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Thinking, Lin Xiaozhu felt the best way is to release the various channels that hold the village, waiting for the people related to this event.

But here is different from the fog hidden village, everywhere is a desert, and some places are some sand dunes, but it is not only available, but it is also easy to find.

Lin Xiaozhu can fly in the air, but at this time, there will be one day away from the task. If you add two, it has been flying for more than 20 hours, the soul will be exhausted, and there will be no more than the power should be next. fighting.

Lin Xiaoshu has some wiko, and he hovered in half of the air, while thinking about the countermeasures.

At this moment, there was a figure in the village of Sandy Village, flooded to the East, Chakra fluctuated in this person is not strong, it seems that the strength is only to endure, but I don't know why, look at him. Lin Xiaozhu has a strange feeling.

He quickly showed the purple magic, and looked at the past. Although it couldn't judge what the strength of this person was, Lin Xiaoshu can see from him Chakra, and people hide the strength!

The male ninja wore a landscaping, gray-white hair on the end, with a black big frame, with a human and animal smile, this face seems to be I have seen it, but I can't think of it for a time. This ninja will feel very strange to Lin Xiaozhu.

At this time, the time starting from the task is still very long, he immediately turns the shape, chasing the past.

Lin Xiaozhu's high-altitude of thousands of meters, always keeps a certain distance from this Ninja, and he deliberately hides his own breath, quietly follows, but I don't know why, he always feels that the Ninja It seems that there is a pair of intangible eyes, staring at themselves, and his movement is all over.

Lin Xiaozhu didn't know where this feeling came, but it has improved vigilance.

He only hesitated a moment, and found that the Ninja below suddenly disappeared, the breath also disappeared without a trace, Lin Xiaozhu was very surprised to stay in half, showing the purple polar four down.

The footprints of that ninja have stopped in one place, there is a pothole, and the gravel is falling in the rapids, and the silence is surrounded.

After a while, he found that there was a hidden Chakra in the land below.

Lin Xiaoshu immediately understood that he was discovered that the ninja was using what tolerance lurking in the ground, ready to sneak himself, but he was in the high altitude of a few kilometers, completely grasp the attack of the other party.

When I saw this sand, Lin Xiaozhu knew that this is a very good ninja. The other party is a friend. He is not clear. He doesn't want to provoke someone else, so Lin Xiaozhu did not start attack. Instead, it is circulated in the half air.

"Hehehe ····· I found it?" The big underground under the feet came a laughter.

Lin Xiaozhu did not have any action, still in the air of half air.

At this time, the ground collapsed a pothole, there was a movie "".

This is the "Sketch, the heart of the heart", a kind of sneaked soil, sneak under the soil, and suddenly suddenly pulled the enemy into the earth's attack.

That Ninja smiled and looked at Lin Xiaozhu in the half-air. It couldn't help but show a surprised look. "Is this a kind of flight tobach?"

The Ninja World is not like Douro mainland, where as long as the title of the title, in addition to the extreme soul of the soul, the ninja that can be flying here is not exception, even if the strength is strong, it is no exception.

Lin Xiaoshu is cold and looked at the ninja under the lower part. The pair of glasses and human livestock, let him think of a dangerous guy.


As a ministerial, he was trained into a spy Ninja, which is very good at hiding your own whereabouts, this is why even in front of you, Lin Xiaoshu can't detect the reasons for his strength.

After the death of the big snake pill, the pharmacist took the inspiration of its own value by the nine-tailed power, transplanted the cells of the snake pill into their own body.

Gradually, he completely mastered the strength of the big snake pill, and even learned the dragon fairy model of the Dafa Pill, and then adding the anti-rogue, and even the enemy's entire Ninja, in addition to this. In addition, he also transplanted the cells of five people, Xiangling, ghost lights and other people, and the strength has reached super shadow!

After the fourth endurance battle, the successful shackles became the dean of the orphanage of the wooden village, and also received a batch of clones with the open-eyed eyes, and there were people who were the least provoked by Woody Village. One!

Of course, this is the matter after it. If the pharmacist has a super shadow level, Lin Xiaozhu will not float in the sky.

Today's strength is probably the elite endurance level, according to the big snake pills, it is similar to Kakasi.

"Don't answer when others ask, it is very polite." He is still the same look.

The pharmacist is not very strong, at least truly handing together, but the other's flight capacity is very difficult.

The high altitude is not flat, and it is necessary to consider many accelerations such as the power and wind. He calculates that all A-grade Tsu scales you need for two seconds, but the power will weaken, but also have a certain extent. Offset.

Seeing Lin Xiaozhu can be such a free flight, the pharmacist is judged, even if it is mostly, it will be hide by him.

Therefore, there is no hurry, but a smile and look to Lin Xiaozhu, I want to let the other party relax, but Lin Xiaoshu is still staring at the pocket, there is no expression on his face.

Gradually, the smile on your face, replaced a cold face, he detected that the guys in the half-air did not seem to be dealt.

Although Lin Xiaozhu seems to be easy, he can actually open the soul at this time, maintaining 100% alert.

What really is afraid is the big snake pill. This terrible guy strength is between the red sand and Yisizhi, although it has not reached the super-shadow level, but if the ninja against the general shadow, there is absolute advantage, in the Ninja World It is one of the strongest warrants in the shadow level.

If the big snake pill is suddenly laid in the vicinity, it is not Lin Xiaozhu to resist, even when it is on the sky, he doesn't dare to know.

The pharmacist seems to see that Lin Xiaozhu has a concern, which makes him slowly relax, and the face has a smile of a trace.

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