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The elderly see Lin Xiaozhu seems to be staring at himself. There is no possibility of escaping, and the sure is lying on the ground. Waiting for Lin Xiaozhu absorbed the soul ring.

Lin Xiaozhu saw the foundation of his sleep, he also lie down and slept.

After a long time, the old man climbed up and went away from the distance.

I have been running for seven or eight miles away. When I look back, I saw Lin Xiaozhu lying on the ground, and she was a lot of breath.

"Sample, I still want to watch your grandfather?" The old man laughed, and then continued to shake the big shocking toward the direction.

After he got out of hours, he had already feeled to get rid of that teenager. At this time, the brain began to recall the strange ability of Lin Xiaozhu.

If I also have those capability, I can mix it now.

"Hey! It's a sense of God!" Qiu old head sigh.

When he wanted to be non-non-wrong, a familiar voice suddenly appeared.

"Hiller, where is this?"

He looked up and looked up. At this time, the black shadow flashed, Lin Xiaoshu suddenly appeared next to the elder's head, looked at him.

"Where to go, do you want me to send you?" Lin Xiaozhu asked faintly.

"I ... I see you asleep, I am afraid that you wake up thirst, I want to find some water to send you back."

Lin Xiaozhu smiled, "Is it so far to find water?"

"I know that there is a place to drink very well, so I want to take it back to try it." Hilk Old Houxou Hui, he was in the heart of seven on the top eight, and it was afraid that the comarter in front suddenly slaughtered himself!

He suddenly saw Lin Xiaozhu handed up, and he was scared to three souls, and the knees were simply sat on the ground.

But the other party is just taken on his shoulders. "Water does not drink, take me to the place you said."

"Well ································································

At this time, a wind blowing, he felt that there was a wet and slipped behind, and the clothes had already been soaked in cold sweat.

"Where to go?"

"Southern." The old head refers to.

Suddenly he felt that the two feet were light. The whole person was flew down by Lin Xiaozhu, and he flew over a high altitude of thousands of meters.

The elders heard the wind masterpiece of the ear, the bottom of the scene changed.

At this way, I will find myself so soon, I can fly so high, the speed is faster than the wind, I don't say that it is a hundred miles in the place where this Liao unmanned smoke is. It is not possible outside the thousands of miles.

I thought that he sighed and started the direction of the other party.

After a while, Lin Xiaozhu's feet have appeared a building, which is a huge mansion, under the lascock of the bronze.

This is the first time he entered the savanjie, and it was a very long-standing building. The huge ancient house was in the foot of the mountain, as if he had already spent countless years.

The old man is busy: "It is here."

Lin Xiaozhu slowly dropped in the number of ancient house, then walked there, and left a few steps and found that the old man was stopped.

He turned and asked: "Why don't you go?"

The old man smiled, "I won't go, there are two more than 100,000 years of soul, I am afraid I have seen the urine pants."

Lin Xiaozhu smiled slightly, "Do you believe it, I will let you have a diaper now."

He has long found that this is an old slider that is not hit, so it is no longer polite at this time.

"Now the young people don't understand the old love!" Qiu's old man sighed, but he still followed the back of Lin Xiaozhu, slowly walked to the ancient house.

The ancient house is located in a parate, the hospital door is a very large stone door, because the reason why weathered, the above left a small hole in the pit, Lin Xiaozhu, the door is looking for.

There is a waste well covered with duckweed. There is a bamboo forest after the house, and the whip is sloppy from the wall.

Really, there is something living there?

Lin Xiaozhu skeptically suspicious that he gently buckled the door to the dust.

"anyone here?"

Didn't respond, he asked again: "Does anyone are?"

a long time······

There is still no sound inside.

Lin Xiaozhu suspected: "Are you sure it is here?"

He looked at the moment, he looked at the moment, "Determined, but it is already a long time before, and I don't know if the two guys are still here."

At this moment, a voice came in the ancient house, "There is ..." Someone is. "

The sound is strange, and the tone is very strange. It feels like a long time to talk to people. Some are somewhat mad, and the old man who heard the voice quickly hid behind Lin Xiaozhu.

His body suddenly turned, and the eyes were panicked.

After a moment, two middle-aged men came out of the ancient house.

Lin Xiaoshu looked at the door. These two people have been exactly the same, as if a mold is engraved.

Just one of them a red dress, showing a cool laugh on his face, and another person is a blue dress, and there is a deep worry between eyebrows.

Seeing two people, Lin Xiaoshu is very surprised to look toward the elder.

It can be seen that he is panicked, and Lin Xiaozhu will understand that these two may be what terrible soul is illusion.

He passed in the mind that it seems to have two ways to translate the soul beast.

One is a re-repaire, like a small dance, transforming into a human form after 10,000 years of repair, which will cause the repair to make a loss, start cultivation.

The other is direct, this kind of soul beast has maintained the past, but it can't cultivate like people, and can change back to the beast. Generally, this kind of soul beast has reached twenty. On the past, the strength is extremely powerful.

However, I don't rule out that the old man is lying. These two people are not the possibility of the soul. He has said that it is two hundred thousand years of soul, but it seems to be alone.

However, Lin Xiaozhu's strength is also the peak existence in the peak of Dou Luo. It is not afraid of the bottom, and the sure is to stand there, and there is nothing more.

At this time, the gate was opened.

The red dress is a big smile: "Today's guests are a bit more, we are busy with some hands, two valuables, and let's join us."

Then, he walked into the ancient house with Lin Xiaozhu and the elder's head.

Lin Xiaozhu wants to see what this brother is doing something, and then takes a biggest step directly to follow.

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