Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 44 Don't even think of leaving alive!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to sign in Zhutian World Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Gion only mentioned this name when listening to high-level conversations. It is said that Yim is the master of the Void Throne, the master behind the world government, and the five old stars are directly responsible for it, which is not her level can touch.

She felt her throat dry and opened her mouth, realizing that her lips could not help but tremble.

Lin Xiaozhu approached and whispered, "This matter must be kept secret, and don't leak it out, otherwise the general and the adult..."

Gion bit her trembling lips and calmed down for a while before responding: "Yes, please rest assured!"

Seeing her nervous look, Lin Xiaozhu was very satisfied.

A scent of tea and rice mixed,

Lin Xiaozhu brewed green tea, poured it on the steaming tray filled with rice, and took a large tray and placed it in front of Gion.

Seeing so many delicious chazuke rice, Gion suddenly relaxed a lot, and quickly put a spoonful into his mouth.


[Gion’s Favorability Degree +15]

She remembered that Lin Xiaozhu was still standing aside, and said respectfully: "Mr. Lin, please sit down and let's eat together."

Lin Xiaozhu was hungry for a day and was not polite. In less than twenty minutes, the two of them ate a full ten kilograms of tea and rice.

Gion smiled: "Thank you for the hospitality"

Seeing her sitting upright, Lin Xiaozhu was obviously trying to tighten her slightly bulging belly.

Women are so troublesome!

Lin Xiaozhu again told Gion to keep the two secrets, and then returned to the deck, quietly looking out to the sea.

The walrus at night is a deep old man, sleeping quietly in the twilight.There is no wind, no waves, and quietly facing the sky, Lin Xiaozhu can't perceive the vast sky and the vast sea. At this moment of night, what will each other tell each other.

The night shrouded the sea and the sky, the sea was hidden in the night, and the lights flashing on the sea were like the eyes of the sea. He felt the warmth of this quiet night. In this hazy night, it seemed to melt with the sea.

Lin Xiaozhu touched the scene and couldn't help but sigh: In fact, it is very romantic to be a carefree pirate!

At this moment, he heard a woman's scream from a distance, and hurried to the place where the sound came from.

Soon, in front of a warehouse on the corner of the deck, he saw a dozen or so navies surrounding a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl.

She has short pink hair and disheveled clothes. She looks like an ordinary first-class soldier.

"Didn't you let you watch her? Why did you run out?! To let the general know, we all have to walk around!" a burly, dark-skinned, two-meter tall man shouted.

His name is Heath, a second lieutenant, and the other dozen navies next to him are his subordinates.

This female navy soldier saw Heath kill the recruits before. She wanted to kill her, but suddenly became emotional, knocked her out and hid it in the warehouse, let her guards, prepare to enjoy it at night.

When Lin Xiaozhu saw this, he shouted, "Let go of that girl."

In an instant, the navy looked all over.

At this time a somewhat familiar voice came: "Sir, he is the recruit who wounded Karel."

Lin Xiaozhu glanced intently, and it was Cao Chang Cooke who was in conflict with him during the day.

Heath turned to Lin Xiaozhu: "Boy, I heard that you injured your sergeant, don't you know the rules of the navy?"

"What rules?"

"The soldiers must unconditionally execute the commander's orders!"

Lin Xiaozhu smiled and said, "Chief Cook asked me to compete with others, and I executed it."

"But you wounded your own chief."

"Since it is a contest, injury is inevitable."

When confronted by a recruit, Heath became irritated: "Slicky tongue, let me see if your fists are as powerful as your mouth!"

Lin Xiaozhu coldly snorted: "Since you want to try it, why don't you go together!"

The pink-haired navy girl anxiously shouted: "You can't beat them. Run and tell the captain."

"Don't worry." Lin Xiaozhu gave her a gentle smile, and he turned to the navy to the side: "I, Lin Xiaozhu, specialize in cleaning up this scum."

The female soldier’s face was full of tears: "You don’t know how cruel and terrible they are. They killed several new recruits during the day, and after I discovered them, they killed me!" New Biquge novel www.510xsk. com

Lin Xiaozhu's eyes were cold: "That's because they didn't meet me"

The navy's eyes narrowed one after another, and all of a sudden sneered.

"Boys like you who do not live or die, we will kill at least a few hundred a year!"

"Although you don't know where you are from, but you dare to provoke us, then don't even want to leave today."

"Your little life belongs to us now."

"Hehe, but we didn't expect that you would dare to challenge so many officers directly. I really don't know if you should be stupid or stupid, or stupid or stupid? Hahaha..."

These naval officers are the subordinates of Captain Avery Skinner, who do a lot of evil on weekdays, and their hands are covered with the blood of civilians and navy soldiers.

They were aloft, looking at Lin Xiaozhu with pitiful and mocking eyes, as if they were treating him as an ant under their feet, which could be crushed by a single step.

"Do you like killing people?"

Suddenly, Lin Xiaozhu said lightly, interrupting the laughter of the officers!

Although the tone is plain, it reveals a sense of confidence, sonorous and powerful!

The officers all stared at each other for a moment.

Lin Xiaozhu: "I died once and got a chance to be reborn again. I know I am not a good person, but I never hurt the innocent! And you people..."

His dark eyes bloomed with cold light, and he roared angrily: "You naval officers, you are a bullshit justice, relying on being stronger than ordinary people, wantonly insulting and killing soldiers and civilians! Good! That being the case, those present today Dear beasts, don't even think of leaving alive!"

Since he decided to kill, Lin Xiaozhu would not waste time.

"Open the door, close the door, give birth!"

In an instant, Lin Xiaozhu gushed out a violent breath, and dark green energy beams skyrocketed.

All the officers present were moved.

"What's this?"

"What kind of trick is this?"

"There is such a big movement, is it a devil fruit capable person?"

"It must be, besides the capable person, who else can burst out with such a strange breath."

"Devil Fruit's abilities are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Judging from his bluffing appearance, he must be a rookie."

"kill him!"


Immediately, more than a dozen officers looked savagely, took big steps, and rushed towards Lin Xiaozhu.

"court death!"

Lin Xiaozhu clenched his fists and blasted directly at the strongest ensign Heath opposite.


Lin Xiaozhu shook Heath with a punch and was stunned two steps back, but Heath was unscathed.

The strength of lieutenants in the navy is far from the level of Cao chief officers.

Because relying on time accumulation to enter a second lieutenant has to wait for twenty years, most of those who actually become lieutenants are people with outstanding capabilities.

If you want to compare, the second lieutenant is much better than Naruto World's Zhongnin, and the captain's strength is even closer to that of the special high.

Adding to the reason for the strong human physique of the Shanghai Thieves World, Lin Xiaozhu's strength really lost Heath.

"Haha, I can't help myself, even a small recruit dare to fight the ensign?" Heath mocked, and continued to blast towards Lin Xiaozhu.

"Ensign? Good."

Lin Xiaozhu sneered, his eyes cold.

He slammed the ground, rushing towards Heath like lightning.

"Konoha Tornado!"

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