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On the way of performing tasks from the fog hidden village to the road to the cliff, Lin Xiaoshu will use the flying and other leisure time, thinking that Luo Sand is assassinated by the big snake pill.

As a stroke, Luo Sa's strength may not be as good as the big snake, but it is not too far, even if there is a pharmacist and Jun Ma Lu, it is not easy to kill a shadow.

He inferred that the reason why Luo Same was not unat, mostly under the condition of being prepared, killed by the big snake pill.

Lin Xiaozhu is very self-known. He understands that he has no decisive role in the battle of the shadow level, don't say it is a big snake pill and Luo Sand, even the pharmacist who is equivalent to the title of Douro, he is absolutely not an opponent.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoshu decided that when he met Luo Sand, it was said that there were four generations of popularity, and the strength is much better than yourself. He believes that only let the other party improve the alert to complete the task, and Luo Same is not One of the people, there is at least two sandy villages around him, this lineup is unable to win, and it is completely self-policy.

Next, he constantly organizes the language and repeatedly thinks about many of the most infimachet words. He will finally discover that only the real fact is the most likely to force the parties.

Therefore, when Lin Xiaozhu saw Luo Sand, it directly said the true purpose of the big snake pills. This sentence is indeed true.

His voice falls, and the face of Luo Same is nothing to see, but a pair of eyes are coldly staring at the opposite big snake pills. After listening to Lin Xiaozhu, the pupil suddenly shrinks. The smile on the face of the pharmacist also disappeared, and this micro-face change naturally does not escape the eyes of countless four-generation shadows.

The Big Snake Pills were observed to doubt, and he quickly smiled: "This kind of province is really no brain, why do I want to kill my own helper? Do you only grow the enemy of our parties."

Lin Xiaozhu continued to shout in the air: "You have been in the village for many years, and it is very clear that the strength of the wooden leaves is very clear, with the current power of Sahin Village and Yinyin Village, and it is impossible to fight the wooden village, which is simply impossible to fight. After the Yi Zhibo family was killed, the defensive defense in the village of the woody village was temporarily taken by the dark, and Luo Sand, you really think that the so-called raid of the big snake pill will not know that gods don't know? "

"The impact of your brain is estimated that the face of the sunset can not be seen, and it will be detached from the dark and I'll, the true purpose of the big snake pill is to kill you, you can completely control it. Sand, the sand will become cannon ash, go to the murderer, and he will have a small amount of musical elite to assassinate the three generations. "

"So, for big snake pills, dead wind shadows are more valuable than living."

When Lin Xiaoshu said, even the big snake pill did not be calm. He was a horror that he had a seven-point in the sky with Kato Breakfast. This is the strategy that he personally developed. It seems that there is no loss in him. I just know that there is a matter of probably, but I don't know anything about the details. How can I be as clear about a non-coherent person?

Luoha horse captures the feelings of the big snake pills. If there is no ghost in his heart, he will not make this expression at all. His face is gloomy, and the bow is bodied, and he has alert.

When I saw Luo Sum, the big snake pills clearly understood that he had exposed, he hoped to be angry and angry.

Lin Xiaozhu saw his words, and continued: "What is the old guy of the Zhun Group? What is the sick of the Village? These is what you really want to get?"

At the primary, the whole process of sneak hitting the village of Scholar Villages, and the root tissue he led and the root hell did not appeared.

Lin Xiaozhu is presumed that after the "wooden crash event", he must hide the huge chain of interest. If the three generations of fire shadows are dead, the Tibetan Tibetans think the biggest profiter is themselves, he feels that he will replace it. The day is the next Nakhon.

However, the high-rise consultant of Miwu Village is directly required to be a five-generation eyegle. He is itself a three-generation disciple. Whether it is prestige or tolerance, it is necessary to high out of the village group, helpless Under the group, Tibet can only be wiped.

Later, it also said that it was not intentional, and it was recommended to find a hand to return to the agency.

Lin Xiaozhu is so judged because there has been a close contact between the translation of the Zhizhi Village, the translation of the village, and in order to cover this, he adds people to the helper to chase the help of the big snake pill.

In fact, all the darkness is from "the most tolerant tap" .

He and Zhun Town, two people were in the position of the fire, after the first endurance battle, thousands of hands took the two people, and finally the group was will hesitate because of timidity. The day of the Japanese showed the determination of the willingness to abandon their life, and finally got the bits of the fire.

In order to better control the uncertainty bomb in the village - Yuxi Bo, the Tang Tang Dark has established a deeper, which is deeper than the dark, and doing things that do not have light.

I have been in the face of the "old good people" face, and the action expresses myself to the acquisition of this organization. He actually sent his own pro-disciples to join the root tissue, and became the group of Tibetan, actually It is also to monitor the monopolitanity of the group.

is the warmest fire in the sun, Zhidun Treasury is the most killing blade in the dark, and the two complement to the river in the village.

Woody village has always had a hidden danger, which is the nine tail of the village. After the death of the first generation, the woods of the seal, the rice, and the group hidden in the village, the cells are studied. I want the village to re-owl.

However, with a large number of volunteers lost their lives in the experiment, the three generations had to shout the plan, and all experiment records as a black history!

Can not give up!

Of course, this persistence is also a silence in the dark day!

Once in the original, the day of the Japanese "tolerance", as long as his crime is unsatisfactory, the whole village is all known, he is all eye close.

Sixty baby's life can also be treated with an attitude towards an eye, can see how broad words of the three-generation destination "tolerance".

The experiment of the big snake pill is to complete with Zhun Village, and more than six dozen babies have not all died. It actually has a success in extreme cruel costs!

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