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Not far from Metai, I saw the giant beast attacked, hurriedly came, and kicked the silent weapon that was released, "fog hidden village, your guy is also actually also harmonious with the big snake pill. Is it a gas? "

Green saw the Huanyan: "Metekai, we are not coming to hit the village, this guy is the murderer who killed the water, we have to revenge for the four generations, you don't mix!"

"Shi ··· What?" I heard that the other party said that it was killed in the water, and Metaki was shocked. But still said: "Is there any misunderstanding, or wait for us to solve the problem? Sit down and talk about it. "

He saw that he did not stay in the enemy before, and rescued the Ninja of Muyubu Village. He couldn't look at him with his foggy attack but not shot.

"If you are killed by him, will you sit down and talk to him !?"

"This ·····" Kai is very difficult, but the action has not stopped, and the body is connected to the body to kick a number attacked Lin Xiaozhu fog hidden village.

The young people are extremely angry, returning to the Metekai Wars.

There is a less elite to do the opponent, Lin Xiaozhu and Xiaonan are relaxed, and there are dozens of people opposite, and the two are still under the wind.

Xiaoshan people suffer from the Mercanture and Changzhou Lang and the other four or five, and there were several of the other to endure with Lin Xiaozhu.

Lin Xiaozhu, who has just conducted several wars, is difficult to support. He is interrupted, ready to make a complete attack, and press the enemy's airfun.

He quickly released his shadow, two exactly the same, the beast appeared again on the battlefield.

"Small south, let it open!" Lin Xiaoshu burst it.

Xiao Nan Wen Yan immediately wedn mad fan, the rainpoint general paper blade will take the attack on the beauty and others, and you will go to the other direction.

At this time, the second soul of the three wheeze flicked simultaneously with dazzling light, three giant tail raised, out of a powerful pressure.

"Second Soul Technology · Congyt Crack!"

The three giant tartar is flashing, and the "" crumple response.

Then, the empty shook!

One hundred tens of flying needle black pressure, as if the clouds are generally wrapped in the mist!

The whole sky is shrouded!

I can only hear the blank sound of " ·····" around.

The fogy hidden in the scene came to show the defensive tolerance. The attack of the flying needle is too large, the speed is too fast, when the tolerance is released, there have been more than a dozen neutral and three special endurance in this needle. The rain is falling in the rain.

They were all fried into sieves, and the blood was dried in an instant, turned into a pale body.

Even so many people siege, but they were killed by Lin Xiaozhu, suddenly broke out such a terrible attack, so that the remaining fog took a bile cold!

However, Lin Xiaozhu did not stop, he fanned a huge bone blade, and it appeared in three directions in an instant, and the fog was around.

The three black soul rings flicker the bristles of the eyes, and a large share of many souls were sprayed.

"Third Soul Technology · Zhu Dynasty Wang Xialu!"

A large-scale black boxing shadow is striking in the mist, the previous defensive skeleton is smashed in a breath.

The fog is again exposed to the eyes of the wheeze.

boom! boom! boom! ·····

The boxing is whistling.

In an instant, there are several mist to compile it into a beach meat mud!

Sudden violent attack, hitting the fog and can't prevent it.

A series of moving giants put a big earthquake under the feet, and continue to spread from the distance under the bombardment of the boxing.

Going back to the gods, I will be busy and hit, but I have been watching the battle in the battle!

The sharp paper is inserted in the huge boxing of Lin Xiaozhu, and the sky is covered with mist.

Under such violent attacks, the rest of the fog is completely suppressed for a time, and there is no effort.

"Mu Wei Tree Border Wall!"

At this time, the fog is in place, and a huge tree is rising from the ground.

One of the fisted shadows, bombing these arsen, and the rain-like sheets were cut, and the arabes still grow, and the speed was significantly more rapid than the destruction.

The vines spread over the sky, and all the Ninja in the village in the village were wrapped in a moment.

Lin Xiaozhu is slightly frowned. This strong recovery force of this sterile is obviously the wood, and the wood seems to have only one person can use.

Sure enough, his Yungui immediately found that the royal hand was washed on the battlefield to wash red beans and big.

They have learned that the attack on the big snake pill has begun. After arriving at the battlefield, they found it directly to the comrades in the battlefield, but the big and the big one thought that their mission was still watching. With Lin Xiaozhu, he and the red bean rushed here. He saw that Zhen Zhen was attacking the havery attack, the big and instinct, and blocked it.

At this time, Zhuay once again waved the giant punch, no number of black boxed shadow speed rotated, and it was shrouded in the right box.

With a burst, the three hills horelined to the tree boundaries!

boom! boom! boom!

The coarse vine suddenly was smashed.

According to Meitu and Chang Ten Lang, I will rush to Kraka, I will lack the Kraka, and the big spheres are blocked, and a huge hood will be wrapped in all the mists to all.

After the boxing of the fist is in-depth water cover, it has suffered huge resistance, and it disappeared at the moment.

In front of the double defense, the attack of the Boxing is fully resolved.

Lin Xiaozhu, which was attacked, had some asthma, and he was a little annoying to wash red beans and big and big.

He found that the remaining fog's strength at this time is specially endured. The soul skills that connect to the company are just some of the neoconbies and several special endurance. The fog's war is actually not weakened. Nowadays, their soul skills are in the latency, and the soul has consumed more than half.

Red beans are looking for a little surprised to Maitkai, who is working with the Green: "What do you do here?"

The corner of the mouthband has a bloody guard: "We are caught in the murderer who kill the spoaches, please don't interfere!"

The red bean is angered: "The flying adults don't say that this matter will solve it after attacking the incident. Now it is a very period of Wapan Village, please leave the battlefield!"

"Wink! Today, we must kill this murderer!" The power of the power is not refundable.

"Kay, what are you doing here?" Red beans can not understand.

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