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The fire of the two poles contains unparalleled destructive power, and in the fusion of the two ultimate temperatures, it is destroyed into the only ventift!

Taining, Luo raised his momentum to the peak, his left foot suddenly stepped forward, the ice cone in his hand did not fill the sprint of thousands of flow.

While the ice cone is shot, the other half of the nahnan is holding the giant hammer against the flame, with the left leg, holding the right arm of the giant hammer, like a big bow, Explosive power instantly diffuses.

Taina will burn the giant hammer of the flame to the tail of the ice cone.


The strong energy fluctuates on the cone cone, and a thorny violet will bloom from the tip. The ice cone is around, the air is twisted like a water snake, and all the energy is completely condensed in a straight line.

This hit is that his momentum has reached the hit of the peak.

There are many tataneous flows, but Nairo does not know, but from the other party released the breath, he will understand that this opponent must be strong in strength, and only have a victory.

The road to the cultivation of Taina is different from others, he wants all the opponents to win all the opponents, from the battle, he is not willing to let the opportunity to defeat the power to anyone.

Thousands of roads are one of the strongest three people on the mainland, and there is a dream to do with this opponent.

Therefore, it is different from before, after the war of war, he will release all the seventh and eighth soul technology, and prepare for the death battle.

Thousands of streams snorted, "the rice is also dared to fight with the moon?"

In the face of such a huge thing, he does not refund, in the half-air, it will take a step forward.

In front of the destructive power to the horror, there is no halfway, and his seventh soul ring is bright, on this, while the golden light is quiet, the angel's virtual image is quiet.

Black and gold, two pneumonous rays mix together.

Soon that black soul ring is like being assimilated, in the process of release, turned into golden.

The angel's vain and thousands of streams quickly coincided with the whole person, including the skin and hair, all rendered into a pure gold, and the beautiful golden flame wrapped his body, as if the gods were general!

Even the other eight soul rings on your body are also rendered into golden.

On the back of the white wings, the gold began to spread from the root, and spread to the tip of each feathers.

"Hey!", It is another pair of wings to open from him, and the six-wing angels are fully displayed under the role of the martial arts.

His sixth soul ring is lit, and the golden rays have emerged again.

The magnificent momentum is turned on, and even the dazzling purple light is bleak.

I saw the three pairs of golden flame bear bear burned, and the golden flame of the ingredients was combined with a thousand streams of body.

The golden light blade is staining the sky, letting the night of the sky.


The two scholars' souls collided in the air, the whole sky became completely colors at this moment, just like the sun fell on the ground, Tiandu City is completely present as a bright gold, even if it is a thousand miles This scene can be seen in the outside world.


Above the auction field.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

In the indifferent space, the hole in the dark lacquered Tiankeng is flashing, and the woman is still standing on the edge of the Tiankeng, and she has a smile in the cold face.

The owner asked: "Who is it in Tiandu City?"

"It is a person who is in the temple of Taina and the Wushu."

"Taina?" The owner's voice is very surprised. "I let you arrange what they do, do you remember?"

"You told me before, send a senior person to the prince of the Defucian Wushu."

"Remember the reason for you to deter anesthes?"

"In order to lead the high level of the Wushu Temple."

The master is asked: "Why introduce their high level?"

"To negotiate with them." The smile of the lady wooked.

"Why is this so big?"

"I am told by you, send them to the prince of the prince's deterrence, the result, don't know how to play, now I have already hit two hours."

"Wastean!" The Tiankeng came out of the roaring, and the whole space was trembled.

The lady is afraid of a smoking, and she does not dare to speak.

"Who let you open the idiots and the martial arts of the martial arts? Let you deter to the soul ring, release the soul, let them retreat, do not dare to do it, the purpose is to let us negotiate , Don't understand your stupid materials?? "

"But ···· It is really coming."


The Tiankeng spread out of a low, huge breath showed that the owner was very angry.

"Yes ····· is their first hand." The woman is quickly explained.

"What do they move?" The owner seems to be a little confused.


The owner originally believed that the soul level of the seven senior powers, the Wushu Temple will not train, and when the other party's high-level comment, one side of the selection can use the true identity of the Xueqing River, the two parties will be a while Maintain a "peace" state, although this kind of peace is not so stable.

But this is the strongest Wushu Temple in the eyes of the outside. It is still in the Douro's mainland. This time can be used in this time, and you can use the smallest price to destroy the Wushen Temple in the mainland.

After that, then I lost three times, then the auction field will be unified to unify the entire Douro Continent.

But the owner still doesn't understand the big dedication of the Wushu Temple. It does not expect that when there is a strong person who knows the monk of the soldiers in the selection, it will lead to the soul of the soul, set off a game. war!

Although the owner still wants to make the auction, let the auction site not know, quietly accumulate strength on the mainland.

Until one day, he included the advanced weafers under his hand, and he went to the continent without forces, and then further annexed other planes based on Douro's mainland.

However, in the current situation, the auction field has been completely exposed. If this time, if you do your best to break the Wushu Hall, the loss of the store will definitely be very huge.

At that time, there is no political foundation to shoot, will replace the Wushu Temple to become the most powerful force on the road.

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