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Xiao Nan does not understand why he will talk to this stranger, but from seeing him, there is an inexplicable trust.

"Loss of memory?" The long door is skeptical: "I have a way to know the true and false."

Suddenly, the movie flashed, and the nose was worn with iron rods, and the men had four iron nails on the face, and Xiaonan was shocked.

"Don't worry, we are good friends, I won't hurt you." The long door was comfortable while holding the human handle on the head of Xiaonan.

"Heart Slim!"

This is one of the ability to look back, you can read the memory of others and share them in the long door body and Penne.

Xiaonan's memory is like flowing water through the body of the human space to the brain, including her and Lin Xiaozhu experience, naturally there is also a memory of Lin Xiaozhu and Black Soil, and long The door also reads the past memory in the brain of Xiaonan, including the child, he saw his figure almost through her life.

Since I lose my parents, they will be their lives, and they are the best friends, and they are better than relatives. ······

Xiaoshan is somewhat scared, want to make screams, but feel that the body completely lost control, and there is no strength to yell.

Is it really damaged by a head?

The long door is somewhat confusing.

But he immediately came up with a way, the long door decided to let the people who belong to Xiaonan, the originally can't transfer it to her mind, see if she can awake her memory.

"Heart Slims · Inverse!"

The hand of the human space is still placed on the head of Xiaonan, and the memory will move in her mind.

Small southern eyes, the sweat of the big droplets rolled from the forehead because a lot of information was transmitted to the brain, and her body was completely lost during this period, and even the mouth was flowing down from the mouth.

Parents die ... ····


Human sparks ······



Biki's death ·····

All this seems to have experienced it again.

Lonely, no, unreliable, desperate, helpless, dark memory is like a large piece of ink diffuse in the clear water ····

Xiaonan's soul has an angry shout!

A pair of huge paper wings opened, and directly shocked the human road, and the powerful Chakra broke out of the small south.

The long door is very satisfied with Xiaojing. He knew that his approach was rootable, and the other party seems to have recovered memories.

The memory is a sea water. When I fill the head of Xiaonan, she felt headache.

"Why do you want me to think about it?" She stared at the long door coldly and said: "I have forgotten it!"

"You don't want to think about?" The head of the long door has emerged from Lin Xiaozhu, which is one of the most recent memories in Xiaonan. "I understand, because of that person."

"What is the relationship with him ??" Xiao Nan said: "I just don't want to think of those painful experiences!"

The long gate was stunned, which didn't seem to be alone with him. His memory is still so violently like thunder.

"It turned out that this bastard made me lose my memory!" Xiao Nan hated.

She recalls the scenes of before and Lin Xiaozhu, touched only a short hair wound.

"Let's go, the leaves are chaotic." The long door said faintly.

Xiaonan turned his eyes and stood there without talking.

"How? Is it almost?" The long door just read her memory with human space, and indirectly knew that Xiao Nan's feelings of Lin Xiaozhu. He thought that he is the world's most understanding of Xiaonan.

He stared at Xiaoshan and said with a tenth tone: "It can be understood that it is your first man."

"It's not what you think! I didn't know anything, and he couldn't say it." Xiao Nan said something, suddenly thinking, turned around.

"Don't worry, the room was sealed by me. He felt that the breath did not have the sound." Changmen said: "The kid makes you so angry, do you want me to help you kill him?"

"No!" Xiaojing refused, "You go, I know what to do!"

"Then I went to the village waiting for you."

"You return to Yu Yin Village, I can handle this matter."

The long gates laughed: "Do you need it for so long? If you want to know his secrets, I will make the people to take his memory, just want the soul."

"I don't allow you to touch him!" Xiao Nan's voice is cold, "" You have recovered my memory, but I also read my memory privately, this thing we have two clear, but don't use me and his. Quoturbed me! "

"Hehe, ·································

"Do your own business, our things don't need you to intervene!" Xiaonan turned and walked.

The long gate said: "I am waiting for you outside the village. When can you come out? Remember not to participate in this war, this is nothing to do with us, can only let you expose earlier."

In these twenty years, he only saw this cold-fried ice in Xiaoshan, which is half-hustle in the face of the mountain pepper, the long gate understands that this sudden young man has become the most precise person in Xiaonan. Even if he does not have to stain!

Xiaoshan did not respond, even the footsteps have not stopped, I have been returning to the room.

At this time, Lin Xiaoshu is still her posture when she goes out, and she seems to be asleep.

She has gone in the past. At the same time, she had a piece of paper in her hand, and the small south gave over the body. I used the sharp edge to align the throat of Lin Xiaozhu. As long as I use a little hard, you can let him splash!

Let me lose my memory, and I possess me in the state of I don't know!


Small south bite a tooth and want to evoke your anger.

But soon, she found himself failed, and she couldn't hate it for Lin Xiaozhu.

Since the country of the frost, Lin Xiaoshu's none of Xiaonan, saved her in the crisis, if not the case, I am afraid that I have been killed by the evil spirits of the gods, sacrificed to the evil spirits. .

Xiao Nan sighed, Lin Xiaoshu moved slightly, it seems to wake up, and the paper hand in her hand disappeared in her hands.

Lin Xiaozhu opened his eyes, the first eyes saw the small south, showing warm smile on his face.

He strokes the cheeks of Xiaonan Snow White, "What is it?"

"At ······" Xiao Nan will not come up.

She suddenly found that in the moment of Lin Xiaozhu to her, she had a few resentment remains.

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