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[Friendly degree upgrade lv1]

Ding!You have triggered the hidden mission NEO Navy, which will start in 730 days!Accept and reject]

[Task difficulty rating: hell!

[The task rewards 8~10 drops of soul water, partner NEO naval officer Ain, Binz...]

Lin Xiaozhu recalled that the NEO navy was an extremist organization established by Zefa, his teacher after Hina, after his retiring, and finally disbanded because of Zefa's death.

Ain and Binz are two powerful demon fruit abilities who disappeared after NEO was disbanded.


[Reminder, during the mission time, Zefa launches an attack on the Straw Hat Pirates until the navy encircles Zefa, then you will encounter powerful enemies such as Zefa, Green Pheasant, and Yellow Ape. Please improve your strength during this period!

"·········" First Yinghe Dashemaru, then a group of admirals, Lin Xiaozhu expressed helplessness.

Hina checked the time: "Let's go back, the warship is about to set off."

Just as Lin Xiaozhu wanted to turn around and leave, he suddenly remembered the video shell he had bought, and then looked at the more than ten-meter-high execution platform, and became playful.

He released a clone and ran to the execution platform, and took out the image shell himself.

"My God! What are you going to do!?"

Hina was dumbfounded as he watched his avatar jump onto the execution table, put a scissor-hand posture, and saw Lin Xiaozhu, who was smiling beside him, took a picture with the video shell.

The Pirate King Roger was executed here, so the world government kept this execution platform for the purpose of deterring those who oppose the world government. Usually the surroundings of the platform are empty and no one dares to approach it.

A navy spotted the person standing on the execution platform and immediately shouted: "Hey! The kid, get down from above!"

The civilians in the square looked at the voice, saw the young navy on it, and started talking.

"I'm not mistaken, am I? What does the naval execution stand mean?"

"Is this young navy crazy?"


Several navies climbed onto the execution platform, but Lin Xiaozhu's clone suddenly turned into a cloud of white smoke and disappeared.

This caused a burst of exclamations from the civilians below.

The shadow clone is different from the element clone, and the distance is not so strict.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu and Hina had already left the square and walked towards the warship.

Hina: "Are you a demon fruit capable person?"


"Then what are these strange moves?"

"Magic" Lin Xiaozhu said mysteriously.

When all recruits in the army boarded the warship, after the whistle sounded, the warship continued to advance in the direction of Upside-Down Mountain.

Upside Down Mountain is an incredible mountain, the entrance to the great sea route. There are five water channels on the mountain, which are X-shaped. Among them, the four water channels of X lead to the four seas of east, south, west and north, and the water channels of-lead to the great Airway.

In the evening, Lin Xiaozhu, standing on the deck, fixed his gaze on the spectacular mountain in front of him.

Upside down the mountain, here it is.

When I looked up, I could only see the overlapping distant mountains extending towards the horizon. The nearby areas were clearly distinguishable, and the distance gradually blurred and disappeared into the distant horizon.Between the mountains, there is a thick layer of cloud and fog, only the top of the mountain is visible, but the foot of the mountain is not.

Indescribable, what a magical mountain this is.

The water went up against the current, and with the billowing waves, the water splashed everywhere.

When approaching the upside-down mountain, the hull "boomed" and shook, and then it sailed quickly towards the sky.

Without experience, you can't imagine what it would be like to look at the blue sky right in front of you in the turbulent sound of sea water.

All the way up to the sky, the rising river speeds upside down the mountain very fast, I don’t know where this power comes from.Look at the novel

After more than an hour, the momentum of the water slowed down, and the warship at this time seemed to be standing high in the sky.

"This is amazing!" Lin Xiaozhu couldn't help but marvel.

As the ship's speed slowed down, the warship had reached the top of the upside-down mountain, and there were actually five routes heading down the mountain.

They are the Great Channel and the four sea areas in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

"I really want to see what the new world looks like!" Lin Xiaozhu's eyes flickered, looking towards the great route behind him.

There was a roar and creaking sound, and the warship fell head-on and headed towards the falling water of the West Sea.

Compared to driving upwards, the descending speed is surprisingly fast because of gravity.

The roar of turbulent water hits my ears.

After more than 20 minutes, with a loud noise, the hull made a huge vibration, and after violent shaking, it finally stabilized.

Xihai is here!

At this time, several naval officers came: "Lin Xiaozhu, Colonel Punkley summoned you, come with us!"

Just as Lin Xiaozhu had predicted before, because a total of more than 20 people disappeared, including many officers, it quickly aroused the suspicion of the investigators.

After investigation, it was immediately discovered that those who disappeared were all subordinates of Captain Avery, so the subordinates who survived became the main subjects of inquiry.

Injured Karel immediately told the investigators about the conflict with Lin Xiaozhu.

Punkley was an old man with gray hair. There was a large slate table in front of him. He was sitting on an armchair with a huge general belly, breathing heavily.

He glanced at Lin Xiaozhu and lowered his eyelids: "Did you hurt Karel?"


"Is it appropriate to do this as a recruit?"

Lin Xiaozhu answered truthfully: "It was ordered by Chief Cook."

Punkley raised his eyes and stared at him firmly: "But I heard that your relationship with Cook is not very pleasant."

"Well, I don't like him"

"So you killed him?"

Lin Xiaozhu was calm: "Why do you say that?"

Punkley patted the table heavily: "Answer my question!"


"You lied!" Punk Lei suddenly grabbed a corner of the stone table and slammed it at Lin Xiaozhu. The strong wind driven by the heavy stone slab deformed his face.

The stone slab stopped abruptly when it was a short distance from Lin Xiaozhu. If it dropped a little further, the consequences would be disastrous.

Lin Xiaozhu: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Punkley put the stone slab back in place and smiled: "It's okay, you can go back."

Lin Xiaozhu bowed, turned and walked out.

Walking to a secluded corner, he repeatedly confirmed that there was indeed no one around, and disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

If this were Lin Xiaozhu's body, he would definitely not be so calm when facing a potentially fatal blow.

When the memory of the clone returned to Lin Xiaozhu's brain, he recalled Punkley's gloomy eyes, and was immediately shocked: "No! He is suspicious."

Faced with an attack that might be killed, his eyes were too calm, and it was impossible for Punkley to pay attention to this detail.

When his memory returned to the body, Punkley had already reported to the captain.

Gion: "Do you suspect that the murderer is Lin Xiaozhu?"

Punkley: "Yes, he has a big suspicion. He has had conflicts with Avery's people before, and there is a possibility of vendetta."

"Probably not..." Gion realized that Lin Xiaozhu's words were all his own, and there was nothing to prove it.

She was silent for a moment, picked up the phone worm and dialed the number of Lieutenant General "Crane".

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