Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 501 Soul Tong Dynasty!

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Obviously, this is a state in which the martial arts beast soul is, and in the moment it appears, the empty air is in a punch against Lin Xiaozhu.

The fist actually detached from the body, taking out the long smoke, going to the opposite side.

Lin Xiaozhu hurriedly woven, smoke giant punch from his ear, in the moment, the fist is like living, and the white arc is taking out, and the five fingers will be opened. .

Lin Xiaozhu's foot is in charge, and turns through the body at the same time, a pair of bone wings suddenly appear, fan a hurricane to blow the smoke into the big hand.

At this time, the smoke giants made a low scream, which slammed the two giants, and the arm turned into two more than ten meters long smoke colonies.

The giant arm is oscillated, and the two smoke colonents are in the middle.


Under the collision, the two smoke colonents constantly winding, as if the two steel ropes are screwed together, and they will send out the strange sound of "".

Lin Xiaozhu has not arrogant to the martial arts of Dourao, he immediately released the soul ring.

"Purple, Purple, Black, Black" four soul rings rose from the foot.

At the same time, he lit up the fourth soul ring, and a golden mask suddenly appeared, directly released the fourth soul technology and golden scales.

"A soul, how can I have this soul ring configuration !?"

The strange soul rings are reminded from the flying smoke not far away. She found that the color of Lin Xiaoshu's fourth soul ring was extremely similar to her own seventh soul ring. It should be the soul ring of 50,000 years.

The soul ring of this year is actually appeared in a soul. If she is converted to her, she will not believe in anyway, but Lin Xiaoshu at this time is in front of you!

Some flying smoke understand why the owner must have to take a live Lin Xiaozhu back!

This teenager must hide what is not a secret!

At this time, the two smoke moved by the smoke giant stopped, and they seem to have reached the limit and began to tremble dramatically.

The next moment, "Hey!", The two of the smoke suddenly blown away, rotating spread, as if a big net opened, the covered cover is on the gold scale.

While the gold scaff is completely packaged, the bike of the smoke giant is tilted, and the smoke network is rapidly zoomed, and the mask is tightly lifted.

As the giant arms are twisted, the mask formed by the golden scale is constantly compressed, and it seems that it will be broken at any time. When Lin Xiaoshu's body will be completely exposed to the smoke network.

Flying smiles: "Your ability is very special, but the soul is limited, it is fighting me."

At this time, cracks have occurred on the gold scale, which seems to be cracking at any time.

"Yes?" Lin Xiaozhu snorted.


The golden scales are blown, and the light ball in Lin Xiaozhu is bidding out of the four sides, and the smoke wrapped around is stalemate.

Light ball is getting smaller and smaller, but the smoke is again condensed after being scattered by the light ball, so soon, it will quickly consume the energy of the light ball.

At this time, the scene of the flying smoke was once again happened, and Lin Xiaozhu in the smoke shrouded, the body was extremely magnified, turned into more than 20 meters high!

The smoke weaving big net can't stop, and it is broken in an instant.

"I originally wanted to save some soul, it seems that there is no way." Zhen was hoped to hide the migrant of the purple smoke.

not good! The eyes can see me!

The flying smoke suddenly surprised.

She always released the white fog, plus the body around a straight smoke, and the average person can not see what they stand in front of themselves, can see the purple magician, although I can't see, but Lin Xiaozhu It is still possible to see the contour of the migrated smoke.

Her body has long figure, the feature is obvious, and the smoke is hidden in the smoke.

Lin Xiaozhu suddenly found that the eighth soul lingering around the body of the bib is burned!

The smoke strokes out, rotating in front of her, taking out a very thick smoke, spreading the four sides, and suddenly cover the nearby space in a more concentrated smoke.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu spotted the smoke of the survival seemed to start distorting. After a moment, the Shrek College was in front of his eyes, but it was a bit blurry, like an old photo, which is presented in his eyes, let him have a feeling of dreams.

The voice of the solo is suddenly appeared, "Be careful! Her smoke is poisonous!"

At the same time, a burning wave swept.

Lin Xiaozhu is suddenly surprised, and it is ejected backwards.

I saw a huge fire column descending from the sky, and he booked a big hole before, and the grass around him burned the flame of the bears.

If you are slowly engraved, Linger, Xiaozhu will be brought into the fire.

"Damn!" The flying smoke angry.

After she released the soul of the soul, she also showed the eighth soul technology "confusing".

This soul technology releases colorless smoke, you can pass the vision and smell of two ways, the large-scale illusion of the manufacturers, and her soul will be suddenly attacked in the illusion, even a military, enter this There are also no effort to still have a force in the illusion.

But because of the purple magic thoughts, Lin Xiaoshu quickly detected some illusions in front of him, with alert psychology, and later heard the reminder of solitary life, immediately wake up.

The flying smoke originally intended to use the illusion confusing Lin Xiaozhu, and then hit her into the foundation, then launched the attack until it was defeated, but I didn't expect the other party to produce alert, escaped in the solitary reminder Robbery.

Just when she is preparing to attack again, not far away is alone!

His eighth soul is blinking.

Black rays rendered snakes, suddenly changing green became ink!

Solitary boat, a huge snake.

The strange scene appeared!

Everything has been solidified.

Whether it is just retreat Lin Xiaozhu, or the flying smoke amused in the smoke, it is stagnant in this moment, everything around them, everything around, even the wind is still paused in half.

The homeship of the cockroach is not seen in the transparent disappearance, and the solitary body is hung in the air and flying to the flying smoke.

It is his eighth soul technology in front of him.

The soul of this soul technology is extremely huge for solitary, if it is not there, he will never show it easily.

With a series of green residuals, solo to the face of flying smoke, he stretched out the green left hand, five fingers, and drunk: "Broken!"


Under his blow, the body of the flying smoke is shrouded by the smoke, as if the two are in two spaces.

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