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The snake tale was a surprise, hurriedly pulled back, dangerous to hide the metrical Mars, but the robes on the body were still burned out of the big hole, he quickly urged the soul, pulling the flame.

At the same time, the advanced offering of the refurbishness was even.


The dark red big coffin came out, like a hill was thrown out, and the heavy squat was on the snake.

After a rush, Yu Long flew, and the snake spear was almost in the violent trembling. He spurted a blood, and he retired a dozen steps and barely stabilizes the shape. The face is pale, it is obviously Not a light injury.

At this moment, his companions will naturally not be indifferent.

Because the martial arts attached to the ugly toucher, the ball, the spherical body suddenly contracted, and the fifth soul ring was bloomed, and the contracted body lightning expanded again.

Puff puff····

At the same time, hundreds of poison thorns were sprayed and shot from the two people who attacked the snakes.

These poison thorns not only attached to the poison, but the strong injection has also reached a horror.

Take this opportunity, the blood is also retired, and the snake spear of the pop-up.

When two people are mixed, they have passed, and the figure of the tarder Douro has not stopped. He is going to protect their young owners, and the continues to stand up, and to delay as much as possible.

This is the tacit understanding of the decades of cooperation, and the two sides don't need too much tips. It is just a look and action. It can read each other.

The high-end supply of back to the hugeness is cold. This is a man's voice. It is also the first time for the first time. If this is not this, the two elders of the Wushu Temple have a kind of opponent's illusion. .

I saw the nine soul rings at his feet.

Two yellow, two purple, five black!

The best soul ring configuration.

Of course, do not include those enchanting.

Don't look only the difference in the soul ring, you can say that the soul is the difference in talent.

From the level of the soul, it began to pull the gap. After the soul of the soul, the soul, the epidemic will go to the title of Douro. Every level of the soul ring is more than a lot of years. Every soul skill is also big. A lot.

The four levels of the whole are already the difference in quality. For better soul ring configuration, it has an overwhelming advantage.

His sixth soul lit up, flashing with a dazzling black light, the moment of soul, and the two people who have emerging, and the level of this opponent has reached 93.

I saw that the coffin was quickly enlarged, like a wall, blocking in two people.

At the same time, the tarder fight is back, and the face is revealing a clean laugh.

"Ping Pong ·····" Mars splash.

The intensive poison in the half air fell on the coffin, but also flew the coffin, when they just crossed the coffin, instantly fell, and turned into large pieces of fragmented four-sigma sputtering.

The two opponents who have been hiding behind the coffin will be hit by splash in the poison.

However, what happened next, let him live.

Because on the other cover of the coffin, the splash of the fragments all bombards it, and there is no leaving a little white marks.

In the next moment, the coffin plate is like a living, "Hey!", It is going to the lance.

A strong attack, tarder fight Luo suddenly jumped to the side, and the coffin plate flew away for dozens of meters and slammed the ground and smashed the ground.

The top one is jumped, it is the high-end offer of the smoking pipe, there is there, blocking the blood of the lance.

"Hehehe ····· ? "

The Jiudao soul ring is almost simultaneously from her foot, the soul ring configuration and the body of the coffin are exactly the same, just that the soul is higher than him, has reached 94.

The flying smoke lit up the sixth soul ring, and took a pipe to smoke a bite.

Then, spit out a long and thick smoke, shrouded around the body.


Then she flew up with a foot, kicking in the smoke, strange that the smoke was screaming, then she kicked a foot, and the smoke was still screaming.

In the next moment, the two groups smoke flew out, condensed into two sharp dental teeth in the half air, with a pair of blood red eyes, and bowed a big mouth to die in the air and staring at Shuolong and lance.

Two-on-two, the remaining five people who took the store did not show their meaning, just standing there, as if there was no relationship with them.

Even so, the two elders in the Wuhun Temple seem to be completely suppressed.

Halpentry, Luo said, the body has been expanded, the seventh soul ring suddenly put, just a moment, the body expands quickly, which is much larger than before.

Between the blink, the whole person is already in order to have a large number of spheres in diameter, and the lost spike is also reroute, and each length is close to three meters.

As far as the current situation, the other party has one person, they may be killed in an instant, so the blood does not dare to keep it.

At this time, a woman's voice sounded, "Okay, don't play again, A style you can pack these two bugs, there are still many friends waiting here."

Her voice is very quiet, like fluctuating the strings, making people recognize where it comes from.

"Know it." A man on the top right of the five people said.

He is behind a lack of strange hands in the sword. This arrow is a ring. There are three long sharp knives on one meter on the ring, and the other is a rope, which seems to be used to make a long distance attack. use.

In fact, this is a soul guide, and the role can be traged to raise lightning, which is also extremely strong, even if it is grilled by high temperature, it will not produce any damage.

The height of the wind is above two meters, thin and high. After the martial arts attached to the body, a white raccoon appeared behind him, he is a soul of a beast.

He came forward to step forward, and the soul ring under the feet rose.

Two yellow, two purple, four black, one red!

The high-grade dedicated to the auction site has actually appeared for 100,000 years of soul rings!

This makes the two elders of the Wushu Temple.

If it is just the previous two, even if the soul ring configuration is better, you can fight for a battle, but this name is not the same.

This level of the soul ring can be encountered, even if the entire Douro continent, there are more than 100,000 years of soul ring!

Moreover, this terrible arbitrary, the soul of the body is far more than the four people present.

He is a peak!

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