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Boom - Boom - Boom -

At this time, a giant sound came from the west side, and everyone hurriedly looked there.

A huge worm like a small mountain appeared, it's a heavy golden crust behind it, and the limbs were very strong, but the head is surprisingly small. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it.

The giant body of the giant insects, a tall ever of the 20,000-year-old soul, and it is working hard to block the mountains in front of him.

It was overturned by its giant.

It follows a large group of beetles, some carrying silver crustles, more than ten meters, and has a brown crust, more shells are dark, their body type is not too big, only two meters around, However, the limbs are very thick, and they are pushing the round boulders, come here.

"Moving the mountain beetle?" The mother of the mother is another excitement. "How did these guys come together?"

"Do you give this name?" Lin Xiaozhu blunt.

Those huge beetles in his eyes are clearly frank, and they only have a lot of body.

"What is the shell, that thing, is called the township beetle, which is not said that these guys are the part of the Xiwang Mountain, how can I appear here?"

"This group of small mort years, all in the weekdays, the turtle, today, someone dare to go to the old lady to mess, Xiao Lou went to pack them!"

"Yes!" Xiao Lotice, then led a group of moonlight migrapies to the west side.

"Just at this time, the mountains on the east side sounded a harsh scream.

Everyone's eyes are not commended by their own.

I saw a buzzer group of black pressure, such as the migration of the Dudes, and they have a pair of puzzling and deep purple scorpions. When they are hit, they are like a group of nights carrying a strange. Star.

They have been like the black wind, like those devil worms, the valley has become empty, horror.

However, the most terrible thing is not these insects.

"Library ········"

A sound from hell, there is a color between the earthquake, and the three of Lin Xiaozhu is a heartbeat.

When they look at the worms, they are curious and what kind of horror is still not appeared.

"Library !!!!"

It is also a snoring, and the earth is shocked. A crack of a few meters wide, a black huge giant is drilled out from the ground.

Its black skeleton is long, with nearly 10,000 touch angles. Every pair of tentacles have a pair of purple and dead poisonous eyes, ferocious to make people don't dare to see the shocking body as if they want to insert the cloud, completely I can't see the whole picture.

Look at the terrorist temperament that is emerging, it is actually 300,000 years.

"The ghost poison is very eye-catching, no wonder the devil in this, the nine gods will be out of the nest!" The old man of this Hill is almost shouted.

It is completely gloomy than the end of the East, she already understands that it is not in a plum in it, but is involved in a plot.

The goals of these insects are very obvious, that is, to attack the nest of the moonlight of the moon, most of the magic worms are used to explore the virtual.

The day of the day, the magic spider is immediately sent to another moon night magic spider to meet, and a very violent battle around the entire valley is burst.

In the face of hundreds of thousands of years, the soul of tens of thousands of years is just a cannon, and a piece of falling is, let alone those who have a thousand years of soul beasts, and the roots of fire. This is.

Soon, more than 100,000 years of soul beasts have handed together, and the sky killed in a time, the mountain river is broken.

Nowadays, there is only the north side of the mountain without an enemy attack, Lin Xiaozhu and the idea of ​​the East Third people, but the day of the magic spider seems to have not allowed to leave.

It moved a huge body and blocked the three people.

There are nearly 100 moon nights around the day, and there is another detachment of more than 300,000 years, with a 98-level title Douro, with an overwhelming advantage.

At this time, the mountains of the north have sounded a sound of ", ·····", like a thousand horses of Mercedes.

Between the moment, a seat is separated from the middle, from the bullion of the huge things, compared with the huge body, their heads, like the cone, the scales on the back, the limbs are extremely Strong, dragging the huge tail behind.

The breath of these huge behemoths is extremely powerful, and it seems that every cultivation is over 780,000 years!

There are seven rows behind them and the same huge behemoths in the same row, and the rows are neat, and they will travel to the valley.

"Open Mountain!" The old whose low language, "even these guys are dispatched, it seems that the west of the West is really coming!"

If the voice does not fall, you will see a big mountainous contour after the whole sixty huge open mountaine.

They followed a huge giants that were nearly 100 meters, and the scales on its body showed gluations, such as walking in the mountains, with three or four body shapes with three or four stones. The behemoth, the mountains in front of the mountains and them seem to be slightly negated.

The minimum cultivation of these huge beivers is also over 100,000 years, the biggest body, obviously has been over 300,000 years.

"The day of the day, don't come, we haven't seen it for a few thousand years?"

The sound is issued from the most large hosted mountain armor. It is like a baby, and it is lying there, so that the two lang legs, what is eaten.

His body has a black giant cone with a black giant palace.

The first moon magic spider is cold channel: "Wearing a day, you can't come late, at this time, with these nine-ink ink, what does it mean?"

Wearing a day, "" Who did you have anyone guilty? "

"Why don't you come by myself?"

"Do you still use Raksha you?"

At this time, there was a man wearing red and green, a cold-faced man in the world, with a blood-red eye above his forehead, with a blastless air that made a surrounding air instantly.

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