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Lin Xiaozhu noted that Xiaonan, who was smashed in the chest, not only did not have a pain, very strange, her lips were still slightly tight, showing a smile of a smile, which is very hori horror in the night.

At this time, the Han clicks noted that the opponent's chest was generated for a fluffy paper. When he punched, the paper had already been rushed in advance, and his punch is actually a bomb. In the air above the air.

Xiaoshan can use the special sick "Dance of the paper", in this state, she can take itself into a paper, the damage brought by the immune physical attack, pure physical attack wants to hurt her almost no It may, and the Chinese bias is a Ninja, who is good at body, so I know that I will capture the five tails, which is determined by thinking.

A few sharp sheets flew out from the chest of Xiaonan, and went to the Han.

He hurriedly slammed it, but he was cut on his arm. The paper is sharp, even the thick armor can't block its front edge, and I was cut out a very smooth cut, Han's arm There is a blood flowing out immediately.

"The vicious rebellion!" His voice is a bit anger, the steam is more rich, and Xiaonan is still a laughing expression, it looks easily, for her, there is no Ninja than good at body. It's better to deal with the enemy.

She despised the look of the opponent completely irritated.


Han hamo, the eyes flashed, the body is extremely magnified, and the pressure of a huge beast is sprayed from the body.

The dark red energy wrapped the entire body of the Han in an instant, he was under the next dark red, accompanied by the violent Chakra fluctuations.

Han is on the ground, the five tails, send a sound wild beast, then look, it is not a complete human form.

This is his half-tail and animal state. In this state, although the body of the column will have a significant change, it will still maintain a lot of human forms, and the strength will be greatly increased.

In the face of Han's half-tailed, Xiaocheng, I didn't dare to go, I saw her face, waving paper wings to fly, and suddenly stopped in the opponent.

A pair of paper woven, the double wing, which has a seven or eight meters.

"Paper rain!"

I only listen to the small south, countless sheets of paper is a vast wind and heavy rain, and the time cover the sky, go down the Hank.

"The boil is unparalleled!"

Han cooked, facing the enemy's large-scale attack, I don't have a half-point to avoid it, and I will raise Chakra to the boiling point, so that the whole body is blown out in an instant, "Hey!" The pop-up air.

The violent momentum is like a rocket, and the fire is masterpiece, and a huge cavity is collapsed.

After his, he had sprayed a flame, issued a roar like the train, directly hit the small south of the air, and the flying paper could not resist the huge Chakra released by the Han Dynasty, flew by the shock .

The Han as if a shell is shot to the sky, exudes the momentum of destruction, and the meaning of the opponent to hit the opponent from the sky.

"Paper long spear!"

Xiaonan single-handed print, Chakra is just gathered to the palm of the palm, flies back to her hand in the direction of the sheets of the four sides, turning into a sharp spear between the blink of an eye, she seizes the end of the forefront, slamming the end of the forefront Go.


The two people have a dramatic collision in the half-air, and an invisible waves swept all over the eight-sided eight-way, and the vast moment is not weak to the soul skills between the sealed Douro in the mainland.

Don't look at the spear made by this paper, only the finger is very thick. After many years, Xiaonan even uses it with paper rain to block the other side's fire.

That is the first ancestor and giant psychic beast rhinoceros, who has killed Payne, and the horses of the giant psychic beast rhinoceros. Although the level is not high, the power is too big to even be very shocking!

Xiaonan uses two soul skills to block the opponent's attack. The Han Dynasty will weaken, and the land is falling, but in the half-air, the homogeneous homogenesis is once again waving, and another round of attack.

"Thousands of paper rain!"

She fans the paper wing, a neutral paper needle flew out to the man, the speed of the paper needle is fast, even if the purple polar, Lin Xiaozhu can only see the shine of the star in the night sky. Flat.

The Han, who is falling to the ground, is nowhere to focus, and can only resist the flying rain in front of the armband.

A burst of explosion sounded, and the bursts of the bursts were wrapped in the explosion, which can form a small scale explosion.

This is the southern, sudden explosion, sudden explosion, often caused the opponent to prevent the opponent in the double state of the angel form and the dance of the paper.

, , , ·····

A series of small-scale explosions sounded in the body of the Han.

In the semi-tail-oriented state, the body of the Han was wrapped in a strong Chakra parcel. The small-scale explosion did not let him be hit hard, but he was shocked by the explosion, he took the ground, and suddenly took a big pit. .

This series of hands-on-shifting, only a few minutes, Han was suppressed by Xiaonan, even if there was any cheap, even if it was displayed.

Xiaonan has been thinking about what tobekarate attacks on the sky. For the timing of the time, Lin Xiaoshu hiding in the dark, he feels that Xiaonan's judgment and tightness The choice is really far exceeding the Han, who is embarrassed as rock.

In fact, I have already encountered many times before the five ends of the five tails, so the opponents' sorrowful southern is already in the heart, when she releases the state of semi-andast, she immediately thinks it. Countermeasure.

Lin Xiaozhu knows where this precedent is the consequences, and thought that Xiao Nan is an extremely refined tactical ninja.

At this moment, he felt that at this moment, he could see the tactics of Xiaonan. If you changed to him and her hand, most of the fierce fight will also be considered.

However, the battle between ninja is indeed very focused on tactics. It is entirely two styles with the One Piece. In some cases, the ninja gives the tactics to exceed the soul of Douro.

Lin Xiaozhusi is just a moment, and the Xiaonan, the small South has once again!

"Big paper hand sword!"

She has a single hand, and a piece of paper in front of it will be rapidly gathered in a spiral shape in the air.

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