Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 21 I want to learn multiple shadow clones! !

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to sign in Zhutian World Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Lin Xiaozhu saw Uchiha Shisui suddenly appear not far away.

He was attacked by Mizuna led by Qing at the East Gate of Konoha Village before, and quickly counterattacked with illusion skills, and instantly put two of Qing's men down.

With keen combat intuition, Qing immediately realized that he was not Uchiha Shisui's opponent, and then led his men to withdraw from the East Gate of Konoha Village.

The huge explosion sound produced by the previous war attracted the attention of Uchiha Shisui, so it appeared here soon.

He stared at Lin Xiaozhu, without hiding a look of suspicion.

Metkay stepped forward and stood in front of Lin Xiaozhu.

"Isn't the mission of the Uchiha clan to protect the village? The eldest brother has been helping Konoha village. Why do you keep staring at him?"

"I know he saved Kakashi and Lin and you, but now it's wartime, I have to be cautious."

Uchiha Shisui smiled gently, but there was no compromise in his voice.

I do not know Huo Genma: "But he really has been helping Konoha Village, and he just helped beat the Ninja Seven."

"The Ninja Seven? Are they here just now?" Uchiha Shisui was taken aback.

"Yes, all seven are here!"

"All there?"

Uchiha Shisui was a little surprised. He knew how powerful the seven people were together, and even he couldn't fight them at the same time.

He took a close look at the horror around him, blood and broken limbs were everywhere, and he had obviously experienced a great battle.

Uchiha Shisui stood in front of a big hole formed after repeated beatings by "Hiruto".

"Eight Gate Dunjia Array!" Even he felt shocked by the trace left.

He looked into the depths with his writing wheel eyes, and soon discovered that this big crater was not formed by an explosion, but a human attack!

What kind of attack is necessary to make such a deep hole in the ground!!!

The large hole is more than ten meters in diameter, and it is not bottomless, like a giant tiankeng formed naturally, with a bit of cold air outside.

Uchiha Shisui looked shocked: "Who made this big hole?"

Although Matt Dai may be resurrected later, according to the original work, he has just given his precious life to Konoha.

The dead are the big ones.

Lin Xiaozhu swallowed the legendary story of defeating thousands of Seven Ninja Swords by performing his magic skills.

Honestly replied: "It's Matt Dai!"

Hearing his words, Metkay's face was filled with pride.

Matt Dai was always looked down upon by the ninjas in the village because he could not learn ninjutsu and illusion. Through today's battle, he proved to everyone in Konoha village that he is a ninja as powerful as a shadow!

[Matekai Favor +20, Favor lv1]

[When you increase your favorability again, the favorability task will be randomly opened, and you will get corresponding rewards for completing the task!


Lin Xiaozhu looked at Metkay's fiery gaze, and immediately took a breath.

No way·····

Has the situation escalated to the point of being out of control?

What is the reward?

He dare not think!

Uchiha Shisui was hard to believe: "Dai typed it out?"

In his eyes, Matt Dai was the 35-year-old who still couldn't learn ninjutsu and illusion, and had been practicing asceticism for thousands of years. In any case, he could not be the opponent of the Ninja Seven.Bibi e-book

Lin Xiaozhu: "Yes, he opened the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation, which is a kind of ninjutsu developed by Dai that can instantly burst out dozens of times the power of five shadows, killing four people on the spot."

Uchiha looked at him suspiciously.

You also said that you have seen Datongmu Huiye with your own eyes!

Believe you to blame!

But he looked at the three of Matkay again, all with serious expressions.


He didn't need to delve into it at this time.

"Where is Dairen?"

Lin Xiaozhu: "Go to deal with something. It may take a while to come back."

Uchiha Shisui glanced at Metkay, but didn't notice any unusual expressions.

"Let's go, go back to the village first, it's not safe here."

Lin Xiaozhu knew he didn't believe in himself, but he didn't bother to explain anything to him.

After returning to Konoha Village and walking along Yile Avenue, Lin Xiaozhu found that the people of Ninja Village after the war were panicked, and people with horrified faces could be seen everywhere.

This time he was not detained again, but followed Metkay to his home.

After several wars, his clothes were full of holes.

After Kai found out, he immediately found a treasured tights, and Lin Xiaozhu directly rejected it under the pretext that he was allergic to green.

Lin Xiaozhu didn't agree to change it until Kay found an ordinary forbearance suit that Matt didn't wear very much from the closet.

He looked into the mirror to see his upright figure and fresh, handsome face.

It is a pity that this level of bladder has been in Tang San's body for so many years.

Lin Xiaozhu was unfair to himself, and secretly vowed to do more tasks and condense his own body as soon as possible.

He also wants to find a time to eat a bowl of ramen after completing the task, and then enjoy it at Antler Hot Springs, see the beautiful beautiful ninjas, and feel the local customs of Konoha Village.

That night, Kakashi and Lin Lin, who learned that Lin Xiaozhu had returned to Konoha Village, came to visit Kai's house.

Nohara Lin was still innocent and lovely, and she couldn't stop laughing when she said anything.

Lin Xiaozhu took a close look at her. At this time, Lin was only 12 years old, thin and small, and still a childish child. After he looked at it for a while, her face was flushed to the roots of her ears.

He suddenly thought of Tsunade: What did Dai said before that Tsunade was looking for me?

Lin Xiaozhu was confused, but the whereabouts of Sannin during the Third Ninja World War were unknown and they were not in the village. He couldn't inquire about it, and he didn't even think about it.

After listening to Matt Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, talking about being rescued by Lin Xiaozhu several times, Kakashi also remembered the scene of being rescued by him before.

Kakashi didn't stand up while Uchiha Shisui and Hafengsumi gate imprisoned him, he was always worried about this matter, and was a little embarrassed at this time.

His face was a little red, and he whispered: "I'm really sorry today, because it's wartime, and everything must focus on the safety of the village, so when the teacher doubted you, I didn't explain too much."

"It's okay, we all understand, we are good friends, don't need to see outsiders like this"

Lin Xiaozhu looked easygoing and kind.

[Kakashi’s Favor +5]

Kakashi felt even more embarrassed, so he bent down and bowed.

"You have done so much for us and the village. From now on, I will trust you no matter what. Please tell me if you have anything in the future!"

"I want to learn multiple shadow clones."


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