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The two are so quietly, one stands, a sitting, as if it is in two people different space.

After a while, I saw that person or no movement, Lin Xiaozhu finally opened, "Where is the woman going?"

The man didn't talk, still sitting quietly, as if I didn't hear what he said.

"Since you don't talk, can I go straight?" Lin Xiaozhu tested.

The man is still sitting in the same, Lin Xiaoshu is like a saying, nor a speech, and a big step to go to the channel opposite the lobby.

After this quiet and dark passage, he saw a few of the same lobby, and there was a quiet sitting person before the burning stove.

No one speech in these people, and before, in addition to the chest of breathing, there is no fine movement, and the big underground space is like the grave.

After continuous after seventy-eight halls, the dark channel suddenly narrowed, and the wall image is squeezed to the inner force extruded.

I don't know why, a kind of feeling that I have held my neck in the hearts of Lin Xiaoshu.

He felt a suffocation, quickly stopped, deeply sucking a few mouthfuls, this feels slightly scientifically, and then continue to go deep.

Lin Xiaozhu stopped in a round hall, there is no passage, there is no stove, there is a triangle red sacrifice at the center of the hall, lying on a black underground, in the dark underground, = Make people fuelry!

Lin Xiaozhu did not worry, he looked carefully in the lobby.

He immediately found that the opposite stone wall is inlaid, and the cover of the coffin is separated from the middle. From the inside, turn up on both sides, there are many wind-dried glasses snake bodies.

There is a female corpse in the coffin, and the neck of the corpse is wearing a collar. A rusty iron chain is onto the top, and the dry body is wrapped around a few laps. Like the evil ghost climbed back, the entire screen looks like a devil's art.

Lin Xiaozhu also found that a woman was bundled on the right side, and her limbs were fixed on two huge wooden piles, and the head is very low. It is obviously in a coma, and the clothes have been shredded. It was already in the body.

Xiao South! ?

Lin Xiaozhu's eyes emerge, he hoped to the sacrifice, seeing the blood red silk cloth on it, lying on a man wearing a night dress, his face is very white, no bloody.

"Put the ghost!"

Lin Xiaozhu snorted, the four soul rings rose from his feet, and a pound of soul suddenly emerged.

" ·····" A dry laugh is from the sacrifice, and the feeling of listening is like iron in frictional glass.

At this time, all the four corners of the room suddenly ignited, and the whole room illuminated.

"Here, the altar of the evil spirits, you can become a sacrifice of God without authorization." The man scored his throat and his voice was very harsh.

The voice is just falling, and the people wearing a punch, like the previous, his face is shadowed by the shadow of the cloak, and it is not clear.

I saw this person extended a hand from the big sleeves, and if it can also call it.

It's over-over-green scales, in the appearance, the words of the paw can be better interpreted.

This paw is like a sharp black nail, which is holding a transparent glass jar, filled with red liquid.

He tilted the bottle mouth, let the liquid sprinkled on the ground, then slowly turned a circle, between the moment, surrounded by his body

There is a red circle.

After the circle is finished, he draws a triangle in the circle with the remaining liquid.

In the blink, the liquid in the bottle is less than one-third. At this time, the three angles and circular edges overlap, form a

The strange pattern, the man stands in the triangle.

The other person's behavior made Lin Xiaozhu a little confused, his browbood, staring at that pattern.

He recalls that this symbol is seen in the original, he also hopes to give a whole round room and the triangular sacrifice.

Triangle and round ······


Lin Xiaozhu suddenly remembered the people who have created Tang Yin Village.

This is the curse of the flying segment: the spell, formulation!

Because there is no damage to death, the flying segment can be attacked, he will not need to be, you don't need anything, because he can maximize your unsatisfactory body. .

Flying Section As long as you can take the blood of the opponent to start the ban, his attack is basically all in order to hurt the opponent, get the opponent's blood, and then manipulate the spell, and hit the opponent fatal.

Although it is not dead, the flying segment does not have a player's regeneration ability and the ability to automatically restore the legacy. If the head is separated from the body, although it will not die, it will not act.

At this point, you need to help him sew in the partner angle in your organization, otherwise you will not be recovered automatically.

But as long as you sew together, within a few days, the flying segment will return to the extent that you can't see it.

This terrible ability made him a nightmare of many opponents!

Is it a flying section! ?

Lin Xiaozhu's heart suddenly sinked into the bottom of the valley.

"Mantry · Develop" not only has anti-injured, in this kind of anti-injury, Lin Xiaoshu remembers that the flying segment can make itself a long labeling, and the same harm to the goal. .

Plus the anti-injured ability of the spell can make the opponent get the same harm. These two ability cooperate, so that the flying segments can be more ruthless torture and killing the opponents, and the means is extremely cruel.

The elite in the village of Woody Village is a very powerful ninja, which is a very powerful ninja such as Wumens, etc., is killed by this technique.

I saw that the man was in the blood, slowly opened the hood, revealing an extremely ugly face, this face was wrapped by green scales, his big mouth has been grinned, a pair of green snakes flashes. stop.

Unlike the poisonous life in the body, the poisonous Douro is only slightly with some snakes, and the guys in front of them are seven points like snakes, three points like people, even if he is a huge pyth that will walk. Someone will believe it.

But seeing is not a flying segment, Lin Xiaoshu is still slightly dropped slightly, but he also thinks that since it will draw the same method, then it is possible to have the same capabilities.

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