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Lin Xiaozhu knows his strategy to take effect. He is now in the heart of red beans and other people standing here.

As for something to transform, if she is asked, she is planning to lie that this is a special tissue that can become transformed. As for what I'm sick is my own, I am not obligated to tell others in this world. In the case of many ninja, I have a deep, I don't want to be known by others.

At this time, there have been many Ninja in the village of Woody Village, of course, there is more still coming here, Lin Xiaoshu noted that there are still many people wearing a deep-gray and endured ninja, which is obviously not wooden leaves. Dressress in the village.

"Black Soil, running out so long, I don't want to be home." This voice came from a small old man, he was floating in half of the air, smiling looking at the black soil below.

If you don't see the heinous beasts that Lin Xiaoshu become in the air, the ninja of the wood can see this flying old man will be very surprised. After all, there is not many people in the Ninja world to fly in the air, but After Lin Xiaozhu is so tossing, it seems that there is some little witch to see the big witch.

So no one has demonstrated it too surprised.

Wild Wood!

Lin Xiaoshu immediately recognized the little old man in the air.

"The old man, I haven't seen you for a long time." Black Soil saw grandfather, and smiled happy.

Dashewa is uncomfortable to this name, and it is also happy, and the feelings of the grandchildren have always been good, I will reunite the natural division.

Lin Xiaozhu fell on the ground and immediately was surrounded by a group of rocks.

"What is it !?" I found an unusual red bean angered.

The wooden village ninja in the side looked in the past.

Too much rocky village to endure the teeth: "He is a prisoner who is chasing in Yingshen Village, not to close."

"You seem to forget, here is the wooden village!" The red bean shouted: "I see who you dare to move!"

At this time, hundreds have gathered hundreds of ninja, heard the shouts of red beans, and they got the rock before.

The two sides of the ninja hose to go, it seems that it will break a battle at any time!

"There is only your small guy in the wooden leaves?" At this time, the wild wild wood in the air: "Let the ."

He has burst a horrible pressure on his body, and he will take a step after the rumor of the ribbed woody village ninja.

The strength of Dashewa is only in moderately in the shadow level, and it is not strong to dare to call the fire in the village of Wilean. The reason why it wants to be shocked by the scene, so that Lin Xiaozhu go.

At the same time as he issued a percentage, the loess, Wenxiang and other rocks, they will immediately want to go to Lin Xiaozhu.

Red beans are of course considered this three-generation trees, but she can even dare to fight one of the "three tolerance", and will not be afraid of an aged noodle.

There is no such thing in her hand, and it has been prepared and prepared by the other side.

Although the wooden ninja in the field was shocked by the power of the wild, it was a wooden village. There were many extremely powerful ninja soon came, and they could not be scared by the Ninja, a village. They are very fast. I have come back to God, some take the endurance, some prepare the print, just wait for the red bean!

At this time, the dark soil rushed over, and stopped in the body of Lin Xiaozhu. "The old man, Xiaoshan has left, do you want to do what to do for Xiaozhu?"

The loess sinks face, drink: "Don't make trouble, Han is taken away and not a small thing, this matter must be checked, we take him back just asking what happened."

Black Soil is still a little headache for the fat father who does not enter the oil salt. She continued to shout to the wilderness in the air: "Xiaozhu still has important things here, waiting until the problem solved, he will go to the village of Rock of."

The speech is coming again, there are Ninja, nearly 100 Woody Village, which also includes more than a dozen endoculated.

When the wilderness suddenly wake up, he still had some confused. Lin Xiaozhu, who has been hidden, and why did Lin Xiaozhu suddenly make such a big movement, and after seeing the mood of the wood, the ninja, the more, the more the ninja, I realized it. His intention.

Dashewa will soon understand that Lin Xiaoshu is now the trust of the wood, this is a wooden leaf, and the high-level leaf of the wooden leaves will come. If he really doesn't let him take the teenager before him, it is really nothing. The way, and it is better to let Lin Xiaozhu promised to give him a step, let the Ninja in the village continue to secretly stare at Lin Xiaozhu.

Woods Wooden Cool Road: "Kid, make such a big moment, you should be deliberate."

"I don't understand what you are talking about?" Lin Xiaozhu is not listening, shaking his head.


The wild wood bites the teeth, and the cold looks to Lin Xiaoshu. "I want to hear yourself if I just said."

"The old man, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Not this!"

"The old man, Xiaoshan already ... ····"

"Hey, you play me!" Dashewa angry hoped Lin Xiaozhu, "Do you think I don't dare to kill you !?"

Seeing Grandpa is really angry, black soil is quickly advised: "Little bamboo is not a trouble, saying that you will go to Yayin Village soon."

Lin Xiaozhu knows that Dan wild is not a laugh, although he may not take himself in the wooden village, but he can kill!

Woody Village will not be entangled for an unsatisfactory person and the shadow, and there is anything to do.

Even so, he also thinks that this is a bit can't say it.

Lin Xiaozhu suddenly felt that some suffers from the black soil that he all the way, didn't want her to carry anything for yourself.

"You are talking!" Black Soil urgently urged.

"Thank you, black soil, but I will not go to Yayin Village, because after this task, I will leave here."

Although I heard Lin Xiaozhu, although it is very uncomfortable, it is still a small voice: "Stupid, you will promise them to say."

Lin Xiaozhu shakes his head, "You and them go back, I will come here four years later, we will see it again."

Although he knew that he was going to leave, he heard him, the tears of the black Soil could not stop, "You this big pig!"

Danohom saw Lin Xiaozhu actually refused to answer, suddenly fade, you can see the appearance of granddaughter, and then know that dark soil must like this kid. If Lin Xiaoshu, I am afraid I will hurt the granddaughter's heart.

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