Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 281 Going to the Imperial City

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Lin Xiaozhu and her group walked out of the forest. Along the way, Zi Ji asked Lin Xiaozhu a lot about the outside world, showing her longing for human life.

But after all, she was the leader of a family, with a special identity, and could not return to Shrek Academy with everyone.

On the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest, Zi Ji reluctantly said goodbye to Lin Xiaozhu, saying goodbye to him several times, so that he would come here often when he was fine.

Lin Xiaozhu nodded and set off with the others on the way back to the college.

It took the four of them twelve days from coming out to returning to Shrek. When he left, his spirit power level was just forty, and when he went back, it became forty-seven, a full increase of seven.

Even knowing that Lin Xiaozhu's talent was amazing, everyone who stayed in Shrek was still stunned.

When Flanders told them that Lin Xiaozhu had not only absorbed 50,000-year spirit ring, but his second martial spirit had also absorbed 100,000-year spirit ring, everyone said they didn’t believe anything. They all felt that the principal must be joking, even if Zhao It is useless for Wuji and Zhu Zhuqing to testify by the side.

One hundred thousand year spirit ring!

Even Title Douluo is not easy to get, if those big forces know where there is a spirit ring of this level, I am afraid it will rob the head.

Because before Lin Xiaozhu's third spirit ring had absorbed the ten thousand year spirit ring, this had already broken the limit of the spirit master's ability to absorb the spirit ring.

But this is only one of the most powerful behaviors spanning thousands of years. The fourth spirit ring can absorb up to five thousand years of spirit ring. Flanders said that Lin Xiaozhu's ability to absorb 50,000 years across levels is unbelievable, let alone Said to absorb one hundred thousand year spirit ring.

No matter how true and comprehensive he described, no one else wants to believe it.

Flender asked Lin Xiaozhu to use the second martial arts spirit ability, but Lin Xiaozhu refused him with a bored look.

It was all established facts anyway, he didn't want to prove anything, and the consumption of the soul power of the soul ability "Blood Power" was also very alarming. When it was released before, it consumed more than 30,000 of his soul power.

Others were still carrying out the master’s spirit power training. This kind of training could not increase Lin Xiaozhu’s spirit power, so he began to master the use of spirit bones and new spirit abilities by himself, and used 500 potential points to learn. The superior is domineering.

After integrating the overlord color, Lin Xiaozhu has become a true overlord with both mind, skill and body. At this time, he can launch the overlord color anytime and anywhere. Just by increasing his momentum, he can make the domineering divergence in all directions, and use pressure to eliminate it. opponent.

Because he had absorbed the remaining consciousness of the ghost leeches before, his mental power was even stronger at this time, and he could even blast a rock the size of a hill with the oppressive power of the overlord!

With his current mental power, when facing opponents below the soul emperor, he didn't need to make a move at all, and his domineering aura could make people fall instantly to the ground.

When Lin Xiaozhu showed his overlord look, even the soul saint Zao Wou-ki had a sense of horror. After this trip to the Star Dou Great Forest, his strength was no longer what it used to be.

One day later, Lin Xiaozhu tried to open the seventh door of the eight-door Dunjia, and after regaining his human form, he quickly used the "power of blood" to heal his body damage.

He found that although the seventh door would still cause some damage to the body, the damage now will heal in about a week, and it will no longer be as irreversible as it used to be.

Before I knew it, nearly twenty days passed.

During this period, everyone’s spirit power level has been greatly improved. Among them, Ma Hongjun and Ning Rongrong also reached level 30. Under the guidance of the teacher, they went to the Star Dou Forest to hunt and kill spirit beasts and obtained spirit rings. The soul respected.

Although Lin Xiaozhu's spirit power level did not improve during this period, he was able to use the newly acquired spirit abilities and spirit bones very skillfully, which allowed his strength to be significantly improved.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu was sure to defeat most of the opponents of the Soul Sage level when the seven doors were fully opened.

On this day, the sun was shining and the wind was beautiful, and all the students and teachers of Shrek took their luggage and set foot on the road to Heaven Dou City.

When everyone walked out of the village, they turned their heads and looked reluctantly at Shrek Academy that had been with them for a long time.

Especially the principals and teachers such as Flanders and Zao Wou-Ki. They have spent decades here, and they have regarded this village as a writer. Suddenly asking them to leave, it will inevitably be a little sad.

Lin Xiaozhu and several students also looked at the college silently. Although their time here is far less than the time of the teachers, they also have many indelible memories, and their eyes also showed a touch of sourness.

Flender took off the school plaque inscribed with "Shrek Academy" and took it away with him.

The imperial city of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City, is the core of the political power of the entire empire, and is one of the two largest cities in the entire continent.

Although the powers in the two empires are somewhat divided, the empire's heritage is still there. The vicinity of Heaven Dou City contains most of the empire's combat power, with a total force of more than one million.

In addition to internal reasons, the most important reason for the division of power is the secret interference of the Great Soul Master Family and the Soul Hall. This kind of checks and balances has left the two empires behind, and they are also operating in secret. I want these to influence the empire. The dominant power disappeared completely.

Thinking of going to Heaven Dou City, Lin Xiaozhu flashed two figures in his mind, one was Qian Renxue disguised as Prince Xue Qinghe, and the other was Liu Erlong who suddenly appeared in his life and disappeared suddenly.

I should see them again...

Lin Xiaozhu looked in the direction of Tiandou City.

With her arms around her arms, Xiao Wu looked at him closely, as if she could see through what Lin Xiaozhu was thinking.

To walk from Shrek Academy to Heaven Dou City, you need to pass through the Silves Kingdom north of the Barak Kingdom. After walking east for a while, the Heaven Dou Empire's imperial city is located, and the whole journey is nearly two thousand miles.

Fortunately, several of Shrek's people have soul guides for storage, so they don't have to worry about carrying a large number of items when they are on the way.

"Okay, little monsters, you have all rested for so long, from now on we will go all out!" Flander ordered.

Soon after leaving the college, he returned to his past state, as if he was completely relieved.

When the voice fell, Flender took the lead. He is a sensitive attack type spirit master. Even if he doesn't use his best, it is difficult for others to keep up. He uses his soul power to support the master and food type spirit master Shao Xin. go with.

Everyone glanced at each other and ran behind him without hesitation.

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