Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 552 killing thousands of hint

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Although the tentacles on the body seem to be unsatisfactory, most of the black eyes are large, the amount of burning violet is not much.

While Lin Xiaozhu touched the ground, it was once again jumped, and he was like a lightning, turning Mercedes, and he was his phantom.

This kind of immersive body is dazzling, caught in the real body of Lin Xiaozhu once.

He blinks closer to the neck of 10,000 hint.

In this moment, Lin Xiaoshu hands hold the sword handle, and the strength is burst into the ultimate.

He squatted three tentacles with purple eyes, while the opponent injected with poisonous gas again.

However, this time, the endless hint did not let him fall directly, when Lin Xiaozhu fell to its chest position, it fierce, the position of the chest suddenly opened, revealing the purple eyelid of dense Ma Ma, flashing Purple light, like a star of the sky.

These purple eyes appear to have a pharmonic role, and Lin Xiaozhu, who was taken by purple, couldn't help but stop.

At that moment, he felt that his blood was solidified.

Hundreds of vicious cool eyes, shot a purple ray penetrated into Lin Xiaoshu's spiritual world, if he is not his spiritual power, between this moment, the brain is afraid that I have already become a piece of meat.

However, after absorbing the soul rings and soul bones that are extremely good at spiritual attacks, his mental strength has long been, it is impossible to hurt by this level of spiritual attack.

The ghost poisonous hint is like being afraid that Lin Xiaozhu runs. When he is slightly stiff, he will open a big mouth of the blood, and you must swallow Lin Xiaozhu.

There is no tongue in the horrible big mouth, but a circle of scum.

However, these teeth will only be used when they face the huge soul of the body, like Lin Xiaoshuo so small body shape, it feels directly swallowed, and the moment will be melted into a blue water.

Lin Xiaozhu saw the ghosts and unsteaded, and there was no hiding, and he did not have strength in the eyes of others.

Wearing a day, smiled: "Self-extinity!"

The face of Yu Qingfeng also revealed disdain.

They know that the venom in the ghosts in the stomach, even if the iron stone enters the soul, it is not doubt that Lin Xiaoshu will die.

Extracurizes the hint to swallow the Lin Xiaozhu into the mouth.

Xiao Xiaoli can't help but exclaim, "Ah !!!"

"Damn!" Bisong's face is gloomy, and the soul is suddenly out of time, and immediately go forward.

The old man is busy, "he should be not so easy to die."

With his understanding of Lin Xiaozhu, do not believe that the other party will be so easy to be swallowed.

"What do you mean?" Some of the ratio I can't understand.

At this time, I changed back to human form, sitting in the pavilion, looking for a little confusion to the old eyes of the back.

She also knows this time even if she is not too late to rescue the tree.

The old man shook his head. "You look, the boy is what I have ever seen, the most difficult guys, not so easy to die."

Everyone does not understand where the old man is confident, and it is looking to the huge body of the ghosts.

At this time, it suddenly flashes a glamorous red light in a dark big mouth.

Lin Xiaozhu's figure appeared there.

If someone is next to him, he will find that his mouth is slightly tight, showing a smile of a taste.

"Pei Peacock!"

The fist burning a blazing flame is like a rain point, and the entire space in the moment is like a lava purgatory.

Everyone noticed that the bodies of the god poisonous body revealed the blood of the blood, and it seemed that there was a fire from its body burned.

" -"

Eleids immediately issued a painful snoring, the huge body is dramatically, and the blink of an eye is shrinking, and a smoke drilled from its mouth, it opened his mouth and desperate vomiting.

At the same time, a moving figure flew out from the full hint, it was the bones of the bone wings.

When I turned into a hundred meters, I looked at this giant insect.

It vomits a rocky liquid, is boiling, rolling black smoke, which also mix many organ debris, these organs have been burned into a bunch of meat.

Lin Xiaozhu released the "pilgrimage!" In it.

Numerous fireballs suddenly blown in the body of the god poison, and the abdomen between the moment is already like a boiled pot.

Because I used the sword to attack, I thought that Lin Xiaozhu had already put all the attacks on his purple eyes, but he didn't think that the other party did dare to take risks into its mouth, launch an attack in the body, and It also uses such a skill such as destructive power.

Pilgrims are the ultimate ancient righteousness of the six-door, and horrible power can even grasp a mountain. Even if the body is strong, it is in the body, and it is difficult to break under this attack. withstand.

Its stomach fluid has poured a lot, and there is no way to cast the flames of the peacock. After a few breathing, the body is burned in the body.

Under the hot high temperature, it even has a complete organ, and the eyes of the abdomen flashed the purple rays gradually bleak.

The body of the Extreme fell into the ground, with time, the movement is getting smaller and smaller, the strength is getting thinner, and eventually no movement.

[You kill 300,000 thousand nine hundred years "soul beast ghost and poisonous eye, get experience 1870391!



[Again Information: Douro Continent]

Double life: Lin Xiaoshu

Combat power: b +

Level: 50 [Soul Level 70 (MAX) can continue to improve after getting the soul ring!

Experience value: 9394071683000

Wu Sou: Ferry Beast Congy

Energy: Chakra Soul Domineering 129980157300

Occupation: Soul

Potential: 511

Status: LV4 Knight (World Tree)


The big substance collapsed, and turned into a bunch of flying ash.

At this time, the onlookers understand that the strong 300,000 years of soul beasts, the ghosts are full of hints!

"Dead ???" Xiaoxue, she can't believe it.

"How can I ..." "" "" ""

Bisong is also completely shocked.

is that a lie! ?

A small soul emperor can kill the soul of 300,000 years.

This kind of phenomenon is, even if she shot, I am afraid I have to go to defeat the other party.

Is this kid or a person?

Bisong is incomparably shocked to Lin Xiaozhu in the center of the valley.

At this time, the soul of the nine demon has issued a slap in the mourning, and it will be able to escape.

The ghosts are their king. In these insects, they are God's general existence. Now they are killed, which makes them panic.

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