Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 513 Chapter Death is vacuum!

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A Feng is awkward: "Isn't there a 100,000-year soul ring, then you will show it out!"

Under normal circumstances, absorb the 100,000-year soul ring will get two soul skills, but there are only some soul skills after the fusion of the soul, which means that this soul skill is more powerful!

Because the 100,000-year soul ring in the wind is only a soul skill, this soul technology is much bigger than the general 100,000 years of soul skills.

He speculated that the strong soul skills released before Lin Xiaozhu, even if there is two thousand years of soul rings.

The facts are also the same as he guess, Lin Xiaozhu is the same as the 100,000-year soul ring and ghosts you got on the golden mating, although the power of the soul is very huge, but there is only one exception.

At this time, the eighth soul of the wind lit up, and the electric grandson on the body was like a big fire-like flammark.

"Eighth Soul Technology · Lei Yan"! "

Then, he pulled the rope of the soul of the soul, rapidly in the half-air, and the purple thunder in the upper and lower purple gathered in the air. In an instant, there was a black purple dark cloud.

Purple thunder is burst in which the sky is litter, as if burned the whole sky.

There seems to have seven windons in the flames, and an overbearing Longwei is built!

A wind puls down the rope.

The seven wind drag opened the big mouth in the sky, and the thunder was not extinguished, but the more burning in the wind of the wind, the blink of an eye was a seven-year-old Lei Yan, from the sky to Lin Xiaozhu, The violent power is like a disaster!

In this moment, a hit, Lin Xiaozhu dares to hard, he quickly flew over the sky.

But this seven monarch seems to have life, and the direction of the direction will come to him.

Lin Xiaozhu took several times, and found that Qi Yan, Zi Zi Yan, has been occupied by one direction, from all sides, and there is not attacking the situation that will never stop.

He lit the fifth soul ring in half air, which is another 100,000-year soul ring that got there from the dead.

"The fifth soul skill, the dead is vacuum!"

A style is dead, staring at Lin Xiaozhu, which is clearly curious about Lin Xiaoshu's 100,000 years of soul skills.

When the red soul ring lit up, he only saw the grass sword in Lin Xiaoshu's hand trembled. The sword seems to be distorted, but it immediately returned to normal, as if nothing happened.

He is hesophiliated, Lin Xiaoshu has shot out of the hands of the long sword, and a sudden appearance of the dark swords like the ink, go to the thunderous flying in front of you!

Black swords are sharply compressed in front of the air. If someone can look opposite through the air, it will find that the opposite scene has a dramatic distortion, but how can this black can penetrate?

Ding! !

A wind is expected to go, and the black sword is cut on the thunderi. After the sound is sounded, it is stagnant in half an air.

The black swordsmanship and purple Lei Ni were in the same, first unscrupulous, then burst two shares as if violeted to the ultimate power, crashed!

The black swords were instantly swaying the endless black rays, as if they were dyed throughout the sky, while the seven Tao Lei Yan aggregated at this time, and the moment was condensed into a large lane, spread the endless purple, as if The earth is dyed in purple!

The two power collides, it is like the confrontation of the sky!

! ! !

Under this crazy collision, there was a slice of cracks above the Rayan. Then, this cracks were spread. Directly throughout the thunderism, a large lane was so off from the middle break, poured on the earth, and ignited around the earth. Flashing the thunder bears fire, the time is flashing, the land collapsed, a late day.

And the black sword miles spread into a horrible wave marks, extended to the distance in the distance, launched the dark clouds in the sky, revealing the blue sky behind the dark clouds!

A wind was stunned by the other sanctuary, his eighth soul technology was completely crushed under the power of 100,000 years of soul skills!

No hint!

If it is not a sword, it is Lei Yan, but he is in the horrible sword, he is afraid that he has disappeared from this world.

Continuous slag will not leave!

And the other party is just a soul emperor!

If you really become a title, it is not even God! ?

However, Afeng thinks that Lin Xiaozhu will have this opportunity.

Because he perceived that the 100,000-year soul ring of the other party should have two soul skills. If you just release it together, you may not stand here.

That's why I didn't release it?

He feels that there is only one possibility, Lin Xiaoshu's soul is not enough to release a million-year-old soul skill!

Even if you are the soul of the peak of the wind, the soul of the wind, the soul of the wind is not enough, and Lin Xiaoshu is just a soul emperor. After the release of two 100,000 years of soul skills, the soul can remain How many?

He is expected, although Lin Xiaozhu's energy is a kind of soul, Chakra, domineering complex, consumes so many ordinary soul when released the soul skill, but he is indeed It is only a soul emperor, and the energy reserves are still very small. Now it is not enough to release the power too powerful attack skills.

At this time, the ninth soul ring of the wind flashes to the light, the whole body turned into purple in this moment, and it covered a strange purple magic pattern.

"Ninth Soul Technology · Merryland!"

Next, the wind is in the sky, the purple thunder is tumbling in the sky. After a while, these thunders actually turned into a thunder in diameter to fall from the air, and the big pit will burn a big pit. Black purple thunderia.

These thunder collaps quickly gathered, and the blink of an eye formed a thunderstorm in a party, with the power of destroying the earth!

Lin Xiaozhu took a breath, a strong attack, such a large-scale lightning strike, there is no way to defense, only to dodge, but this lightning range covers the number, really a way to hide?

He bite his teeth and instantly completed the printing, released two fresses, and the two fits in the left and right directions.

I saw this strange ability, but I didn't show too much surprise, because he was very confident about his ninth soul technology. He thought that under the attack of the madness, even if Lin Xiaozhu is strong. There is also a possibility!

At this time, all the thunders disappear, and a purple vortex appeared in the sky above Lin Xiaozhu.

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