Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 534 absorbs 20,000 years of soul rings

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The old man looked at the bodies of the two 20,000-year-old soul beast in front of him, which is just like dreaming.

Originally he felt that Lin Xiaozhu must die in front of these two powerful, but he did not expect the results.

Lin Xiaozhu did not seem to do our utmost to kill the existence of these two horrific!

Is this guy is a more powerful soul?

What is the soul ring?

The two old avatar, the two , caught in confusion.

He wants to break your head and want to understand that Lin Xiaozhu is clearly a soul emperor, but why there is so strength.

The only thing that is now determined now is that this guy is terrible, and it is absolutely unable to provoke!

At this time, the two red soul rings slowly rose from the mourning of the martyrdom, and the soul rings before Lin Xiaozhu have a little different, and they have a golden pattern, let the original red The colored light is doped with a little light gold.

The soul of the 200,000 years of soul rings did not absorb beforelin, but he thought that he had now the body, even if it absorbs this level of soul ring, there will be no problem, and the Pope of the Wushu is more Now it is still in the beast, if you encounter, he thinks that more than half of the other will shoot himself.

There is also seven tiger's title of seven tigers, and the strength is already in the case of Lin Xiaozhu.

He took a deep breath and took it out of black tea, first incorporated the corpse of the magic marble and the soul ring, and then on the private knees, he looked at the twenty-thousand years of soul rings of the blood jade.

When I saw Lin Xiaoshu, the old man ran over, he was exciting: "You ... Do you want to absorb this soul ring?"

"What happened?" Lin Xiaoshu faint.

"How? ······? Have you sure you can absorb such a strong soul ring?"

"OK." Lin Xiaozhu slowly closed his eyes, "I want to start absorb the soul ring, you help me protect the law."

The old man opened his mouth, but did not speak. How big is the impact of the twenty-thousand years of soul rings, he doesn't know, just listen to some people say that in the past, there is a powerful title Douro in the moment of absorption. Soul shocks of the shock.

But if you really happen, can he leave?

Even if Lin Xiaoshu can take a smooth absorption, can you escape when he doesn't want to take care of him?

In the end, the old man still does not believe in Lin Xiaozhu can absorb this soul ring.

Lin Xiaozhu didn't go to the old man who thought about it. He thought quietly. Now he has reached a seventy level, and it will become a soul after the first Wu soul draws the seventh soul. The seventh soul skill, the martial arts is true.

But the soul ring of the current blood jade and the magic marble is really suitable as the seventh soul ring?

Lin Xiaozhu's answer is negative, and it is not easy to find the recovery soul beast.

Therefore, he will attach the second martial arts, then pull the soul ring of the magic marble to himself.

The soul rings of the 200,000 years of soul are not more than 100,000 years of soul rings.

When the 100,000-year-old soul of the blood jade, Lin Xiaozhu only felt the bombings, and a unparalleled energy was rushed into the body from the soul of blood.

That is the power of strong, just like the impact of the waves.

Lin Xiaozhu's entire body was out of the impact, and flew down for dozens of meters backwards.

The blood martial arts, who turned out to flash, just like a red soldering iron, strong energy fluctuating the ground inch turtle around Lin Xiaozhu body.

If it is other martial arts, if you absorb the soul rings of 200,000 years, you will cause the martial arts to burst, but the soul of blood is not the same!

What horror exists!

Although the soul of the soul is shocked, the blood of the soul is forcibly accommodating the strength of the 200,000-year-old soul ring, and the three souls already have, and spread into a huge radon guarding blood. The body of the martial art, why, how to impact the giant force, and cannot destroy the blood of the soul.

Looking at the three red soul rings rose, the old man was completely stunned, and his legs were directly in the ground.

"This ····· What is this, how? · How can I have a soul ring above three thousand years?"

He felt that his head was not so clarified, and he was still hard, and he did not dream of dreaming.

The old man suddenly remembered that there was a genius in the legend of the Human Soul. There were two martial arts in these soul teachers. Soul skills will be extremely powerful.

Therefore, the soul of the Shuangwu Soul is the arrogance of the sky, and it will become the supreme existence of the mainland after growing!


This kid is the legendary soul of the martial arts! ?

When Hillow, I only believe that Lin Xiaozhu is really from the soul of Douro mainland.

Only this can explain why he is so powerful.

However, the old man still feels that there is three hundred thousand years of soul rings or too exaggerated!

However, Lin Xiaozhu in front of him is indeed true for three hundred thousand years of soul rings, but also absorb the fourth - 20,000 years of soul rings!

At this time, he hoped that he was full of worship to Lin Xiaoshu, and it seems that it is not necessary to escape the idea.

"Maybe, I am waiting for such a person. ·····" he is.

I heard the system probably the old man's good feeling increased, Lin Xiaoshu's body shakes slightly, I don't understand what kind of ghost idea is playing again.

At the same time, the curse between Lin Xiaoshu's eyebrows once again turned out again. He has burst out a sumptuous war. This breath seems to be tangible, and the blood color, the strong murder is integrated into one. It seems that he heard the sound of the battlefield!

There is a voice in the bottom of the heart calling Lin Xiaozhu.

The voice only shouted a word - battle!

He is now eager to fight!

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