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"The sword of the trial!"

The golden flame on a thousand channels once again burned, and the blink of an eye was high, and the lake water around him was completely dried, and the other plants left were all in this flame. Grilled for ashes. .

There is no moment to stay, these sacred flames are condensed into a long sword in the air.

At the same time, the advanced demarcation is finally moved.

He did not send any sound, just floating into half-air.

Seeing this situation, it is very disdainful and snorted.

Three major deep world Dou Luo Zhong Tang Chen is called the strongest land, and Poseth is the strongest sea, and thousands of streams are called aerial, in the air combat, there is absolute advantage.

The people in front of me did not know the sky, dared to run to the sky and fight him.

Thousands of roads feel that this person is a madman, or it is a very self-responsible guy, no matter what, she will pay for her own mistake.

The advanced supply slowed down to the air, and the martial arts also attached to the other.

A golden flavor appeared in his hands, there is a fresh, fresh heart in the top of the !

This heart is jumping with "plopping, plop"!

As if it is just taken from someone's chest.

Eight black, one red!

Nine soul rings appear.

This is always a senior offerings that have not been out.

And it is also the strongest one in the seven people of the auction, the most terrible thing is that the soul fluctuations ever have even more than a thousand streams.

Run, crisp sound, a invisible waves blow up.

With the origin of the senior power, it formed a waves, swept around, and the ground in the three hundred meters of the square was overwhelming, with a fragment of countless smoke and plants. More than 10 meters. .

In the face of the eighth soul skills of thousands of times, this high-grade offer is not half-fifted.

At this moment, there was a thousand way to see that her eyes were completely blood red, and the combined murderous accompanied by melodious swearing.

"Demi god!"

Even the big supply of the Wushu Hall is not coming to the eyes of the eyes!

Survey Dourao is also known as the ultimate Douro, in fact, human cultivation to the limit.

This is the case when there is this concept, but over time, this level is divided into three small realms, which can reflect the difference between the limit Douro.

The soul of the ultimate Douro is called the quasi-half God, which is the level of thousands of streams and tights, there is a significant strength in this level.

However, after completing the transformation, you can enter the row of halfpoints, the gap between the half-god and the quasi-half God can be "obvious" two words can be described, the real half god and the half god are like the soul. It is the same as the peak of Douro and the ordinary title.

Of course, there are also some pridespeak through constant efforts, and make a breakthrough to the avenue, so that they enter another realm, that is, god, or called false god.

In this realm, the life will be extended to more than three hundred years old. Their strength has to be high and a big trip, and it is even more likely to say anything.

If you break through the realm of yourself, you will become the existence of supreme - God!

The geographical field of the god is not as vast imagination, and the number of human beings that can be loaded is limited.

So, I want to go to the gods, there is always a position that belongs to myself. This location is related to the confidence of the Tiandi Avenue, and the price of the god has also indicated the changes in the gods.

In general, there are two status of the gain: one is that God died in the process of chasing the heavens and the earth, then his gains need a heir, or a gods actively gave up their own position. The further world pursues more heaven and earth avenue, and his gain will make it, and this kind of gain, you need to have a successor.

Therefore, there is a more high existence in God, as for what is not human.

"So, let's fight a winner!" The senior offerings floated in the air, and the seventh soul ring lit with the eighth soul ring.

Until this, the people were determined that the voice of the sound is like a piano is the advanced demand.

I saw the glitter of the glance in her arms, the blue, red, yellow, green, and purple five kinds of brids were frozen, and the five kinds of poisonous beasts of the jellyfish, the spider, snake, and scorpion were surrounded. She is rotating.

Under the color of the colorful rays, she became a shadow.

Although I can't see the appearance and dress, I see the light of the light, and the long hair is roan, and it is like a woman.

"Palace, no night, play music!"


With this high-grade proposal as the origin, the waves are like a tsunami, sweep each other, and the sound echoed between the heavens and the earth, and the head of the smell!

This kind of waves are like Tarot, a wave of waves, a wave of a wave, a large area of ​​cracks under the foot, there is a low range of rice, which is deep, as if Tong to hell.

Bang -!


The violent sounds let the world have bleak, blinking, there is a paint within the space, this black image is a sticky material condensed, as if it can suck it into the lungs.

At the time of the darkness, the battle in the Imperial City stopped.

Because no one is willing to fight in the environment that reaches five fingers, both sides are ready to go, quietly hide, waiting for the bright arrival.

A thousand moves are jealous, but at this moment he cannot retrace.

He snorted, his hands closed in the chest, before the left hand, the right hand pressed in the chest, the sword of the trial of the hundred meters, and burned the golden flame of the bears, I want to rely on it. The sacred flame will be dispersed in the dark.

However, the difference between the golden flames, but the golden flames did not illuminate the space around, and the darkness was swallowed.

Thousands of streams are also looking for not wearing this unsatisfactory darkness. His sword does not know where to wave, keep the pods in the air.


Death is still quiet!

a long time·······

Darkness is old.

Even some people have begun to suspect that they are not a big sound shocking their eyes.

Bright is never arrived.

But no one dares to make a sound, and it is afraid that there is a stretch that will be attacked by the group.

Silence is still.

Everyone did not dare to make a sound, and the "" of the fire in the distance and the screams of the civilians were more clear.

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