Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 296: Poison Douluo In Succession

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"This...what's the situation!?" Dugu Bo was stunned, "Can even...even the Martial Spirit Real Body be released?"

His cognition was completely subverted. After Lin Xiaozhu released his third spirit ability, Dugu Bo immediately regarded the technique of water mirror as a spirit ability that could imitate the opponent's form. This spirit ability could imitate the opponent's form. Some of the low-level spirit ability abilities.

But when he saw the mirror image display the Wuhun real body, his idea was completely subverted.

Others looked at the snake on the ground with a dull expression.

Titled Douluo's martial soul body!

To some extent, it is equivalent to summoning a titled Douluo to fight!

Such a heaven-defying spirit ability can almost be invincible when used for sudden control.

However, Lin Xiaozhu, who performed the water mirror technique, was not so confident in this ninjutsu.

He could even hear the mirrored body of the transformed snake making a crisp crackling sound, which seemed to be in danger of breaking at any time.

Who is Dugu Bo? He immediately noticed this weird sound. As soon as his green eyes condensed, he noticed the changes in the mirror image.

Immediately afterwards, his fourth spirit ring gleamed with purple light.

Dugu Bo directly performed the fourth spirit ability, and saw his legs bowed, and the big green snake behind him opened his mouth again, and stinking venom shot out from the mouth behind the fangs.

There was a burst of breaking through the air, and the venom shot like a stray arrow towards the mirror image.

The mirror-changing Jade Scale Snake Emperor waved its giant tail to sweep the flying venom.

It is worthy of the titled Douluo's martial soul body. The huge force formed by the snake's tail drove a hurricane, and the arrow-like venom was blown away, and it fell on the ground and walls, burning one by one. In the pit, there was an odor like sulfuric acid floating in the house.

The reaction of the mirror image was half a beat slower than that of Lin Xiaozhu himself. When it retracted its tail, only a green shadow drifted by in front of it.


With his palm as the blade, Dugu Bo directly inserted it into the abdomen of the Jade Scale Snake Emperor.

Kaka Kaka Kaka Kaka...

There was a piercing cracking sound, and huge cracks appeared in the wound of the giant snake's abdomen, and began to spread around.

After all, the mirror image created by the water mirror technique was not Dugu Bo himself, and couldn't withstand the huge soul power and poison in his body at all, and it shattered little by little from the moment it appeared.

Dugu Bo is a titled Douluo, neither his strength nor his actual combat experience should be underestimated.

He hesitated for a while after seeing the appearance of the mirror image exactly like himself, and immediately saw the slow response of the mirror image.

When he found that the mirror image was breaking, Dugu Bo made a decisive decision and immediately used the fourth spirit ability to confuse the audience. While the mirror image was attacking, he cut away with a palm!

Dugubo's palm became the last straw that crushed the camel, and the mirror image instantly cracked and turned into a piece of glass.

Such a powerful skill was actually cracked within a few breaths, and Shrek and his group's heart sank, but Lin Xiaozhu had already expected this result.


His two wings waved several hurricane-mixed air-cutting waves, one after another several meters long, like a crescent blade of light appearing out of thin air, slashing towards Dugu Bo like a gallop.

He knew that the strength of his and Title Douluo was too far apart. If the opponent really made a move, it would be difficult to resist even a single blow. Instead of passive defense, he might as well take the initiative to attack.

"Small bugs!" Dugu Bo snorted coldly, his second spirit ring flashed a strong light, and the big snake behind him again opened his blood basin and sprayed a thick and extremely poisonous mist directly forward.

He controlled the poisonous mist very skillfully. The purple poisonous mist turned into an extremely solid one and shot straight in the direction of Lin Xiaozhu.

When several light blades encountered poisonous fog, they disappeared silently.

Even at a distance of seven or eight meters away, Lin Xiaozhu could still smell the disgusting strong fishy odor. The odor alone made him dizzy. He opened his blurred eyes hard, trying to make himself Wake up.

At this moment, the poisonous mist came.

"not good!"

Lin Xiaozhu was startled and hurriedly flapped his wings and flew to the side.

However, the moment of dizziness has made him lose the opportunity to escape. Within one meter of the poisonous mist from Lin Xiaozhu, the poison has penetrated into his body and entered his internal organs.

"That's okay!" Dream Machine was shocked.

Everyone screamed.

Dugu Bo is called Poison Douluo by no means a vain name. Even if his venom is stained with Soul Sage, he will undoubtedly die. What's more, Lin Xiaozhu is only a Soul Sect. Such a talented young man will die here, letting the dream of the gods. The three were heartbroken.

However, the panic on the faces of everyone in Shrek only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared immediately.

Because at the moment when Lin Xiaozhu was touched by the poisonous fog, he heard a "bang", a cloud of white mist rose, and the clone disappeared!

The master slightly raised the corners of his stiff mouth, "I knew this kid wouldn't be so reckless."

Dai Mubai and the others also knew Lin Xiaozhu's clone skills, so when the white mist rose, the suspended heart fell.

Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing stood there in a daze at this time, still not understanding what happened.

"Four minutes have passed." Ning Rongrong smiled.

Dugubo's eyes were cold, the blue veins on his forehead jumped, and he felt as if he was being teased.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu's roar sounded outside the door, "Open the door, close the door, live the door, hurt the door, the door, the door, and the door!"

Facing Title Douluo, Lin Xiaozhu didn't dare to relax even if there was only a minute left. He turned into Zhu Wei and opened seven doors. The violent spirit power lifted the ground under his feet, and everyone in the hall felt it. The horror radiating from his body.


Dugu Bo didn't touch the ground, turned into a green light, and appeared outside the door in the blink of an eye.

The moment his figure appeared in the courtyard, he heard Lin Xiaozhu shout.

"Tornado·Zhang Kongbo!"

The hill-like Zhu Wei waved his wings and danced wildly in mid-air. A vortex appeared in the sky, and the surrounding air gathered in the vortex at great speed, forming a giant dragon-like whirlwind, connecting the sky and the earth, slashing sharply. Kongbo roared in it.

The tornado turned into a divine dragon, swept towards Dugu Bo with the power of ruining the world.

The terrifying power released by Tornado·Zhangkongbo made the three men of Dream Machine inside the door dare not underestimate them. They maintained a defensive posture and guarded the door to prevent Shrek students inside from being affected.

However, this time Lin Xiaozhu's opponent is Dugu Bo, the top powerhouse in the Douluo Continent-Titled Douluo!

I saw Dugubo's seventh spirit ring lit up, and it moved around his body.

"Seventh Spirit Ability, Green Scale Snake Emperor!"

(Thank you for such a reward!)

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