You can search for "Starting from Douluo to sign in Zhutian World Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The system prompt sounded like rain. After killing the navy of the entire warship, Lin Xiaozhu's level rose by 6 in one breath. The Chakra in his body soared several times and his strength was greatly improved.

But Lin Xiaozhu didn't have any surprises or excitement. The cruelty of the war still lingered in his mind.

He took out Nohara Lin's Character Arrival Card and injected Chakra into it. The Arrival Card flew into the air with a light green light.

After a dazzling light, Ye Yuan Lin, who was wearing a black forbearance suit, suddenly appeared, her big eyes blinking, she didn't seem to understand why she suddenly appeared here.

When she saw Lin Xiaozhu who was covered in scars, she almost screamed, but he was covering her mouth.

"Shhh, don't scream, it will be very troublesome to be found out."

Seeing Nohara Lin nodded, he slowly let go.

Lin whispered: "Why hurt like this, lie down, I'll heal you."

"Actually, it's nothing big..." Lin Xiaozhu smiled, but still lay on the ground obediently.

"You know to be strong!" Ye Yuan Lin groaned.

She put her hands on his chest to perform medical ninjutsu, and a group of green light appeared between her hands.

Lin Xiaozhu quietly looked at Ye Yuanlin with tears in her eyes, a warm current surged in her heart, feeling that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and she gradually fell asleep.

"By the way, a big sister came here just now, called... Olvia..." Ye Yuan Lin saw Lin Xiaozhu already asleep at this time.

She opened her mouth and her voice was inaudible: "It's pretty..."

When he woke up, Lin Xiaozhu found that there was no one around him. He remembered that the Character Arrival Card had only one hour to use.

He got up and moved a few times, and noticed that the damage he suffered when opening the eight doors seemed to have healed, and even the wound on the back of his hand had disappeared.

"Lin must be exhausted, and just forgot to give her the video shell."

Lin Xiaozhu remembered that he had gone up to level 6 in one breath and gained more than 100 points of potential.

He carefully looked at the two domineering and six forms that he could see. They are still in an unlocked state. He found that the potential points are very limited, so he needs to screen before learning.

Domineering is one of the most powerful abilities. It cannot be controlled at the elementary level. It needs to be triggered by emotions such as anger, and it cannot control the target and easily hurts oneself.

Only at the intermediate level can you freely control the scope and goals. Before learning the intermediate level because of the lack of potential points, and the elementary ability is very tasteless, Lin Xiaozhu chose to temporarily shelve it.

He immediately used 110 potential points to learn the domineering domineering to the intermediate level.

[Domineering = Chakra, the intermediate domineering color consumes 500 points of domineering per use]

Lin Xiaozhu felt that spirit power was actually the same as Chakra and Domineering, but there was no way to test the spirit power level in these planes.

He could only speculate on his own. If the number of Chakras in his body was similar to that of the Soul Master before, then his current Chakra is estimated to be almost the same as the Great Soul Master.

It's a pity that Lin Xiaozhu only learned a "wrapping" spirit ability of Blue Silver Grass for the time being, and he didn't find any such grass on the way, so he couldn't try its power.Love me ebook

The moment after he finished studying domineering, the coercion in his body surged out, and a majestic invisible force swept the audience, and the air around him was stagnant for a moment, as if bowing his head under this coercion.

If there are people around, you will be shaken by the pressure and you will turn your eyes white and fall to the ground. It is not so much a domineering aura, but more like a level difference between creatures, just like a dragon versus an ordinary beast. Contempt!

"Armed Domineering" is a kind of domineering that can enhance its own defense and offensive power, and can capture the flowing body of a person with natural fruit ability. In addition to entangled itself, it can also be wrapped around a weapon to increase attack power.

After entering the new world, many people will be domineering, but their power is very different. High-level armed colors can even destroy the inside of the target without touching the opponent.

Lin Xiaozhu took a closer look. Like the domineering color, the armed color is also divided into three levels. The primary level is black domineering, and the intermediate domineering color changes to different colors according to the user. At the advanced level, domineering can adjust the color according to your needs. Or return to the body without revealing it.

Of course, after the level is increased, the firmness and destructive power will also be greatly improved, and the potential points required for learning are 5, 50, and 500 from low to high.

At present, Lin Xiaozhu's remaining potential points are only enough to learn the elementary level, because defense is his weakest ability, he did not hesitate to use 5 potential points to learn.

After learning the two kinds of domineering, Lin Xiaozhu noticed that his strength has greatly increased, and his combat effectiveness has directly increased to E.

He clenched his fist and let the domineering cover it, and his fist immediately turned blue and black. He felt cold to the touch, no different from steel. He learned how to be armed and domineering. The "iron block" in the six formulas is nothing to him. Useful.

Armed domineering can not only be used on the limbs, but can even cover any part of the body, but the more parts covered, the higher the number of domineering used.

It only costs 20 points per minute to release it on the fist, but to cover the whole body, it needs 120 points per minute.

Thinking of covering any part of his body, Lin Xiaozhu had a bold idea...

He nodded contentedly and touched his chin, feeling that these potential points didn't hurt at all.

As for the moves in the Six Forms, each learning requires 10 potential points. He now has only 27 potential points left, so he decides to learn when he needs it, in case he gets some more powerful abilities later, learning these is a waste.

Lin Xiaozhu opened the door of the house and walked out, and found that the warship was sailing eastward, looking towards the stern of the ship, the vast sea was everywhere.

He checked the system time and found that there were less than 85 hours left, and he slept for more than 7 hours.

Lin Xiaozhu thought about the task in progress.

In the original book, Portcas D. Lujiu is the wife of One Piece Roger and the mother of Ace.

After Roger's death, Lu Jiu wanted to keep her flesh and blood in this world. In order to prevent the Navy from discovering that she was pregnant with Roger's child, Ace stayed in her stomach for 20 months before giving birth to him. Exhausted to death.

Now we must hurry up to go to Baterila Island in the South China Sea.

Lin Xiaozhu saw two navy approaching not far away. One was thin and tall, and the other was short and fat. Standing together seemed particularly uncoordinated.

The two of them were first-class soldiers, their lanky name was Lyle, and the short fat Singi passed by here when they were on the mission.

Lyle saw Lin Xiaozhu wearing a recruit's clothes, and immediately asked: "Hey! New recruit, what are you doing stupidly standing here? Didn't the chief arrange something to do?"

"I was stunned by shelling on the island. I don't know who carried it to the boat. I just woke up. Where is this place?"

Hearing that the recruit in front of him said that he was stunned by the cannon, the two men showed mocking expressions.

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