Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 325 Golden Scale Shield

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With a "bang", the Tungsten Dolphin leaped high and stepped on all fours to Lin Xiaozhu with awe, as if a mountain was directly pressed down. Under the feet of the Dolphin, Lin Xiaozhu seemed to be crushed.

"Good job!" Lin Xiaozhu laughed.

Dozens or hundreds of boxing shadows revolved around his body at a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the fist shadow stagnated, and immediately gathered on the right hand. A huge fist shadow suddenly appeared, and Lin Xiaozhu swung abruptly to face the tungsten dolphin.

The shadow of the fist is like electricity, continuously zooming in while it is galloping, and at the moment of contact with the tungsten dolphin, it has more than doubled its huge body.


Even if Qi Xiaotian's fourth spirit ability could really smash mountains and rivers, it was still overturned by Lin Xiaozhu's third spirit ability.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu is like a rebirth of the overlord!

A fist knocked a soul sage's martial soul body over, splashing blood, this scene was really shocking!

Everyone in Tiandou Academy stood there, their mouths open.

This is not the Soul Sect against the Soul Emperor, nor the Soul King, but the Soul Saint!

There were only a few hundred existences in the entire Douluo Continent, and the mainstay among the major forces was actually blown away by a thirteen-year-old Soul Sect!

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, Yu Tianheng and others felt that they were dreaming, and the Shi brothers even rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

Li Yuanlei and Nie Yuanbo were equally shocked, but they had been watching them for a long time, and even if they were surprised, they would not let this rare opportunity to attack.

Nie Yuanbo directly lit up the fifth spirit ring, and the majestic spirit power pressed towards Lin Xiaozhu like rivers and rivers.

"Fifth Soul Ability·Wind Bone!"


The whimpers of ghost crying and wolf howling sounded like a storm in the Gobi Desert, which made people shudder.

Everyone saw green whirlwinds in mid-air hitting Lin Xiaozhu from all directions. Before they got close, a sour smell came on their faces. It can be seen that these sharp whirlwinds must be poisonous.

Before Lin Xiaozhu flew to the ground, he anticipated this situation. He hurriedly used the purple magic pupil, his eyes covered with a faint purple meaning. After that, in Lin Xiaozhu's eyes, the speed of the whirlwind swept across. It seemed to drop down.

While Nie Yuanbo launched an attack on Lin Xiaozhu, Li Yuanlei also performed his fourth spirit ability.


The ground under Lin Xiaozhu's feet squirmed, making strange noises.

In the next moment, sharp branches broke out of the soil, with shiny viscous liquid on them.

Facing the combined attack of the two soul saints, Lin Xiaozhu did not dare to be careless.

His fourth spirit ring flickered with a dazzling light, and a huge breath suddenly appeared

"Fourth Spirit Ability·Golden Scale Shield!"

This was the first time he used his fourth spirit ability after obtaining the fourth spirit ring.

Lin Xiaozhu absorbed the golden scale shield obtained by the 50,000-year-old soul beast golden monitor lizard, and its defense force was not weak.

The reason why he didn't release the armed color and iron for defense was because on the one hand, he was afraid of being poisoned, and on the other hand, he was afraid of being suppressed by the three violent attacks on the way to the defense transformation.

In terms of defense, the difference between the fourth spirit ability and the iron skill is that the body's defensive power enhanced by the armed color iron, while the light ball formed by the golden scale shield can block the enemy's attack.

The defensive power of the ball of light is 500% of the person's defense. When released, the 5,000 soul power consumed is directly concentrated on the ball of light. It can last for about five minutes, but it will follow the attack after being attacked. The intensity of the photosphere shortens the maintenance time of the photosphere.

This time his enemies were three powerful soul saints, and there was no room for half-point mistakes. He had already thought out the next few countermeasures while hovering in midair.

The spirit power formed a round light mask covered with diamond-shaped scales around him, spreading outwards extremely rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it became a light ball of several meters in diameter, completely enclosing Lin Xiaozhu, and the others. I can't see the situation inside.

The moment the light shield appeared, Li Yuanlei's attack had arrived.

Bang, bang, bang...

The green light and shadow blasted on the golden scale shield like lightning, making dull noises. At the same time, the iron tree-like branches also stab upward from below.

The huge ball of light began to tremble violently as it was attacked by external forces, its appearance gradually shrank, its color gradually faded, and it was shaky in just two breaths.

"Humph! I see how long you can hold on." Nie Yuanbo grinned.

Qi Xiaotian also got up at this moment, and stared at the ball of light surrounded by Li Yuanlei excitedly.

Under the combined attack of the two, the color of the light ball became lighter and lighter, and Lin Xiaozhu's figure became clear.

I saw his hands folded in front of his chest, and there was a fist-sized ball of golden light in his palm.

As the golden scale shield surrounding Lin Xiaozhu's body shrank and the color faded, the light ball in his palm became brighter and brighter, and a touch of chaos was spinning and flowing.

In a moment, the golden scale shield had shrunk to a mask with a diameter of more than two meters, but it barely enveloped Lin Xiaozhu, which was already like a transparent bubble, but the light ball in his hand became brighter and brighter, and there were a few black spots in it. It was tumbling violently.

Yu Tianheng and others watched this scene with their eyes rounded, and their hearts were mentioned in their throats.


There was a crisp cracking sound, and a tiny crack appeared on the surface of the golden scale shield.

Immediately afterwards, a large area of ​​cracks appeared on the surface of the shield.

Sage Nie Yuanbo, the soul of the sensitive attack system, saw that Lin Xiaozhu's defense was broken immediately, and the sixth spirit ring was instantly lit up, displaying his 20,000-year spirit ability, battle spirit.

Nie Yuanbo leaped in the air, floating in the air, raising his claws high, and his violent spirit power quickly condensed into his body, and a huge green ghostly shadow enveloped his body.


He only heard him roar, his claws grabbed out of thin air, and a strong green wind appeared, turning into terrifying skeletons in mid-air. These skeletons were wearing broken armor and wielding knives and guns to kill Lin Xiaozhu.

This is Nie Yuanbo's most destructive ultimate move besides Wuhun's real body. He is ready to kill his opponent with one blow without leaving any future troubles!

These skeletons are like soldiers who died on the ancient battlefield, and their grievances are like a tangible yin wind, blowing towards Lin Xiaozhu, covering the sky and the sun. The trees touched by it will instantly be squeezed out of life and wither quickly.

The ghostly fighting spirit came to Lin Xiaozhu, roaring and resentment.

In an instant, the sky trembled and everyone changed their color.

"Hahahaha..." Qi Xiaotian burst out laughing when he saw this, "boy, let's take your life!"

But at this moment Li Yuanlei frowned, because he saw the corners of Lin Xiaozhu's mouth in the golden scale shield slightly raised. For some reason, he sensed a hint of danger from this expression.

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