You can search for the latest chapter in Baidu, "Sign in Douro Sign in to the World Skyllirts ("

At this time, Xiao Lou smiled and walked to Lin Xiaozhu's body, "the palace invited you to go to her."

Lin Xiaoshu took the wine glass to drink the wine, "Bring the way."

Xiaoli is slightly nodded, go outside the pavilion.

"Don't go!" Bed and said that his face said gloomy: "You are taking a small thing in color, I can't go to Dou Luo mainland."

"The Popener is not happy, we just go to Xiao gather, wait for me to give you a message." Lin Xiaozhu blind eyes.

What did you just want to say in East, but I found out that people in front of them, Lin Xiaoshu actually shielded the magical milder, appeared in more than ten meters.

She hurriedly turned, but found that the little green noodles were in front of it.

Lin Xiaozhu laughed to Xiao Lou in the side.

Small homes, attracting him to continue to go to the valley.

More than the back of Lin Xiaoshu, she remembered that the eyes of the other side seemed to be meaning.

Give me a message?

She frowned slightly.

"Yue Yue ······················································


Lin Xiaoshu followed a lush bamboo forest behind the small lotion, and there were several ancient houses next to the bamboo forest.

It is very artistic in this quiet valley.

However, the two did not enter, but the path straight forward, didn't have long before, I saw a clear mountain.

There is a small building on the green water, but the area is extremely small, elegant, let people look at the feelings of peace, in this savior world, it is a general place.

"Please." Xiao Duba pointed Lin Xiaozhu to the door, stop this, and his face smiles with a slight smile.

Lin Xiaozhu did not pay attention to it, and went to open the door.

There is only a dozen meters in the small building, a show bed, a table, two round chairs, just this, the vase on the table is inserted with unknown flowers.

At this time, there is no one in the house, and Lin Xiaoshu is somewhat surprised to sit on the chair, and I look at it.

It seems that there is no strange place here, it is really like a girl's boudoir, clean, elegant, emitting a faint fragrance.

Being hesitant, the day is coming in, she cleared the white shirt, the silk ink dye, if the fairy, completely, the kind of fascinating color, and the previous girl Dress, I also sentenced two people, as if I have a dream Water essence coming out, let people look in front.

Lin Xiaozhu smiled: "Miss Tian Mi will change two makeup for a while, and is not too trouble?"

"There is a lot of guests, it is nothing to do." The day is slight smile, "I don't know which one you like, you can change it again at any time."

Lin Xiaozhu did not pay attention to her light, but asked: "Is it no matter where, the soul bearer likes to become a person?"

I laughed together in the day. "I didn't go to Douro mainland, and I didn't know how the soul of the soul is, but in the savanseal world, I did as you said, although I still exist in the family, the two fangs Water fire can have to admit that the orast is still envious of the life of the people. "

"So even if the people have completely disappeared, you are still imitating here, imagine them like them?"

I nodded at the day, "I can't make you like the original appearance of the day, then I can meet you."

She pinching his fingers, blinking, somewhat laughing: "But here seems to have such a little bit."

"Don't have, the girl will directly say what is here?" Lin Xiaozhu cold his face, and a kind of unexpected style.

The day month will go to Lin Xiaozhu, the weak and boneless arm is on his shoulders, "This is so quiet, only you and me, you said that I want you to have anything?"

If a fragrant flavor is drilled into the nose of Lin Xiaozhu, his Yu Guang sweeps to the white wrist on the white wrist, there is a very delicate, embroidered with long leg spiders. The sachet, the fragrance seems to be issued there.

He found that the day of the day, as if it would be intentionally, let this sachet near himself.

Lin Xiaozhu grabbed and gently pulled, pulling the red line and pulled the sachet in hand.

"Hey? How can I take people?" I reached out to grab it, but I was disappeared by Lin Xiaozhu's income item column.

She is slightly smashed, and her villain: "I hate."

Then, the whole person is sitting on the legs of Lin Xiaoshu, a pair of arm rings on his neck, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him, "If you want, you will say it."

At this time, the day month was observed to have a chill, she immediately bounced back, I saw a long sword actually stopped in half, if it was slow in half a second, I am afraid it will pass.

"What are you doing?"

"Kill you." Lin Xiaozhu gripped the grass sword sword: "What can I do?"

"Killing me?" The day month is slightly frowning, "Why do you want to kill me?"

"What is the strange?" Lin Xiaoshu gave a sword to the opposite, "Do you have to give me this?"

If you have a real understanding, some helplessly laughed: "It seems that you are still hate me for the dupidist."

Listening to her name is a stupid snake, Lin Xiaoshu's face is cold, and a murder is over.

When the day of the day, I was very busy: "The guy and Xiaoyai love, in order to reproduce the next generation voluntarily, what is it?"

"Voluntary? What is your joke?"

The day is anger: "Releasten by you, I want to kill you is still not simple, have a deceivement you!"

The voice just fell on her body, a very horrible soul, even the air surrounded by a dramatic distortion, the violent momentum was more than the moonlight of Lin Xiaozhu and other people who have seen the moonlight. How many times.

The elderly said that the old man said, the day is a magic spider in the day, and it has reached 50,000 years.

"When the stupid snake came, I also took a little snake. It was originally only attached to us, but I didn't want to make a glue like a paint. In the end, I still let Xiaoyu's boy, if I want to blame, only Can blame himself. "

Listening to her, Lin Xiaoshu suddenly remembered the soul of the half snakes before you saw the half snake, and the huge body and Daming showed a three-point similar.

He stopped the action and said that the day month will continue.

"If you want our family's reproducism, you must swallow the father of the child, otherwise the eggs in the parent belly will stop growing, and in the final dead belly, I guess you know that this is the little snake tells Your, if we are tricky, how can we let go of that little thing? "

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