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Tang San was very excited, and regardless of whether Lin Xiaozhu was interested, he introduced him to the dazzling array of medicinal materials next to the hot spring.

Lin Xiaozhu looked along his fingers and saw a big red lotus flower. The petals alone were more than ten centimeters long. The appearance was very beautiful.

"This flower has a hidden sexual preference. The petals have a strong coldness, which can overcome dryness and heat. It is very effective for the treatment of fire poison..."

Before Tang San finished speaking, he let out another scream. Lin Xiaozhu looked around and saw a palm-sized flower with a flame-like cloud pattern on it.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiaozhu was puzzled.

"You don't know, this is called Zhu Dan Huolan. It can get rid of the cold in the human body, clear the blocked meridians, and make the body warm in winter and cool in summer. Ordinary people will maintain a constant temperature without the influence of the four seasons. , And will not be bothered by disease..."

Lin Xiaozhu listened to Tang San's eloquent speech with uninteresting interest.

His body is as strong as iron stone, and it is far beyond the reach of others. For him, longevity and physical fitness are of no use to him, so naturally he will not have any interest in these herbs.

"Also, this is snow silkworm, the best of Cordyceps sinensis, this is ice velvet cold water chrysanthemum, the holy medicine for treating trauma..." Tang San introduced extremely excitedly.

Even though Lin Xiaozhu had no interest, he couldn't interrupt... he kept yawning next to him.

"Youxiang Qiluo fairy product!"

"Look through the autumn water!"

Tang San became more and more excited, and later he was actually like a child seeing a novel toy. He pointed to the colorful herbs and screamed, which shocked Lin Xiaozhu.

It is hard for him to imagine that an older young man who is nearly 40 years old still has such a childish side. No wonder some people say that adults are all expired children, that they are still in their fifties, and that they are still children in their thirties... ··

Lin Xiaozhu followed him boredly at first, and occasionally echoed a few words. Later, he really lost his interest and found a rock by himself and sat down.

No one was by, Tang San muttered to himself for a while, and then gradually calmed down, and began to lower his head to think.

Many of the herbs here can be used to solve the poison formulated by Dugu Bo, but it must be maximized to avoid violating the heavens.

He pondered hard, rowing around on the ground with a branch, and studied the next response plan.


There was a sound of water.


Tang San was stunned, and quickly looked at the eyes of Binghuo.

Lin Xiaozhu's clothes were still on the shore. He had jumped into the pool, only half of his body was exposed.

The spring water in the eyes of Binghuoliangyi churned a few times after he entered, and then returned to calm. The milky white and crimson were not mixed together, and they were still so distinct.

Tang San's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly shouted, "Xiao Zhu, come out, it's dangerous in there!"

"What's the danger? It's very comfortable. If there is nothing wrong with the third brother, you can come down and soak for a while." Lin Xiaozhu looked at ease.

"Don't be careless, there are two extreme temperatures in the eyes of Bing Huo Yi and extreme cold and extreme heat. Even Titled Douluo would not dare to stay in it for a long time."

"I'm not Title Douluo, it's okay."


"Okay, third brother, don't be surprised, it's really comfortable." Lin Xiaozhu was enjoying himself, and he held up the water with his hands to his neck.

Tang San was stunned, staring dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

As expected, after a few breaths, the two breaths in the spring water of the eyes of the ice and fire converged towards the center, one white and one red. At first glance, the entire pool looked like a Tai Chi picture.

Lin Xiaozhu's body trembled, and he felt an extremely cold air rise from under his feet, and his whole body turned blue. Then, there was another scorching breath that filled him like a raging fire. His body turned red.

Alternating red and blue made him look extremely weird.

In a short moment, Lin Xiaozhu was violently impacted by two extreme auras, his body seemed to burst, and it was very painful.

Only then did he understand why even the Title Douluo dared not careless after entering the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

He hurriedly took a deep breath and used his armed and irony defense.

At the beginning, the pain quickly disappeared, and immediately became more comfortable, and Lin Xiaozhu also let out a sigh of relief.

But not long after, the two auras penetrated into his body again, penetrated into his body as if perforated, and entered Lin Xiaozhu's internal organs one by one.

When the two sensations of freezing cold and scorching heat appeared on the body at the same time, the strong stimulation made Lin Xiaozhu's brain confused.

In desperation, he turned into Zhu Wei and opened the first three doors of the eight-door Dunjia, only to barely resist the impact of two extreme auras.

If it were replaced by another soul sect, and was baptized by such a strong ice and fire, I am afraid that it would not be able to hold it for a second, and it would burst and die immediately.

However, Lin Xiaozhu's body was not comparable to the soul sect, and even the power soul sage Zao Wou-ki was ashamed.

After ten minutes passed, his body gradually adjusted to the temperature of the spring water. Although his body surface was still a little uncomfortable, it was not as unbearable as before.

After another moment, he felt his body more adapted, and the touch of extreme temperature had become very gentle.

Lin Xiaozhu tried to remove the Eight Doors of Dunjia, and the extreme temperature around his body immediately became less mild, but for him, it just felt a little strenuous, but after a long time, his body adapted again. The feeling of being impacted by the bipolar air slowly disappeared.

With the passage of time, after the body fully adapted, Lin Xiaozhu directly removed all the Eight Door Dunjia, but kept the form of Zhu Wei, and continued to display the Armed Color·Ironization to be intact in the eyes of the ice and fire.

Seeing the eyes of Ice and Fire that even Titled Douluo could not stay for long, Lin Xiaozhu could sit in it quietly, and Tang San was deeply shocked by the strength of his body.

In fact, Lin Xiaozhu at this time knew very well that because Dugu Bo itself was not good at defense, his physical strength might not be much stronger than himself. If he was replaced by a power-type Title Douluo, he would be of this level. The temperature, I'm afraid it can't cause any damage to him.

Seeing Lin Xiaozhu's return to normal, Tang San also let go and began to study various herbs carefully.

In addition to the previous Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, he also discovered another Immortal Herb-Star Anise Xuanbing Grass.

This is a fairy grass with chilling toxicity.

He was born in Tang sect and has a deep understanding of the growth habits of herbs. After discovering the octagonal black ice grass, he instinctively looked at the opposite side of it.

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