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Lin Xiaozhu quickly pinned the paper with his fingers, before the eyes, showed the vibrant magic, and watched a moment.

Seeing his cautious look and purple and shameful eyes, the black Sato also followed the alert, "What happened to you, what happened?"

Lin Xiaozhu did not answer, he is paying attention to the residual energy on the paper, although it is very weak, he still observed a small south of Chakra.

"Broken!" He hurriedly threw the paper into the fire, immediately opened the soul, and sensued around.

Sure enough, Lin Xiaoshu quickly heard that there was a powerful breath that is getting close to the direction of the town.

"Fast! Put the clothes, we leave this." He is very anxious.

Lin Xiaozhu took the fur coat from the item column, handed it to the black soil.

Xiao Southern is equivalent to the strong number of the title, although the black soil is endured, but it can be equivalent to ordinary endurance, the strength is equivalent to the epidemic, do not say that her body is not suitable, even in normal state, and I will join hands. More than half of Xiaonan opponents.

The black soil is a bit confused. Why don't you understand this reaction, but I see him so anxious, but I am so busy got a thick fur coat. At this time, she also feels that the powerful breath is approaching.

Just a few breathing things, Lin Xiaozhu is observed that the breath has entered the town, and she arrives at the hotel with her speed. It is two or three breathing things.

Today, the two people have exposed, and they have been hesitant by others. He takes a black soil, and uses the body of the other side to break the glass directly.

When two people just rushed out of the window, Lin Xiaozhu was aware of a sharp strife, and he was a bit, and he immediately understood himself or slow.

A paper giant hand sword is rotating to fly to the two.

"Armed Color · Ironization!"

Lin Xiaozhu did not hesitate, and rushed to protect the black soil.

"You are careful ..." The voice did not fall, and the black soil heard Lin Xiaozhu whispered to tell her: "Attack!"

She will work immediately and quickly on the chest.


The sword stab in Lin Xiaoshu, issued a sound of a metal collision, actually flying directly by the earth.

"What !?" The Xiaonan, who is moving to the two, even forgot to detonate the detonation of the sword.

She can't imagine an ordinary person's body can be sturdy.

Xiaonan also used "big paper hand sword" when fighting with the Han.

At that time, Han was in the semi-tail beast, but also used his hand to avoid the cutting edge, if the sword was stabbed on the body, it will definitely be seriously injured, but now Lin Xiaozhu actually resists the body, sharp The incomparable hand sword and even his flesh is not scratched.

What is the body of this guy?

In the moment of Xiaonan, the black soil on the side has completed the printing.

"Melting · gray stone sealing!"

I saw the semi-coagulated volcanic rocks sprayed in her mouth, especially in the half-air of the snow.

When I was so late, I didn't have time to avoid, and I suddenly was wrapped in the package. The volcanic rock was cold and felt, and she was imprinted between her.

Paper wings can't be fanned under the displacement of volcanic rocks, small south straight fell.

"Zhenye · Fracture Drow!"

Lin Xiaozhu has long lit up the soul ring, and the huge tail is erected after him, and a pound of the soul is emerging. The red electricity is like a small snake. That is generally jumped.

However, he did not hurry, but stared at Xiaonan.

She used the sheet of paper to find the two people's hidden, all the way to this, did not expect it to be imprisoned, her heart is in a hurry, and the whole force is madly roaring in Chakra, countless sheet of paper.

The volcanic rock came from the small south, and the countless thin profit paper is like a big group of snow, crazy attacked, wrapped her volcanic rock.

The general imprisonment is not able to resist the attack of Xiaonan, but this volcanic rock is the bloody boundary industry of black soil, and the strong sense is not general.

" ····" The brittle response is constantly moving, soon, many fine cracks appear on the hard volcanic surface.

Between the blink, the surface of the volcanic rock is covered with cracks, there is no a good place.

At this time, the paper seems to stop the attack. Suddenly quiet, only the "" "sound of Lin Xiaozhu tail on the electricity.

The black soil is tense to swallow the mouth of the mouth, and her hands crossed on the chest and ready to print.


A powerful Chakra is a flooding of the flood breaks the dam, it is pouring in an instant.

After Xiao Nan, the volcanic rock finally couldn't argue countless paper, and suddenly flew, the crumbs fly around, the paper is like a rotating flying blade, and the moment it is in an ever. Go to her body.

However, Xiaonan, who broke away from the imprisonment, ushered in a new round of attacks!

"Murcase · Lime Conducting!"

At this time, the black tone was completed, and the mouth was sprayed out of gray mud.

And the previous "gray stone seal" is different, the former is sprayed with limestone, because the solidification speed is fast, you can ban opponents on the spot, and "stone condensation" injection is a slow solidification speed, can be dragged Slow enemy speed and take some time to solidify it.

At the same time in black soil, "stone condensation" attacking Xiaonan, Lin Xiaozhu's giant tail shake, and the "flying needle" in the sky is like a heavy rain, and the pour to Xiaonan.

Xiaoshen, who got rid of volcanic rock, was watered by a big cement.

What made her abducted is that the viscous cement has weakened the power of the paper, and even let her paper wings are sticky together and can't go smoothly.

At the same time, it is difficult to count the flying needle, and it is usually sprinkled in Xiaonan.

When the flying needle touches the body of Xiaonan, although the speed of the transformation is not as fast as before, the part that can be encountered will also become a paper, even at the interference of cement, her body is immunized by physical attacks or immunized.

But she can't avoid the spiritual attack that comes with the pin!

Rain-like mental attacks let her feel a buzzard, and the body illusion is bonded by cement, two negative states, which make her a very passive situation.

Between the two breathing, the cement has been solidified, Xiaonan is poured into a statue, where it is standing there.

She quickly drove Chakra, and wanted to boke the cement that was solidified, and the chaotic brain made her energy could not concentrate. Chakra could not condense.

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