ability was removed!

Seeing that she missed a hit, Irona turned around and aimed the Rafflesia at Lin Xiaozhu again.

Facing this kind of opponent, Lin Xiaozhu no longer hesitated, three spirit rings rose from under his feet.

Purple, purple, black!

The huge body of the fierce beast Zhu Nai emerged behind Lin Xiaozhu, and a terrifying aura fell, and an intent to fight emerged in an instant, and the overwhelming spirit power swept towards Irona.

Irona was shocked, "This... isn't this a ten thousand year spirit ring? How can a soul sovereign have a ten thousand year spirit ring?"

" could it be possible!?" Xue Qinghe's eyes opened wide, and his heart was extremely shocked!

Ning Rongrong's beautiful eyes were gleaming, "What's this, Xiaozhu's strength is much more than that!"

"More than that?" Ning Fengzhi and Ning Yue were also deeply shocked. The twelve-year-old Soul Venerable had already made him dare not imagine. At this time, Lin Xiaozhu's body had a ten thousand year spirit ring.

This is really a monster!

"If there is any indecency, try mine for you too!"

Lin Xiaozhu shouted.

"Zhu Wei·Splitting Arrow!"

His second spirit ring lingered around his body quickly, and purple light suddenly appeared, and the huge Zhu Wei's tail stood up and shook violently. The countless hairs shot at Irona like a sharp arrow from the string.

Seeing such a fierce attack, Irona's face turned pale, and she once again used her second spirit ability, summoning layers of vine walls in front of her to block Lin Xiaozhu's spirit ability.


The vine wall could not completely block Lin Xiaozhu’s attack, and the sound of being pierced continued to sound. Irona was shocked. While flying back, she summoned two sharp knife-like petals with her first spirit ability, waving like a knife to resist. The whistling flying blade.

Soon she discovered that even with the first spirit ability, it was impossible to stop Lin Xiaozhu's spirit ability. The sharp blade shot like raindrops. She was shocked and anxious, and she was already in cold sweat.

When she was about to be unstoppable, Irona shook her arms, and two petals that looked like sharp knives dropped out of her hand. She rose from the ground and leaped back.

Ding Ding Ding...!

There was a crisp sound in the air, and two petals were instantly shot down to the ground by a flying needle.

Flying needle continued to attack Irona in midair. She hurriedly urged her spirit power, and the fourth spirit ring flashed a deep purple light.

"Fourth Soul Ability·Ten Thousand Flower Burial!"

The big mouth of the blood basin in the center of the giant Rafflesia suddenly appeared in midair, blocking Irona's body.31 Novel

Bang bang bang...!

The flying needle pierced the Rafflesia flower, the red juice splashed, like thick blood, and Irona took the opportunity to fly to the ground.

At this time, the giant flower's mouth closed and squirmed, as if chewing something, the red juice was like blood, flowing from its mouth, looking hideous and terrifying.

Suddenly, his big mouth opened, spewing out a piece of bloody objects, falling on the ground and squirming, a strong fishy smell immediately floated around, making people sick.

These objects that fell on the ground quickly took root and sprouted, and grew into huge flowers like the Rafflesia behind Irona, which bloomed everywhere in the blink of an eye, clustering her in the center.

At this time, the Queen of Flowers Irona stood in a sea of ​​flowers, like a queen of flowers commanding countless flowers in battle.

Her spirit power fluctuated around her body, and Lin Xiaozhu suddenly felt a slight tremor under her feet. He hurriedly used his body skills and quickly avoided.

A big king flower drilled out of the stone slab under his feet, and instantly cracked the bluestone. The giant flower had a big mouth and bit the afterimage of Lin Xiaozhu.


The blade-like stamens are like sharp teeth, and the biting sound makes people horrified. There is a corrosive viscous liquid hanging on the hideous sharp teeth. It looks like a hungry ghost in hell. .

Huge flowers burrowed out of the ground continuously and pounced on Lin Xiaozhu. His figure was erratic and ghostly.

Irona controlled the flowers one after another to attack, and Lin Xiaozhu evaded all of them, and the two were in a stalemate for a while.

"Yes, not only can the battle with the Soul King last for so long, but there is no panic at all." Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but praise.

He felt that Lin Xiaozhu was delaying time at this time, waiting for Irona's spirit ability to release before attacking.

Gradually, Rafflesia bloomed everywhere on the battlefield, as long as Lin Xiaozhu approached, he would launch an attack.

Because of the increasing number of giant flowers, Lin Xiaozhu had trouble getting off her feet, but Irona's fourth spirit ability had no intention of ending at all. Ning Fengzhi frowned when she saw it.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu rose up into the sky again, using moon steps, walking in the air, and flying towards the sky above Irona.

"Hahaha... I don't believe you can grow wings and won't come down..."

Before Irona spoke, her face sank, and she felt a huge spirit power swept down.

"Tornado·Zhang Kongbo!"

Lin Xiaozhu whirled in mid-air, forming a huge energy vortex, with great momentum, like a flood dragon, roaring at Irona who pounced on the ground.

"What's going on? How could he release such a powerful attack if his spirit ring is not on?" Xue Qinghe's expression changed drastically.

Ning Fengzhi and Ning Yue were also the second monk who was confused. The two frowned and stared at the huge tornado that suddenly appeared in mid-air without blinking.

Irona urged her soul power wildly. The dozens of Night King flowers that had been released suddenly retracted into the soil. The ground under her feet was as red as blood, and in the blink of an eye they merged into five giant petals and turned into a giant flower bud. She wrapped it.


The tornado cut empty wave directly shrouded the giant flower bud.

Countless blade-like chopping waves seemed to cut on the extremely slippery fat, making a strange sound of gastrointestinal motility. For a while, the flesh was flying, bloody juice splashed all around, and the surrounding was messy and smelly. Floating, several people present quickly covered their mouths and noses.

The maid next to Ning Fengzhi stepped forward, and the spirit power gushing out of her body blocked the splashing juice.

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