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If you choose to choose, even if you include your own life, as long as you have conflicts with the absolute interests of the village, he will not hesitate.

Lin Xiaoshu saw the thrill of the holidays in several dark members, because her purple hair is really very conspicuous.

He took out a tattoo and a letter from the item column. "The wind made me gave you, he let me tell you, give you a birthday gift burying the tree in your first date. under."

In the evening, the throne took the talents and letters, she recognized the imprints of the blast, and the eyes in the mask momentum suddenly tears, "he ... he is okay?"

"He is very good ..." Lin Xiaozhu said, he remembered that there was still no way to bring Mahatai to this now.

However, he continued to say, "Maybe in a day, I can take him back to see you."

"True ···· true!?" The throne of the moon shouted.

Lin Xiaozhu nodded, he thinks this matter is not possible, ready to study after returning to the housing of the world, take a good study.

At this time, the day of the day felt some changes in the body, which made him more believe in Lin Xiaozhu.

He looked quietly to the surrounding, which guarded his life.

"How beautiful! Even if you look at it, you can't see it!"

At this moment, the limbs of the arrival day became black, then spread to the body and head, and turned into a black, and a wind blowing, and the flying ash disappeared.

In the next second, Lin Xiaoshu's eyes appeared in a light blue system light screen.

[Save task is completed!

[Successful rescue task, partner !

[The place mission is all completed, the task is completed by 120%, the completion time is 319 hours 53 minutes 59 seconds, the number of killed enemies is 377 people, the shadow level 1 person ············· Level ···· is calculating rating ...

[This task is comprehensive score 113, the water of the soul is 21 drops!

[Get S-Class Treatment: Fei Leizhen's Old Sites, Spiral Hands Sword, please choose!

Lin Xiaozhu learned from the original, the spiral hand sword is a very strong attack, he just combines an extremely powerful skill, and now does not lack the attack skills.

The eight-seiphery is a summoned tattoo. You can summon the strong eight-legged big snake for yourself.

The idleness of Fei Leizhen is a time and space-type tester developed. It can be used in an instant movement. This is a real moment movement, not only the speed is fast, and the goal of the startup touched Leave a surgery, and it can also move the target of the lesser.

This can be used for offensive, shortening long-distance skills, disrupting opponents, and transfer targets, can also be used in critical time, escape.

Of course, the transfer distance is far, the weight and volume of the target body will affect the energy consumption of the starting.

The most important thing is no need for printing!

I want to think about the opponent's unscrupulous thing to have a terrible thing after you!

Also, this sterberry is also very easy to fusion skills in Lin Xiaozhu's eyes.

He also learned from the original, even if the Ninja, which is a thousand-handed and wave wind, this shadow, does not dare to use, indicating that this endurance Chakra consumption must be very large. .

But he is more than the previous two stems, he still tends to learn the flying thunder, after hesitating, Lin Xiaozhu made a decision.

[Give the flying thunder!

[Complete the hell level task, get the world reputation 8000, reputation level LV4!

[The location of the world is located in the tree of the tree, from the lower part of the trunk to the middle of the trunk!

[Samsung and Samsung items can take out the plane, the rest of the items include currency will be converted into soul coins, 1 soul coin = 127 silver two, start exchange ····]

[Get the soul coin 236119!

[Tip, now I wake up and 2 minutes and 12 seconds, please pay attention to return to the plane time!

When I saw that the leaves of the arrival of the day, the wooden ninja was shocked, and there were many people who came to, and even many people started anger.

"All the mouth!" Kaki said: "The three generations are because of the protection of the village, and the banned attack is falling in the battle with the big snake!"

Myrt Kai is also coming. "You have seen it, Lin Xiaozhu has been helping the leaves, keeping a fight!"

"They said, Lin Xiaoshu is our friend." The thrilling of the holiday and the red beans are also attached to the side.

Spring Sakura: "If it is not him, I have been killed by music."

"I also saw that he became the ninja that he had been protecting the wooden village, and he killed the Masakah of Sandy Village!"

"I didn't fight against the right, and I didn't play him with a few sound hidden villages. It's too god!"

"He is our friend, Lin Xiaoshu is our friend."


Ninja in the village of the village has attached to the eyes of Lin Xiaozhu's eyes.

Lin Xiaozhu felt that his heart was very warm, and he finally got a recognition of the village.

He looked at the system time, and only less than a minute left, he was able to fly to Xiaonan.

Slap her water is in the same time, it will be broken while being killed, and Xiao Nan will watch Lin Xiaozhu to heave himself, and even busy fan moving paper.

The two hugs in the air, there are countless words at this time, but they can't say it.

After a moment, Lin Xiaoshu's figure was disappeared for a starlight.

"Four years, say good, I am waiting for you." Xiaonan looked at him disappeared, and his face was full of tears.


Tang Zhizhi, Tang Yin Village.

Evil god teaching site.

A man wearing a black robes standing in front of the ancient stone, the female corpse in the coffin is still a big mouth, it seems to have experienced endless pain before death.

The man has a sacrifice, put a sharp sharp knife, a bright red heart and a human .

He stood in front of the stone, and he read the mantra in the mouth.

The heart on the sacrifice suddenly flashes to the red light, and the head of the head begins a single, issued a weird ring " ", the stone interior of the five fingers, it is abnormally ospi horror!

At this time, the sarcophagus recessed on the stone wall automatically floated, and there were many wind-dried cobra bodies on the eucalyptus on both sides.

The man picked up the heart on the sacrifice, splicing a small hole with a sharp knife, blood sprayed, dripping into the dry body in the coffin.

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