You can search for "Starting from Douluo to sign in Zhutian World Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The performance of everyone in Shrek won the hearts of most of the audience. Although many people had the opposite emotions in their hearts, their complaints were also covered by the thunderous applause. It came to a successful end.

Lin Xiaozhu waved his hand, and Tang San and the others walked out of the court behind him.

When the seven returned to the lounge, Flander, who was waiting inside, looked very excited. He pressed a lot of gold coins before the game, because the speculation about the battle almost fell to the Royal Fighting team, which led to this fight The odds reached one to seven, and Flanders' gold coins were thus doubled seven times.

"It's the Shrek monsters, your performance is great, hahahaha..."

Flender smiled from ear to ear, stretched out his big hand and patted Lin Xiaozhu's shoulder heavily, "Boy, what kind of monster are you, how come you are so strong in this short time?"

Not only Flanders, including the master and Zao Wou-ki, were shocked by the strength of Lin Xiaozhu in this fight.

"Xiao Zhu, you performed very well." The master sighed slightly.

This apprentice always subverted his cognition. In just ten days, Lin Xiaozhu not only soared to the fortieth level, but his strength was also so strong.

The most embarrassing thing about the master is that, unlike Tang San, he hardly taught Lin Xiaozhu. Lin Xiaozhu’s strength inexplicably progressed by leaps and bounds. It seemed that he had nothing to do with him as a master. Although a little depressed, he could not compare to the students We get the joy of victory.

The Shrek students surpassed the huge soul power gap, and under the rigorous tactical arrangement of the opponent, they still won.

The master showed a slight smile, "You all passed the second stage exam with excellent results!"

Tang San and the others smiled at each other when they heard the words, and their faces showed a relaxed look. The second stage of cultivation really made them very tired, and they needed to rest for a while to do repairs.

The master continued: "This time I will give you a half-month holiday. During this time, you can do whatever you want, and then continue with the third stage of cultivation."

"Huh? The third stage?" Almost everyone exclaimed in unison.


The seven members of the Emperor Fighting Team supported each other and walked back into the lounge, their feet staggering, their backs looking very depressed.

If they were defeated in peacetime, they would not have this kind of depression, let alone feel shame, and now they have lost to one person.

This fighting spirit was almost dominated by Lin Xiaozhu alone, and the overwhelming defeat was too much for them.

Qin Ming, the teacher of the Huangdou team, was standing in the lounge, silently waiting for his students.

Yu Tianheng, who walked into the room, saw the teacher, bowed guiltily, and said, "Sorry teacher, we lost!"

The faces of the other team members were also full of self-blame, and Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling were already full of tears at this time.

Qin Ming shook his head and said mildly, "Don't blame you, the other party is too strong, especially the guy who hates Wuwu soul. I have been watching your battles before, and even in the end, Lin Xiaozhu was far away. Show real strength." 52 Novel

"What!?" Yu Tianheng said in shock, his face full of disbelief, "He has already overwhelmed our entire team with his own strength, yet he hasn't shown his true strength yet?"

Qin Ming nodded and sighed: "His strength is far more than that. The spirit abilities used to attack you have shed most of their strength. If you really make a full shot, I am afraid..."

Qin Ming didn't finish what he said, but Yu Tianheng already understood what he meant.

Yu Tianheng recalled the last blow of Bawang Quan. If that kind of power fell on him, he would definitely die. Not only him, but the Dugu Goose and others on the side felt this way. Lin Xiaozhu deliberately left his hand. , I don't want to really hurt myself.

Ye Lingling was deeply shocked, her voice was a bit resentful, "I have never lost so miserably, is that guy really a soul-sovereign?"

Qin Ming solemnly said: "I have carefully observed that his soul power level is indeed the soul-sovereign level, but his strength is stronger than the average soul king."

"Better than the Soul King?!" Du Guyan said in surprise, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Yes, all these years you have always claimed to be geniuses, plus the recent unsuccessful results in fighting spirits, it seems to be a bit on the air. It may be a good thing for you to experience this setback."

"A good thing?" Yufeng's face was pale, and he retorted weakly, "Is the miserable defeat a good thing?"

Qin Ming smiled faintly, "This failure will let you know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. There are many geniuses in the world who are more enchanting than you. The defeat is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that you cannot accept the defeat, and you are totally devastated."

Hearing the teacher's words, the seven of them all lowered their heads in silence. They thought about Qin Ming's words. The successive victories some time ago really made them feel a little arrogant, so this defeat made them even more frustrated.

Ye Lingling wiped away her tears, and said, "The teacher is right. Defeat is not terrible. The most terrible thing is that she is devastated by defeat."

After a while, Yu Tianheng's eyes also recovered, "Thank you, teacher, for reminding us that we will redouble our efforts when we go back. Sooner or later, we will surpass the Shrek Seven Monsters and the fierce beast!"

Others nodded one after another, saying that they would cheer up, work harder, and become stronger as soon as possible.

Seeing the reactions of the students, Qin Ming smiled approvingly: "That's right, you all have a good rest."

After speaking, he strode out the door, and after crossing a long corridor, he arrived at the ordinary lounge of Shrek and others.

He walked up to Flanders and bowed respectfully, "Hello, Dean Flanders, and see you, student Qin Ming."

Flender smiled and said, "So it was you. I thought you had forgotten me."

Qin Ming directly knelt on one knee when he heard this, "Students dare not, Qin Ming will never forget the dean’s education. Without Shrek, without the dean, there would be no me today. No matter when I am Always a student of Shrek."

Zao Wou-ki strode to Qin Ming's body, helped him up, laughed and said, "Your kid is getting better and better. I don't think it will be long before you can surpass our old bones. ."

At the age of thirty-four, Qin Ming had already entered the rank of Soul Emperor. According to the records of the Wuhun Hall, he was the second youngest Soul Emperor in history, second only to another blessed genius.

Therefore, becoming the soul emperor before the age of thirty-four has also become the goal of all members of the Huangdou team.

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