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Lin Xiaozhu will open the soul, and they have been carefully measured. The rest of the chasing seems to have disappeared completely.

After a few hours, his soul has not been removed, and the eight doors will be removed, and slowly fall into the forest.

The sparse vegetation of the starry big forest and sunset is completely different, and the temperature here is far higher, and plants are more dense than the days of landing.

Recalling the experience of being chased before, Lin Xiaoshu still has a lingering, he feels that it is still in the final power, if it is really like alone, the auction field will not let go, sooner or later, it will also spread to the Shrak Academy. .

Therefore, it is necessary to improve the strength!

Since I came here, he wanted to find a suitable soul ring to absorb the second martial art.

But the big forest is so big, where are you going to find?

Two huge gods have emerged in the brain of Lin Xiaoshu.

He immediately knocked on the chest, a long three shorts, the voice was just falling soon, he heard the depths of the forest, like he echo.

Lin Xiaozhu launched the double wing to fly there. After half an hour, he saw a large lake water. Two Ming was sitting on the lake and stunned with his foot finger, and Daming was potential in the lake, showing a huge cattle head.

Seeing Lin Xiaoshufei, I immediately showed a happy color on my face, and the voice of "" "was constantly issued.

Daming also came straight from the lake, laughed: "Boss, I haven't come to see us for a long time, I said that he missed you."

I looked at the four times, "Hey ····"

"Didn't you follow this small dance sister?" Daming is busy.

Since the forest Xiaoshu's big star, the two beasts have never seen a small dance, and I started to come.

Listening to them, Lin Xiaozhu also started some missed a small dance.

He sighed, "I haven't seen her for three months, I have to see it, I blame several bastards!"

Daming this time noted that Lin Xiaoshu's body is full of wounds, he is deeply said: "How to hurt this, is it to fight with people?"

Lin Xiaozhu nodded, "I originally planned to go back to the college to find a small dance, but I met a few difficult guys on the road, I was chased here."

"Hey ····" Two hands dance, a look of angry.

Daming also followed low, "If they dare to come here, our brothers will kill him together."

Lin Xiaozhu suddenly thought of these two soul beasts have been cultivated for more than 100,000 years. It must know if there is still a stronger soul beast in the forest. If you can find a strong soul ring that is suitable for the second martial art, his strength It will be further improved. If you arrive, you will not be afraid to shoot the store or the Wushu Temple.

He asked directly: "Do you know that there is still a soul beast in this forest or 10,000 years?"

"More than 100,000 years ·····" Daming sinked a moment, during this period, I said that I said for a long time, but Lin Xiaozhu went completely to understand what he was saying.

Fortunately, I will translate it immediately. "The few people in the core area of ​​Xingming said that you must know, and the smell of the stinky tiger and three eight9 million ants are poor. Some, in addition to this, I really know that some of the existence of more than 100,000 years, but ···· "

"But what?" Lin Xiaoshu asked quickly.

"However, they are all in a place called the beast, even if they live in the Soul of the Soul Forest, it is estimated that there are very little known, there are many terrible terrible. exist!"

It is said that the big eyes of Daming here, "there is more suitable for them to survive, and the soul of the soul has no human soul captures, and it is enough to make those terrible guys swallowed."

"How is the number of souls there?" Lin Xiaoshu horses happily.

"A lot, and very powerful."

"How did I never listen to people?"

"Because the channel of the beast is very hidden, it is very dangerous. It is very dangerous after entering. I guess this place in the entire starry forest, maybe I have only one."

"Hey ····" Titan giant is confused with Daming, it seems to ask Daming, why don't know that place.

The focus of the big language: "I am afraid that you are greedy. After knowing the place, you don't know how dangerous there!"

The eyes of the sky, the eyes flashed, and it seems that it is in the memories, and it will slowly say after a moment:

"Many years ago, when I was an ordinary millennium soul, I followed my father entered there. I didn't know what person in the entrance of the place. I needed the blood of 100,000 years of soul to open, there It is said that they exist when they exist from starry big forests, even earlier. "

"These horrible guys have continuous reproduction, swallowed, and formed some very powerful ethnic groups. My father originally intended to attach to the powerful moon night magic spider group, but eventually fell into a descending of being swallowed, the terrible ethnic group Very bloody, will suck all the souls and souls that have passed through their nest. "

The big sighed and continued: "Before the father left, I sent me to the place where I entered it. Later, with the help of other soul beasts, I can escape after the channel will be opened again, even now, I have no courage. Enter the terrible place again. "

Lin Xiaoshu is now urgent to improve the strength, and is very interested in those souls that have been strong.

He immediately said: "Take me to a trip."

"There is very dangerous, if there is no need, I want you to go in, I know that you will be more powerful this time, but it is really dangerous."

"The current Tiantou City is the most dangerous place in the mainland. I urgently need to improve the strength."

The day and green cattle hesitated and nodded, "Then I will take you there fully, I will take you there."

Although Lin Xiaozhu felt that it is now urgent, the status of the Shrek Academy will definitely be stared by the Wushu Temple and the auction.

If anyone is involved in the swirls, anyone else wants to set up a business, so he has to hurry all the time to make yourself strong, but it is indeed a few people who have left in the soul. It is so dangerous under the situation. Otherwise, if you encounter a strong soul beast, even the resistance is not.

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