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It's not that it is not moving, it's not moving, it's stalemating in that, there is a red blush on the face of the wild.

"You come back!" The loess angry at this time, he reached out and went to the black soil.

A fourteen-year-old girl is reluctant to protect a teenager, let anyone understand what is going on.

I saw her daughter had feelings of an unidentified teenager. As my father's loess, I couldn't help but angry. At this time, I can't take care of the attitude of the wild.

Black Soil saw his father's anger, quickly whispered, "Xiaozhu, you quickly escape."

At the same time, she retracted one step and her hands were printed.

"Murcase · Lime Conducting!"

The mouth of the black soil spurted a gray mud and went to the loess.

I saw my daughter suddenly took my hands, and the loess was shocked. I was busy.

"Earth, earth!"

There is a semi-circular stone wall in front of him, and the cement is blocked, but the choleut of the black soil does not stop, the high-speed sprayed cement spreads the front to the front, and the stone wall is completely wrapped in an instant. inside.

The father of the father suddenly became friends, and the rocks in the side were very eye-catching. I didn't have an idea for a moment, and they wished to go to the wild in the air.

Siloshou saw that this is really moving to his father, but also in the face of so many rock, it is a bit unpacked at the face, and an excitement is from the air.

"Earth, fist!"

A burst of bursting in the stone wall covered by cement.

Hey, Hey, Hey ······

A stone fist hit out, and the wrapped cement was smashed!

"The stinky head, I actually attack me for this boy!" The loess jumped out from the middle, "gave me, gave me all!"

"Yes!" The rock pointed, and they raised their boom, but they did not dare to do it.

These guys know that the black soil is the most loved granddaughter. Dashewa does not speak. No one is willing to touch this mold, otherwise, wait until things solve the rock village, black soil will find some of the heads.

At this time, the red bean is bish, "everyone is good, who will do anyone!"

"Good!" The ninja of hundreds of wooden villages have been printed. Chakra is like a big waves to be rolled around the center, and the rock is also turned, and the printed is ready to confront. The two parties are tight. Stretched, the battle seems to be out of time!

"Both live!" A voiced voice appeared, the voice was not angry, and everyone was in the scene, could not help but expect it.

At this time, I walked away from the fire of Huangshu, and he was behind the three-person group and seven or eight mutual members behind him.

"You ······ You are the day!?" Lin Xiaoshu looked at the grandfather who saw the hot spring on the same day. He saw that it was a little bit slightly to himself.

The pig's deer is one of the ace of Wilean Village. Their members are actually the three big leaves of the leaves. The monks in the mountains have symbolizes the pigs, the Nara family symbolizes the butterfly, the three people have been in the Warring States in the Warring States in the Warring States In the period, a league was formed, and after the establishment of the village became one of the most solid strengths in the village.

The pig deer butterfly combination is only three, usually consists of the current ethnic groups or the next ethnic group of the three families. It is generally responsible for tactical development and core control of the Nara family in the battle. Goal and Unicom Three Thoughts, and then be responsible for the final attack by the Qiubao family with powerful destructive power.

At this time, the pig deer butterfly three groups are the fifteenth generations, members are Nara Luojing, Qikang and Mountains in the mountains, they are all invested, "Butterfly" is before the battlefield Lin Xiaozhu is wrong with the big fat man of Kato.

When I saw Lin Xiaozhu, the brow's brow wrinkled slightly, but did not speak, because Lin Xiaozhu absorbed the soul ring, the soul bone, the appearance has undergone tremendous changes, although and past There is still eight percent of eight percent, whether it is high or wearing a big different from it.

Moreover, the fire is not so clarified in the Dikidi in the autumn, and he thinks that Lin Xiaozhu in front of him is only very similar to the "Kato discharging" at that time. .

However, this detail did not pass the eyes of the day, his Yu Guang had noticed the change in the subtle expression on Lin Xiaoshu and the autumn Dingzi's face.

At this time, the day of the day has walked to the crowd, and then laughed: "I haven't seen you for a long time, the old shadow, just listen to people say that you are looking for me?"

The wild wild is cold, nor is it.

He looked coldly, and the leaves under this time, the woody ninja under this, had gathered two or three thousand people, looked at it, and a black pressure.

Nowadays, there is no way if the other party doesn't want him to take away Lin Xiaozhu.

"The station is so high, it is hard to come, it is better to eat something, talk about it." The tone of the day is warm, with a little ridicule, it feels like a lot of years. Friends met.

"I don't have to eat and drink, I didn't appear." The wild wooden side said from the air, and he waved to the loess. "You are going there."

I flying Japan nodded to the ninja on the side, and the wood-legged ninja took Lin Xiaozhu and black soil.

Seeing everyone spread, Japan said: "The five tails of Yinyin Village were taken away. I also heard that it is, which is the organization, and this child does not matter."

"The woman who participated in the capture of the Han was always with him, leaving the wooden village one day, this is what you said?"

"Men's woman can not explain that there is a relationship with this matter, and the Supreme people and the lady are young when they are young, aren't just talking about people?"

"!" The voice of the wilderness was eight degrees, and the beard blocked: "I have no effort to pull this, this thing is related to the safety of rocky village, can't stay in this."

"This matter can not only be related to the village of Rock, you forgot, there is also a column power in the village."

"Your people are not lost again."

"Now I don't have to lose, I will not be lost in the future." The sky is like laughing.

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