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The tear sound of "nouristed -".

This time, the body is almost tearing half by the long sword, the internal organs flow, its screams, huge body crazy distortions, want to break away from the sword.

However, no matter how it struggle, how to distort the body is no good, the unbelievable grass sword not only runs through its body, but also inserted in the bottom tens of meters.


A sharp torn sound is endless, and people listen to the rake.

Lingzun is like the big body in the mountains, at this moment, it is a shot of the longjac in Lin Xiaoshu's hands. Blue blood is usually sputtered in the rainpoint.

Just listening to a ", ····" sounded, at this time, the blue blood spurted, such as the sky down the storm, and the blue mud sea was stained.

The huge body of the Lingzun is torn away by Lin Xiaozhu hard!

"Hey, , ······" The spirit of the spirit is more than the scream, and the heavens and the earth have echoed the screams, very horror, let people feel cold.

The soul beast in the square is scared, and it has escaped in the nest, even the ethnic groups in the two mixers of Lin Xiaozhu have stopped fighting in this mourning, full of horror To this direction.

Even if this is the sea, there may be no soul beam of more than ten thousand years in many years.

They don't know what happened.

Looking at the Ling Zunyi was a torn that is a inch of Lin Xiaozhu, listening to the incredible scream, the old man felt that his legs were soft, and suddenly fell on the ground, his body was already cold sweat.

Lin Xiaozhu showed that the strength is too strong, even the strong people in the legend of the dragons are also the case.

He pulled the grass sword at this time, inserted into the dark eye of the spirit.


[You kills the 157,000th soul of the soul, the Hailing, gaining experience 870291!



[Again Information: Douro Continent]

Double life: Lin Xiaoshu

Combat power: b +

Level: 46 [Soul Power Level 67]

Experience: 7736691441000

Wu Sou: Ferry Beast Congy

Energy: Chakra Soul Domineering 30175125300

Occupation: Soul

Potential: 317

Status: LV4 Knight (World Tree)


Zhen's huge body stood between the heavens and the earth, and it was already covered with blue blood, and his eyes were erected in endless war.

This scene is too horrible before the eyes, and the old man is tight to the vomiting of the big mouth.

"Bold!" There was a low in the depths of the sea. This voice is far away and profound, as if it comes from thousands of years ago, full of horror.

The whole vast mating is quiet. It seems that the air is still in this moment.

I heard this voice, the soul of the soul rushed to the distance, before Lin Xiaoshu encountered two batches of the soul beasts fled around the headless flies.

At this time, the giant waves in the deep temples began to roll, and set off a huge waves.

"Ming ···· ····" The old man couldn't help but scream, and it was full of panic.


Lin Xiaozhu is a long-awaited, set off a hundred-meter huge waves swept in the direction of the sea. Although it is far less than the big wave of the big waves, it is also full of provocation.

He looked mad, "dissatisfaction!"

"That's ··· It is the sea giant, really ..." The old man put a cold air.

Boom - Boom - Boom -

At this time, a burst of roar sounded, as in the earthquake, the whole sea is like boiling water, followed by shaking.

There is also a huge crack on the land where Lin Xiaozhu is located.

One time, like the end of the world, under terrible swaying, even the red star hanging in the sky is shaking, it seems to be the same from the sky.


The templed roar came from the sea, and the nine-day ten land was shaken. At this time, the whole of the beast soul begins to be dark. This is not something to swallow the red star. Light, but that the star is blocked!

In this moment, the soul of the soul of the soul couldn't help but got a big, I can't close it for a long time. It's all between God. At this time, whether it is a antity, or a strong 100,000 years of urine. Part of the pants.

At this time, the wilderness of the soul of the soul is red, and a volcano of your smoke is coming together.

There is no half of the green, and the plants have no way to survive in this mile.

There is an unusually tall volcanic magma that is roaring. It seems that there is a possibility of eruption, and just sits on the half-mountain waist of this volcano, it is slight in the foot of the mountain, after Back on the volcano, the head is straight to the mountain.

The following stands on dozens of powerful soul beasts, and they are all in battle to this giant beast, as if they are watching a thousand emperors.

The silhouette of the behemoth was hidden in the smoke. At this time, he hoped to the direction of the sea, whispered: "Is this voice it? I don't know which idiots will enhance the hateful guy, it seems to be a war Field, I really want to put a foot! "

The opposite of this huge behem has been an all-round land of thousands of miles away.

It is a vision of glads of ice lakes around a vision.

Ice lake is frozen, there is a woman, there is also an old man and a child, watching their faces and exactly a prectious, as if just fall asleep.

In the centers of the ice lake, the centered on the ice lake, a silver armor, a handsome man, who suddenly opened his eyes in this moment, a thorny light showed the entire ice lake, illuminated the Baili Glacier, This moment of the whole ice lake is generally blown up like a burst mirror.


In this case, Lin Xiaozhu has resumed humanoid, and the old man fled to the land before the end of the land, the bodies and soul rings of the Lingzun were earned in the black tea.

Originally killing the Hai Lingzun, Lin Xiaozhu battle, it can be made up in the horror of the deep sea, he suddenly, he suddenly smeared.

Lin Xiaozhu clearly, the power of the outbreak is that it is not an opponent's state, not to mention the soul of the soul.

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