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The Master also wants to say something, but a hurricane has been arrived, and the hawacout once again attacked him.

Lin Xiaozhu did not pay attention to the two people in the war. He and the Ye Cang, the black Sand station arrived at one place, and he looked down with the two. After this, the three will continue to hoped to fight.

After all, the Yuan Master is not the tension of the shadow. After you grow a coral, the movements have a lot of movements, only fighting a few rounds, they are fully suppressed by the symptoms. They can only release the tolerance, avoiding, there is no hand at all. Help.

"Kid, if you still don't show up, how long have you lived!" Yuan Master angered, he hoped to be anxious to Lin Xiaoshu's eyes.

Lin Xiaozhu also did not respond, and the laughing meat did not laugh, and there was no meaning of the hand.

He understands that although the Yuan Master is in the same way, it is nothing to have any kindness. It can be the same as him. If this time the teacher is killed, the oranges will immediately attacked them, with three tails The strength, more than three of them are not opponents, even if they are lucky, they will definitely pay huge consideration.

But if you want to shoot at this time, the oranges will definitely point the spear head to them. When the teacher will be easy, it will look for opportunities to attack them.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoshu chose to be quiet and changed, and he puts out a green look, it seems that you don't care about who will win.

In fact, he turned into the seven doors, and the soul is constant. Even if you don't fight, even dozens of minutes, the soul will consume one empty, then don't say battle, even run away The problem.

If you restore the original form, although you can do not consume the soul, you can turn it again when fighting, open the eight-door armor, but will not only lose the opportunity, but if it is sneaked in the process, it is extremely difficult to avoid.

Therefore, Lin Xiaozhu can only maintain this state, and still think about it. At the same time, he also believes that the ethics of the Yuanshi is almost a hundred years of old things must have hidden what to live.

After a minute, the past, the attack on the hosae mountain reverse sea made the Yuan Master sweating, and the battle was developed in the direction of the fighter. He appeared another wound, and it seems to have a danger of killing at any time.

The Yuan Master is constantly anxious to , but the other party is always a pair of love that is not moving, and there is no meaning in turn.

He biting his teeth. After released a defensive tolerance, he actually squatted directly to the orange. It was also temporarily stopped by his strange move.

At this time, the Yuan Master seems to have recovered the eyes of the old, and the voice is sad and sorrowful: "Savage, I will do it, you have a lot, you have a lot of old, let me kill you with you. This is a guy who threatens the village. "

"Hahahaha ····" The oranges are sacking, laughing, "I am here, are you still using this provocative trick?"

He hoped to continue to Lin Xiaozhu: "Young people, I speak, as long as you help me kill this old guy, you can leave here."

Lin Xiaoshu smiled and looked at the symptoms. He has decided in his heart. He stepped forward, said: "Well, that is fixed."

The sikikawkon is sneaked in the eyes, and then the sky laughs and laughs, the land of the laughter is shaking.

In fact, Lin Xiaozhu did not have the meaning of it, but the soul is in crazy loss, insisted that it is too long, he wants to force the teacher to make the killing hand, then launched a sudden attack, quickly ending this battle.

If you don't have the expected, the Yuan Master of the double knees quickly rapidly in the chest at the time of the two, and Chakra was uncomfortable in his throat, and it was a violent waves to the sandlock!

He once again released the "Rushing Water Rushing!", And the Jami was wrapped again by an elliptical giant water in an instant.

The sudden shock is surprised, but when he found that the Yuanshi once again showed the same sterilization, the face immediately turned a contemptuous color.

"Stupid goods, it also shows this meaningless tobach, do you forget why do you prefer this tolerance?"

"Why?" The voice of the Yuan Master seems to have a little yin and yang, he stood up and took the dust on the knees.

"The is too powerful, the power of the explosion is too powerful, the wave is innocent, who will be like you use it to sleep, but still two consecutive times."

Mutual explosions are the A-grade tissue developed by the second-generation eyepiece. In the process of displaying the explosion in the enemy, the monopolism will go out of countless sheets, and the unlimited Continuous explosion.

This kind of power is great, and if it is displayed in a stateless state, it is very easy to get the own itself into it, so it is listed as a ban!

In order to avoid hurting others when this ischief, the thousand-handed rooms will be trapped first, and the enemy is trapped first, and the explosion is controlled in the water.

It is this kind of composite tolerance to many Ninja inspiration, and later the second batch of sneaky knives and ghosts will also use the " " and the muscle fusion form.

" ····" The Yuan Master laughed, the wrinkle on the face is a knife, which makes him look an exception.

"What is you laugh!?"

He suddenly remembered what, low, looking to the land under the foot.

The expression of the symptom is gradually solidified, like seeing what terrible things, the eyes are rolling.

His thick limbs are all stretched, and the huge body is rushing to the sky, hitting the water and being bombed back.

Boom - Boom - Boom -

At the same time, a deafening loud noisy is unhappy, and the fire is in the water!

The earth is crashing, there are countless coarse cracks, which are constantly spreading from the distance, and the cracks are painted, like leading to hell.

At this time, Lin Xiaoshu was shocked. Although he added to the Yuan Master to hide the terrible sickness, but did not think that the destructive power can be big enough, like a tiger in a small range. Space is included.

The huge sickness is concentrated, and the destructive power is large.

Lin Xiaozhu only surprised a moment, then quickly launched the double wing, put it on the black soil and leaf ware, flying to Xiaonan.

When the Yuan Master was killed before, she buried nearly 10,000 detonators.

He has studied the compound of the second generation of fire, and he felt that it was more suitable than this combination to beat very powerful opponents.

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